Ehsan Haghighat

About Ehsan Haghighat

Ehsan Haghighat, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 16 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, specializes in the field of Scientific Machine Learning, Computational Mechanics, Data Analytics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

En-DeepONet: An enrichment approach for enhancing the expressivity of neural operators with applications to seismology

Machine Learning‐Enabled Precision Position Control and Thermal Regulation in Advanced Thermal Actuators

LatticeGraphNet: A two-scale graph neural operator for simulating lattice structures

An efficient phase-field model of shear fractures using deviatoric stress split

Inverse modeling of nonisothermal multiphase poromechanics using physics-informed neural networks

Application of Physics-Informed Neural Networks for forward and inverse analysis of pile–soil interaction

Constitutive model characterization and discovery using physics-informed deep learning

Multiphysics discovery with moving boundaries using Ensemble SINDy and Peridynamic Differential Operator

Ehsan Haghighat Information



Research Affiliate at - Postdoc Fellow at UBC



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Ehsan Haghighat Skills & Research Interests

Scientific Machine Learning

Computational Mechanics

Data Analytics

Top articles of Ehsan Haghighat

En-DeepONet: An enrichment approach for enhancing the expressivity of neural operators with applications to seismology

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering


Ehsan Haghighat
Ehsan Haghighat

H-Index: 8

Umair Bin Waheed
Umair Bin Waheed

H-Index: 8

Machine Learning‐Enabled Precision Position Control and Thermal Regulation in Advanced Thermal Actuators

Advanced Materials Technologies


Seyed Mo Mirvakili
Seyed Mo Mirvakili

H-Index: 12

Ehsan Haghighat
Ehsan Haghighat

H-Index: 8

LatticeGraphNet: A two-scale graph neural operator for simulating lattice structures

arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.01045


Ayush Jain
Ayush Jain

H-Index: 1

Ehsan Haghighat
Ehsan Haghighat

H-Index: 8

An efficient phase-field model of shear fractures using deviatoric stress split

Computational Mechanics


Ehsan Haghighat
Ehsan Haghighat

H-Index: 8

Inverse modeling of nonisothermal multiphase poromechanics using physics-informed neural networks

Journal of Computational Physics


Ehsan Haghighat
Ehsan Haghighat

H-Index: 8

Ruben Juanes
Ruben Juanes

H-Index: 41

Application of Physics-Informed Neural Networks for forward and inverse analysis of pile–soil interaction

Acta Mechanica Sinica


Constitutive model characterization and discovery using physics-informed deep learning

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence


Ehsan Haghighat
Ehsan Haghighat

H-Index: 8

Reza Vaziri
Reza Vaziri

H-Index: 4

Multiphysics discovery with moving boundaries using Ensemble SINDy and Peridynamic Differential Operator

arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.15631


Ehsan Haghighat
Ehsan Haghighat

H-Index: 8

An unsupervised latent/output physics-informed convolutional-LSTM network for solving partial differential equations using peridynamic differential operator

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering


Ehsan Haghighat
Ehsan Haghighat

H-Index: 8

Forward and inverse modeling of nonisothermal multiphase poromechanics using physics-informed neural networks

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Ehsan Haghighat
Ehsan Haghighat

H-Index: 8

Ruben Juanes
Ruben Juanes

H-Index: 41

Physics-informed neural network solution of thermo–hydro–mechanical processes in porous media

Journal of Engineering Mechanics


Ehsan Haghighat
Ehsan Haghighat

H-Index: 8

Ruben Juanes
Ruben Juanes

H-Index: 41

Fracture characterization from noisy displacement data using artificial neural networks

Engineering Fracture Mechanics


Energy-based error bound of physics-informed neural network solutions in elasticity

Journal of Engineering Mechanics


Mengwu Guo
Mengwu Guo

H-Index: 5

Ehsan Haghighat
Ehsan Haghighat

H-Index: 8

Physics-informed neural network simulation of multiphase poroelasticity using stress-split sequential training

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering


Ehsan Haghighat
Ehsan Haghighat

H-Index: 8

Ruben Juanes
Ruben Juanes

H-Index: 41

A holistic approach to computing first-arrival traveltimes using physics-informed neural networks


Solving the eikonal equation for compressional and shear waves in anisotropic media using peridynamic differential operator

Geophysical Journal International


On the solution of hyperbolic equations using the peridynamic differential operator

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering


Ehsan Haghighat
Ehsan Haghighat

H-Index: 8

A computational framework for meso and macroscale analysis of structural masonry

International Journal of Solids and Structures


A physics-informed neural network approach to solution and identification of biharmonic equations of elasticity

Journal of Engineering Mechanics


Ehsan Haghighat
Ehsan Haghighat

H-Index: 8

Deep learning for solution and inversion of structural mechanics and vibrations


Ehsan Haghighat
Ehsan Haghighat

H-Index: 8

Ruben Juanes
Ruben Juanes

H-Index: 41

See List of Professors in Ehsan Haghighat University(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

