Mohammad Reza Goodarzi

About Mohammad Reza Goodarzi

Mohammad Reza Goodarzi, With an exceptional h-index of 9 and a recent h-index of 7 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Yazd University, specializes in the field of Hydrological Models, Water Resources Management, WEF Nexus, GIS & RS application in WRM, Climate Change Impacts on WRM.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Enhancing the water quality index for assessing sustainable water resources in the Abarkuh aquifer

Effects of climate change on streamflow in the Dez Basin of Iran using the IHACRES model based on the CMIP6 model

A machine learning approach for predicting and localizing the failure and damage point in sewer networks due to pipe properties

Evaluation of a weather forecasting model and HEC-HMS for flood forecasting: case study of Talesh catchment

Assessment of machine learning models for short-term streamflow estimation: the case of Dez River in Iran

Water quality index estimations using machine learning algorithms: a case study of Yazd-Ardakan Plain, Iran

Evaluation of snowmelt impacts on flood flows based on remote sensing using SRM model

Analysis of low-flow indices in the era of climate change: an application of CanESM2 model

Mohammad Reza Goodarzi Information



Associate ProfessorDep. of Civil Engineering Iran



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Mohammad Reza Goodarzi Skills & Research Interests

Hydrological Models

Water Resources Management

WEF Nexus

GIS & RS application in WRM

Climate Change Impacts on WRM

Top articles of Mohammad Reza Goodarzi

Enhancing the water quality index for assessing sustainable water resources in the Abarkuh aquifer

Modeling Earth Systems and Environment


Mohammad Reza Goodarzi
Mohammad Reza Goodarzi

H-Index: 4

Effects of climate change on streamflow in the Dez Basin of Iran using the IHACRES model based on the CMIP6 model

Journal of Water and Climate Change


Mohammad Reza Goodarzi
Mohammad Reza Goodarzi

H-Index: 4

A machine learning approach for predicting and localizing the failure and damage point in sewer networks due to pipe properties

Journal of Water and Health


Mohammad Reza Goodarzi
Mohammad Reza Goodarzi

H-Index: 4

Evaluation of a weather forecasting model and HEC-HMS for flood forecasting: case study of Talesh catchment

Applied Water Science


Mohammad Reza Goodarzi
Mohammad Reza Goodarzi

H-Index: 4

Ali Talebi
Ali Talebi

H-Index: 8

Assessment of machine learning models for short-term streamflow estimation: the case of Dez River in Iran

Sustainable Water Resources Management


Mohammad Reza Goodarzi
Mohammad Reza Goodarzi

H-Index: 4

Majid Niazkar
Majid Niazkar

H-Index: 13

Water quality index estimations using machine learning algorithms: a case study of Yazd-Ardakan Plain, Iran



Evaluation of snowmelt impacts on flood flows based on remote sensing using SRM model



Mohammad Reza Goodarzi
Mohammad Reza Goodarzi

H-Index: 4

Majid Niazkar
Majid Niazkar

H-Index: 13

Analysis of low-flow indices in the era of climate change: an application of CanESM2 model


Climate change impacts on snow cover area and snowmelt runoff in the Ajichai Basin‐Iran

International Journal of Climatology


Mohammad Reza Goodarzi
Mohammad Reza Goodarzi

H-Index: 4

Nasrin Fathollahzadeh Attar
Nasrin Fathollahzadeh Attar

H-Index: 2

Machine learning-based downscaling: Application of multi-gene genetic programming for downscaling daily temperature at Dogonbadan, Iran, under CMIP6 scenarios

Theoretical and Applied Climatology


Majid Niazkar
Majid Niazkar

H-Index: 13

Mohammad Reza Goodarzi
Mohammad Reza Goodarzi

H-Index: 4

Investigating Uncertainty of Future Predictions of Temperature and Precipitation in The Kerman Plain under Climate Change Impacts



Mohammad Reza Goodarzi
Mohammad Reza Goodarzi

H-Index: 4

Vahid Jamali
Vahid Jamali

H-Index: 24

Majid Niazkar
Majid Niazkar

H-Index: 13

River water flow prediction rate based on machine learning algorithms: a case study of Dez River, Iran


Mohammad Reza Goodarzi
Mohammad Reza Goodarzi

H-Index: 4

Davood Shishebori
Davood Shishebori

H-Index: 10

Evaluation of winter snow properties effects on spring soil moisture using satellite images in the Northwest of Iran

Acta Geophysica


Mohammad Reza Goodarzi
Mohammad Reza Goodarzi

H-Index: 4

Majid Niazkar
Majid Niazkar

H-Index: 13

Evaluation of the effects of climate change and pollution discharge scenario on the quality of Dez River using the QUAL2Kw model

Environmental Earth Sciences


Mohammad Reza Goodarzi
Mohammad Reza Goodarzi

H-Index: 4

A geostatistical approach to estimate flow duration curve parameters in ungauged basins

Applied Water Science


Mohammad Reza Goodarzi
Mohammad Reza Goodarzi

H-Index: 4

Evaluation of Iran’s Water-Energy-Food Nexus Index Comparing Other Countries

Irrigation and Water Engineering


Mohammad Reza Goodarzi
Mohammad Reza Goodarzi

H-Index: 4

Assessing land use changes’ effect on river water quality in the Dez Basin using land change modeler

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment


Mohammad Reza Goodarzi
Mohammad Reza Goodarzi

H-Index: 4

Nasrin Fathollahzadeh Attar
Nasrin Fathollahzadeh Attar

H-Index: 2

Impacts of aspect on snow characteristics using remote sensing from 2000 to 2020 in Ajichai-Iran

Cold Regions Science and Technology


Mohammad Reza Goodarzi
Mohammad Reza Goodarzi

H-Index: 4

Mohammad Hossein Mokhtari
Mohammad Hossein Mokhtari

H-Index: 7

Evaluation of satellite-based and reanalysis precipitation datasets with gauge-observed data over Haraz-Gharehsoo basin, Iran



Mohammad Reza Goodarzi
Mohammad Reza Goodarzi

H-Index: 4

Majid Niazkar
Majid Niazkar

H-Index: 13

Urban WEF nexus: an approach for the use of internal resources under climate change



Mohammad Reza Goodarzi
Mohammad Reza Goodarzi

H-Index: 4

Majid Niazkar
Majid Niazkar

H-Index: 13

See List of Professors in Mohammad Reza Goodarzi University(Yazd University)

