Dongjin Cho

About Dongjin Cho

Dongjin Cho, With an exceptional h-index of 10 and a recent h-index of 10 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, specializes in the field of GIS, Remote Sensing, Machine Learning, Heat waves, Air temperatures.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

12 Urban Summer Air Temperature Forecasting through a Fusion of a Numerical Weather

A hybrid machine learning approach to investigate the changing urban thermal environment by dynamic land cover transformation: A case study of Suwon, republic of Korea

An innovative method to investigate the altering urban thermal environment by dynamic land cover change: A case study of Suwon, Republic of Korea

Deep learning-based statistical downscaling for short-term forecasting of summer air temperatures

Diurnal urban heat risk assessment and real-time population data in Seoul

Trend Analysis ofVegetation Changes of Korean Fir (Abies koreana Wilson) in Hallasan and Jirisan Using MODIS Imagery

A new statistical downscaling approach for short‐term forecasting of summer air temperatures through a fusion of deep learning and spatial interpolation

Diurnal urban heat risk assessment using extreme air temperatures and real-time population data in Seoul

Dongjin Cho Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Dongjin Cho Skills & Research Interests


Remote Sensing

Machine Learning

Heat waves

Air temperatures

Top articles of Dongjin Cho

12 Urban Summer Air Temperature Forecasting through a Fusion of a Numerical Weather

Handbook of Geospatial Approaches to Sustainable Cities


Dongjin Cho
Dongjin Cho

H-Index: 3

Jungho Im
Jungho Im

H-Index: 34

A hybrid machine learning approach to investigate the changing urban thermal environment by dynamic land cover transformation: A case study of Suwon, republic of Korea


An innovative method to investigate the altering urban thermal environment by dynamic land cover change: A case study of Suwon, Republic of Korea

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Deep learning-based statistical downscaling for short-term forecasting of summer air temperatures

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Dongjin Cho
Dongjin Cho

H-Index: 3

Jungho Im
Jungho Im

H-Index: 34

Diurnal urban heat risk assessment and real-time population data in Seoul


Trend Analysis ofVegetation Changes of Korean Fir (Abies koreana Wilson) in Hallasan and Jirisan Using MODIS Imagery


Jungho Im
Jungho Im

H-Index: 34

Dongjin Cho
Dongjin Cho

H-Index: 3

A new statistical downscaling approach for short‐term forecasting of summer air temperatures through a fusion of deep learning and spatial interpolation

Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society


Dongjin Cho
Dongjin Cho

H-Index: 3

Jungho Im
Jungho Im

H-Index: 34

Diurnal urban heat risk assessment using extreme air temperatures and real-time population data in Seoul



All Sky Particulate Matter Retrieval using Himawari-8 Aerosol Optical Depth Based on Machine Learning

한국대기환경학회 학술대회논문집


Machine learning and GIS-based spatial analysis of cardiovascular disease in South Korea

ISEE Conference Abstracts


Dongjin Cho
Dongjin Cho

H-Index: 3

Jungho Im
Jungho Im

H-Index: 34

Domain knowledge-guided UNet approach for spatial downscaling of GDAPS model's air temperature forecast in summer

한국기상학회 학술대회 논문집


Dongjin Cho
Dongjin Cho

H-Index: 3

Jungho Im
Jungho Im

H-Index: 34

다종 위성자료와 인공지능 기법을 이용한 한반도 주변 해역의 고해상도 해수면온도 자료 생산

Korean Journal of Remote Sensing


Downscaling MODIS nighttime land surface temperatures in urban areas using ASTER thermal data through local linear forest

International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation


All-sky 1 km MODIS land surface temperature reconstruction considering cloud effects based on machine learning

Remote Sensing


Development of model output statistics based on the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator regression for forecasting next‐day maximum temperature in South Korea

Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society


A novel ensemble learning for post-processing of NWP Model's next-day maximum air temperature forecast in summer using deep learning and statistical approaches

Weather and Climate Extremes


Generation of daily high-resolution sea surface temperature for the seas around the Korean peninsula using multi-satellite data and artificial intelligence


Jungho Im
Jungho Im

H-Index: 34

Dongjin Cho
Dongjin Cho

H-Index: 3

스태킹 앙상블 모델을 이용한 시간별 지상 오존 공간내삽 정확도 향상



Improved retrievals of aerosol optical depth and fine mode fraction from GOCI geostationary satellite data using machine learning over East Asia

ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing


Comparative Assessment of Linear Regression and Machine Learning for Analyzing the Spatial Distribution of Ground-level NO2 Concentrations: A Case Study for Seoul, Korea


See List of Professors in Dongjin Cho University(Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)

