Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori

About Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori

Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori, With an exceptional h-index of 27 and a recent h-index of 24 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Sistan and Baluchestan, specializes in the field of Biomedical and Tissue Engineering, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Bioreactor, Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC), Nanobiotechnology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Fabrication and optimization of superhydrophobic ZnO-SA/PVC/PVP nanocomposite membrane distillation for highly saline RO brine recovery

Response surface methodology for characterization of wind effect on combined convective loss from a bicylindrical cavity receiver

Implementation of Chitosan Modified Ultrafiltration Hollow Fiber as Proton Exchange Membrane of Ml-Scale Microbial Fuel Cells

Function Assessment of a Fabricated Artificial Vascular Graft in Sheep Carotid Artery

Performance evaluation of novel ml-scale microbial fuel cells using different polymeric hollow-fiber membranes

Microalgal biofouling formation on tubular cellulose-ester membranes during dewatering by forward osmosis

Experimental study of heat transfer enhancement using metal foam partially filled with phase change material in a heat sink

Pathological examination of blended and co-electrospinning hybrid polycaprolactone/polyurethane nanofibers for soft tissue engineering applications

Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori Information



Associate Professor of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori Skills & Research Interests

Biomedical and Tissue Engineering

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)


Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC)


Top articles of Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori

Fabrication and optimization of superhydrophobic ZnO-SA/PVC/PVP nanocomposite membrane distillation for highly saline RO brine recovery

Journal of Particle Science and Technology


Abdolreza Samimi
Abdolreza Samimi

H-Index: 17

Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori
Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori

H-Index: 17

Response surface methodology for characterization of wind effect on combined convective loss from a bicylindrical cavity receiver

Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications


Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori
Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori

H-Index: 17

Farhad Shahraki
Farhad Shahraki

H-Index: 14

Implementation of Chitosan Modified Ultrafiltration Hollow Fiber as Proton Exchange Membrane of Ml-Scale Microbial Fuel Cells


Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori
Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori

H-Index: 17

Abdolreza Samimi
Abdolreza Samimi

H-Index: 17

Function Assessment of a Fabricated Artificial Vascular Graft in Sheep Carotid Artery

Journal of Advances in Medical and Biomedical Research


Performance evaluation of novel ml-scale microbial fuel cells using different polymeric hollow-fiber membranes

Journal of Water Process Engineering


Microalgal biofouling formation on tubular cellulose-ester membranes during dewatering by forward osmosis



Experimental study of heat transfer enhancement using metal foam partially filled with phase change material in a heat sink

Journal of Energy Storage


Mohammad Reza Goodarzi
Mohammad Reza Goodarzi

H-Index: 4

Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori
Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori

H-Index: 17

Pathological examination of blended and co-electrospinning hybrid polycaprolactone/polyurethane nanofibers for soft tissue engineering applications

Journal of Industrial Textiles


Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori
Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori

H-Index: 17

Reza Taheri
Reza Taheri

H-Index: 1

Enhancing biocompatibility of PCL/PU nano-structures to control the water wettability by NaOH hydrolysis treatment for tissue engineering applications

Journal of Industrial Textiles


Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori
Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori

H-Index: 17

Forward osmosis dewatering of seawater and pesticide contaminated effluents using the commercial fertilizers and zinc-nitrate blend draw solutions

Science of The Total Environment


Abdolreza Samimi
Abdolreza Samimi

H-Index: 17

Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori
Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori

H-Index: 17

Multi-response optimization of tubular microbial fuel cells using response surface methodology (RSM)

Journal of Renewable Energy and Environment


Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori
Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori

H-Index: 17

Effect of Laminar Pulsatile Fluid Flow on Separation of Volatile Organic Compounds from Aqueous Solution by a Hollow Fiber Membrane-Based Process

Iranian journal of chemistry & chemical engineering


Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori
Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori

H-Index: 17

Milliliter-scale microbial fuel cell (MFC) fabricated by polyethersulfone (PES) hollow fiber membrane

Chemical Process Design


Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori
Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori

H-Index: 17

Experimental Investigation and Modeling of Bubble Departure Frequency for Pool‐Boiling Heat Transfer

International Journal of Advanced Design & Manufacturing Technology


Durum wheat semolina-modified ceramic membranes as novel porous separators for enhanced power generation and wastewater remediation using microbial fuel cell

Bioresource Technology


Enhancing the efficiency of ceramic native soil membrane using Zircon in a continuous microbial fuel cell for wastewater treatment and sustainable energy

Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering


Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori
Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori

H-Index: 17

Meissam Noroozifar
Meissam Noroozifar

H-Index: 23

Numerical modeling and parametric study of a hollow fiber dialyzer using double porous media approach

South African Journal of Chemical Engineering


Mohammad Reza Goodarzi
Mohammad Reza Goodarzi

H-Index: 4

Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori
Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori

H-Index: 17

A review on developments of in-vitro and in-vivo evaluation of hybrid PCL-based natural polymers nanofibers scaffolds for vascular tissue engineering


Combined convective loss from a bicylindrical cavity receiver under wind condition: an experimental study

Experimental Heat Transfer


Farhad Shahraki
Farhad Shahraki

H-Index: 14

Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori
Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori

H-Index: 17

A mesoporous melamine/chitosan/activated carbon biocomposite: Preparation, characterization and its application for Ni (II) uptake via ion imprinting

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules


See List of Professors in Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori University(University of Sistan and Baluchestan)

