Dag Ingvar Jacobsen

About Dag Ingvar Jacobsen

Dag Ingvar Jacobsen, With an exceptional h-index of 33 and a recent h-index of 23 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitetet i Agder, specializes in the field of multilevel governance, network governance, organizational change, local government.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Institutional geography: effects of physical distance on agency autonomy

Géographie institutionnelle: les effets de la distance physique sur l’autonomie des agences

Does shared service delivery affect cost? A study of the cost-capacity relation in Norwegian local child protection services

Part-time work and sickness absence–an organization-level analysis

Political fragmentation and “The purple zone”: how party fragmentation affects political–administrative relations

Hjemmekontor og beslutningsgrunnlag

Service quality and the optimum number of members in intermunicipal cooperation: The case of emergency primary care services in Norway

Room for leadership? A comparison of perceived managerial job autonomy in public, private and hybrid organizations

Dag Ingvar Jacobsen Information



Professor dr. philos Dept of political science and leadership



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Dag Ingvar Jacobsen Skills & Research Interests

multilevel governance

network governance

organizational change

local government

Top articles of Dag Ingvar Jacobsen

Institutional geography: effects of physical distance on agency autonomy

International Review of Administrative Sciences


Dag Ingvar Jacobsen
Dag Ingvar Jacobsen

H-Index: 21

Jarle Trondal
Jarle Trondal

H-Index: 30

Géographie institutionnelle: les effets de la distance physique sur l’autonomie des agences

Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives


Dag Ingvar Jacobsen
Dag Ingvar Jacobsen

H-Index: 21

Jarle Trondal
Jarle Trondal

H-Index: 30

Does shared service delivery affect cost? A study of the cost-capacity relation in Norwegian local child protection services

Journal of Economic Policy Reform


Dag Ingvar Jacobsen
Dag Ingvar Jacobsen

H-Index: 21

Part-time work and sickness absence–an organization-level analysis

BMC Public Health


Dag Ingvar Jacobsen
Dag Ingvar Jacobsen

H-Index: 21

Political fragmentation and “The purple zone”: how party fragmentation affects political–administrative relations

Local Government Studies


Dag Ingvar Jacobsen
Dag Ingvar Jacobsen

H-Index: 21

Hjemmekontor og beslutningsgrunnlag

Stat & Styring


Morten Egeberg
Morten Egeberg

H-Index: 29

Dag Ingvar Jacobsen
Dag Ingvar Jacobsen

H-Index: 21

Service quality and the optimum number of members in intermunicipal cooperation: The case of emergency primary care services in Norway

Public Administration


Dag Ingvar Jacobsen
Dag Ingvar Jacobsen

H-Index: 21

Room for leadership? A comparison of perceived managerial job autonomy in public, private and hybrid organizations

International Public Management Journal


Dag Ingvar Jacobsen
Dag Ingvar Jacobsen

H-Index: 21

Politisering av embetsverket: Introduksjon til et temanummer


Faglig uavhengighet eller politisk lojalitet? Norske kommunedirektørers balanse mellom fag og politikk.

Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift


Dag Ingvar Jacobsen
Dag Ingvar Jacobsen

H-Index: 21

Motivational differences? Comparing private, public and hybrid organizations

Public Organization Review


Dag Ingvar Jacobsen
Dag Ingvar Jacobsen

H-Index: 21

Organizational change and change management


Dag Ingvar Jacobsen
Dag Ingvar Jacobsen

H-Index: 21

Exploring the links between part-time employment and absenteeism: the mediating roles of organizational commitment and work-family conflict

Public Organization Review


Dag Ingvar Jacobsen
Dag Ingvar Jacobsen

H-Index: 21

Alternative Routes to Innovation—the Effects of Cultural and Structural Fit

International Journal of Innovation Management


Dag Ingvar Jacobsen
Dag Ingvar Jacobsen

H-Index: 21

External managerial networking in meta-organizations. Evidence from regional councils in Norway

Public Management Review


Barbara Zyzak
Barbara Zyzak

H-Index: 4

Dag Ingvar Jacobsen
Dag Ingvar Jacobsen

H-Index: 21

Alignment of strategy and structure in local government

Public Money & Management


Dag Ingvar Jacobsen
Dag Ingvar Jacobsen

H-Index: 21

See List of Professors in Dag Ingvar Jacobsen University(Universitetet i Agder)