Dilip Kumar Maiti

About Dilip Kumar Maiti

Dilip Kumar Maiti, With an exceptional h-index of 11 and a recent h-index of 7 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Vidyasagar University, specializes in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

General approach on the best fitted linear operator and basis function for homotopy methods and application to strongly nonlinear oscillators

Impacts of non-locality and memory kernel of fractional derivative, awareness and treatment strategies on HIV/AIDS prevalence

Base Fluids, Its Temperature and Heat Source on MHD Couette–Poiseuille Nanofluid Flow through Slippy Porous Microchannel with Convective-Radiative Condition: Entropy Analysis

Pressure gradient and an upstream cylinder on nanofluid flow around a heated cylinder: Heat transfer and entropy analysis

Variable injection–suction and temperature on Couette–Poiseuille non-Newtonian flow through slippy microchannel: heat transfer and entropy generation

An optimal and modified homotopy perturbation method for strongly nonlinear differential equations

A General Mathematical Approach On the Selection of Auxiliary Linear Operator and Initial Guess for Homotopy Methods

Impact of fear-effect on a delayed eco-epidemiological model with standard incidence rate, Holling type-II functional response and fading memory

Dilip Kumar Maiti Information



Dept. of Applied Mathematics with Oceanology and Computer Programming



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Dilip Kumar Maiti Skills & Research Interests

Computational Fluid Dynamics

Top articles of Dilip Kumar Maiti

General approach on the best fitted linear operator and basis function for homotopy methods and application to strongly nonlinear oscillators

Mathematics and Computers in Simulation


Impacts of non-locality and memory kernel of fractional derivative, awareness and treatment strategies on HIV/AIDS prevalence

Chaos, Solitons & Fractals


Base Fluids, Its Temperature and Heat Source on MHD Couette–Poiseuille Nanofluid Flow through Slippy Porous Microchannel with Convective-Radiative Condition: Entropy Analysis

Journal of Engineering Thermophysics


Pressure gradient and an upstream cylinder on nanofluid flow around a heated cylinder: Heat transfer and entropy analysis

Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications


Variable injection–suction and temperature on Couette–Poiseuille non-Newtonian flow through slippy microchannel: heat transfer and entropy generation

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry


An optimal and modified homotopy perturbation method for strongly nonlinear differential equations

Nonlinear Dynamics


A General Mathematical Approach On the Selection of Auxiliary Linear Operator and Initial Guess for Homotopy Methods

Authorea Preprints


Dilip Kumar Maiti
Dilip Kumar Maiti

H-Index: 8

Tapas Roy
Tapas Roy

H-Index: 5

Impact of fear-effect on a delayed eco-epidemiological model with standard incidence rate, Holling type-II functional response and fading memory

Authorea Preprints


Dilip Kumar Maiti
Dilip Kumar Maiti

H-Index: 8

Complex dynamical behavior of a ratio-dependent eco-epidemic model with Holling type-II incidence rate in the presence of two delays

Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation


Dilip Kumar Maiti
Dilip Kumar Maiti

H-Index: 8

Heat transfer and entropy generation in a MHD Couette–Poiseuille flow through a microchannel with slip, suction–injection and radiation

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry


Spatio-temporal evolution of magnetohydrodynamic blood flow and heat dynamics through a porous medium in a wavy-walled artery

Computers in Biology and Medicine


Dilip Kumar Maiti
Dilip Kumar Maiti

H-Index: 8

See List of Professors in Dilip Kumar Maiti University(Vidyasagar University)

