Daniela Ribeiro Alves

About Daniela Ribeiro Alves

Daniela Ribeiro Alves, With an exceptional h-index of 11 and a recent h-index of 11 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade Estadual do Ceará, specializes in the field of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Natural products prospection, Biological activities, Bioinformatics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Larvicidal activity of Annona mucosa Jacq. extract and main constituents rolliniastatin 1 and rollinicin against Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus

In vitro antioxidant and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory properties of the alkaloid fraction of Cissampelos sympodialis Eichler

Chemical composition and anticholinesterase activity of cultivated bulbs from Hippeastrum elegans, a potential tropical source of bioactive alkaloids

O ensino de Ciências Naturais na educação básica por meio de atividades lúdicas: Uma revisão da literatura

Essential Oil of Cynophalla flexuosa and its Cytotoxicity, Antioxidant, and Anti-Acetylcholinesterase Effect

Virtual screening of citrus flavonoid tangeretin: a promising pharmacological tool for the treatment and prevention of Zika fever and COVID-19

Perfil cromatográfico por HPLC-DAD, potencial antiacetilcolinesterase e toxicidade de extratos etanólicos da espécie bauhinia monandra kurz

Total phenolic content and antioxidant and anticholinesterase activities of medicinal plants from the State’s Cocó Park (Fortaleza-CE, Brazil)

Daniela Ribeiro Alves Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Daniela Ribeiro Alves Skills & Research Interests


Molecular Biology

Natural products prospection

Biological activities


Top articles of Daniela Ribeiro Alves

Larvicidal activity of Annona mucosa Jacq. extract and main constituents rolliniastatin 1 and rollinicin against Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus

Industrial Crops and Products


Daniela Ribeiro Alves
Daniela Ribeiro Alves

H-Index: 5

Selene Maia De Morais
Selene Maia De Morais

H-Index: 35

In vitro antioxidant and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory properties of the alkaloid fraction of Cissampelos sympodialis Eichler

South African Journal of Botany


Chemical composition and anticholinesterase activity of cultivated bulbs from Hippeastrum elegans, a potential tropical source of bioactive alkaloids

Phytochemistry Letters


Daniela Ribeiro Alves
Daniela Ribeiro Alves

H-Index: 5

Selene Maia De Morais
Selene Maia De Morais

H-Index: 35

O ensino de Ciências Naturais na educação básica por meio de atividades lúdicas: Uma revisão da literatura


Daniela Ribeiro Alves
Daniela Ribeiro Alves

H-Index: 5

Selene Maia De Morais
Selene Maia De Morais

H-Index: 35

Essential Oil of Cynophalla flexuosa and its Cytotoxicity, Antioxidant, and Anti-Acetylcholinesterase Effect

Chemistry of Natural Compounds


Virtual screening of citrus flavonoid tangeretin: a promising pharmacological tool for the treatment and prevention of Zika fever and COVID-19

Journal of Computational Biophysics and Chemistry


Perfil cromatográfico por HPLC-DAD, potencial antiacetilcolinesterase e toxicidade de extratos etanólicos da espécie bauhinia monandra kurz

Brazilian Journal of Development


Selene Maia De Morais
Selene Maia De Morais

H-Index: 35

Daniela Ribeiro Alves
Daniela Ribeiro Alves

H-Index: 5

Total phenolic content and antioxidant and anticholinesterase activities of medicinal plants from the State’s Cocó Park (Fortaleza-CE, Brazil)

Research, Society and Development


Selene Maia De Morais
Selene Maia De Morais

H-Index: 35

Daniela Ribeiro Alves
Daniela Ribeiro Alves

H-Index: 5

Anacardic Acid Complexes as Possible Agents Against Alzheimer’s Disease Through Their Antioxidant, In vitro, and In silico Anticholinesterase and Ansiolic Actions

Neurotoxicity Research


Caryocar coriaceum Wittm. fruit extracts as Leishmania inhibitors: in-vitro and in-silico approaches

Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics


Chemical Composition, Larvicidal Activity, and Enzyme Inhibition of the Essential Oil of Lippia grata Schauer from the Caatinga Biome against Dengue Vectors



Daniela Ribeiro Alves
Daniela Ribeiro Alves

H-Index: 5

Selene Maia De Morais
Selene Maia De Morais

H-Index: 35

Virtual Screening of Natural Curcumins and Related Compounds Against SARS-CoV-2

Journal of Computational Biophysics and Chemistry


Anti-acetylcholinesterase and toxicity against Artemia salina of chitosan microparticles loaded with essential oils of Cymbopogon flexuosus, Pelargonium x ssp and Copaifera …

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules


Daniela Ribeiro Alves
Daniela Ribeiro Alves

H-Index: 5

Selene Maia De Morais
Selene Maia De Morais

H-Index: 35

Atividades antioxidante, anticolinesterasica e citotóxica de metabólitos de fungos endofíticos

Brazilian Journal of Development


Daniela Ribeiro Alves
Daniela Ribeiro Alves

H-Index: 5

Selene Maia De Morais
Selene Maia De Morais

H-Index: 35

Avaliação Fitoquímica, quantificação de Fenóis e Flavonóides totais, Atividade antioxidante e antiacetilcolinesterase do extrato etanólico Da Talísia esculenta (Pitomba)

Brazilian Journal of Development


Daniela Ribeiro Alves
Daniela Ribeiro Alves

H-Index: 5

Selene Maia De Morais
Selene Maia De Morais

H-Index: 35

Atividades antioxidantes e anticolinesterásicas do extrato das folhas de Jaramataia (Vitex gardneriana Schauer)

Brazilian Journal of Development


Selene Maia De Morais
Selene Maia De Morais

H-Index: 35

Daniela Ribeiro Alves
Daniela Ribeiro Alves

H-Index: 5

Therapeutic potential of medicinal plants indicated by the Brazilian public health system in treating the collateral effects induced by chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and …


Daniela Ribeiro Alves
Daniela Ribeiro Alves

H-Index: 5

See List of Professors in Daniela Ribeiro Alves University(Universidade Estadual do Ceará)

