Daniel T Claiborne

Daniel T Claiborne

Harvard University

H-index: 14

North America-United States

About Daniel T Claiborne

Daniel T Claiborne, With an exceptional h-index of 14 and a recent h-index of 12 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Harvard University, specializes in the field of Virology, Immunology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A VRC13-like bNAb response is associated with complex escape pathways in HIV-1 envelope

Acetate acts as a metabolic immunomodulator by bolstering T-cell effector function and potentiating antitumor immunity in breast cancer

The African-centric P47S Variant of TP53 Confers Immune Dysregulation and Impaired Response to Immune Checkpoint Inhibition

An African-Specific Variant of TP53 Reveals PADI4 as a Regulator of p53-Mediated Tumor Suppression

Of mice, or men: TLR4 signaling in HIV pathogenesis

Targeting the mevalonate pathway suppresses ARID1A-inactivated cancers by promoting pyroptosis

Poly I:C and STING agonist‐primed DC increase lymphoid tissue polyfunctional HIV‐1‐specific CD8+ T cells and limit CD4+ T‐cell loss in BLT mice

Innate immune reconstitution in humanized bone marrow-liver-thymus (HuBLT) mice governs adaptive cellular immune function and responses to HIV-1 infection

Daniel T Claiborne Information



Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Daniel T Claiborne Skills & Research Interests



Top articles of Daniel T Claiborne

A VRC13-like bNAb response is associated with complex escape pathways in HIV-1 envelope

Journal of Virology


Daniel T Claiborne
Daniel T Claiborne

H-Index: 10

Eric Rosenberg
Eric Rosenberg

H-Index: 11

Acetate acts as a metabolic immunomodulator by bolstering T-cell effector function and potentiating antitumor immunity in breast cancer

Nature Cancer


Daniel T Claiborne
Daniel T Claiborne

H-Index: 10

The African-centric P47S Variant of TP53 Confers Immune Dysregulation and Impaired Response to Immune Checkpoint Inhibition

Cancer Research Communications


Daniel T Claiborne
Daniel T Claiborne

H-Index: 10

An African-Specific Variant of TP53 Reveals PADI4 as a Regulator of p53-Mediated Tumor Suppression

Cancer discovery


Of mice, or men: TLR4 signaling in HIV pathogenesis


Daniel T Claiborne
Daniel T Claiborne

H-Index: 10

Targeting the mevalonate pathway suppresses ARID1A-inactivated cancers by promoting pyroptosis

Cancer cell


Poly I:C and STING agonist‐primed DC increase lymphoid tissue polyfunctional HIV‐1‐specific CD8+ T cells and limit CD4+ T‐cell loss in BLT mice

European journal of immunology


Daniel T Claiborne
Daniel T Claiborne

H-Index: 10

Alejandro Balazs
Alejandro Balazs

H-Index: 25

Innate immune reconstitution in humanized bone marrow-liver-thymus (HuBLT) mice governs adaptive cellular immune function and responses to HIV-1 infection

Frontiers in Immunology


Daniel T Claiborne
Daniel T Claiborne

H-Index: 10

Meredith Phelps
Meredith Phelps

H-Index: 2

Dual CD4-based CAR T cells with distinct costimulatory domains mitigate HIV pathogenesis in vivo

Nature medicine


Better Viral Control despite Higher CD4+ T Cell Activation during Acute HIV-1 Infection in Zambian Women Is Linked to the Sex Hormone Estradiol

Journal of Virology


HIV-1 variants are archived throughout infection and persist in the reservoir

PLoS pathogens


Daniel T Claiborne
Daniel T Claiborne

H-Index: 10

Eric Hunter
Eric Hunter

H-Index: 38

See List of Professors in Daniel T Claiborne University(Harvard University)