Dadik Raharjo

About Dadik Raharjo

Dadik Raharjo, With an exceptional h-index of 11 and a recent h-index of 9 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitas Airlangga, specializes in the field of mikrobiology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Metagenome and Resistome Analysis of Beta-Lactam-Resistant Bacteria Isolated from River Waters in Surabaya, Indonesia

Detection of Ectoparasites in Farmed Striped Catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) in Karangpilang, Surabaya, Indonesia

Prevalence and Infestation of Ectoparasite on Dabung Ducks in Bangkalan Madura.

Stray Cat Gastrointestinal Protozoa Prevalence and Infection Degree in Madiun Public Health Center and Traditional Market.

Molecular identification of blaTEM and blaCTX-M genes in multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli found in milk samples from dairy cattle farms in Tulungagung, Indonesia

Logo, Label, and Packaging Improvement on Jamu Bu Uri Products for Digital Marketing

Potential hazards of multidrug resistance Escherichia coli collected from wastewater on dairy farms in East Java, Indonesia

Tingkat cemaran bakteri Coliform dan Escherichia coli pada makanan dan minuman sebagai dampak kondisi higiene sanitasi di Sentra Kuliner Penjaringansari, Surabaya

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Top articles of Dadik Raharjo

Metagenome and Resistome Analysis of Beta-Lactam-Resistant Bacteria Isolated from River Waters in Surabaya, Indonesia



Detection of Ectoparasites in Farmed Striped Catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) in Karangpilang, Surabaya, Indonesia

Veterinary Biomedical and Clinical Journal


Prevalence and Infestation of Ectoparasite on Dabung Ducks in Bangkalan Madura.

Journal of Parasite Science


Stray Cat Gastrointestinal Protozoa Prevalence and Infection Degree in Madiun Public Health Center and Traditional Market.

Journal of Parasite Science


Molecular identification of blaTEM and blaCTX-M genes in multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli found in milk samples from dairy cattle farms in Tulungagung, Indonesia

Journal of Veterinary Research


Logo, Label, and Packaging Improvement on Jamu Bu Uri Products for Digital Marketing

Nusantara Science and Technology Proceedings


Dadik Raharjo
Dadik Raharjo

H-Index: 9

Potential hazards of multidrug resistance Escherichia coli collected from wastewater on dairy farms in East Java, Indonesia

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity


Tingkat cemaran bakteri Coliform dan Escherichia coli pada makanan dan minuman sebagai dampak kondisi higiene sanitasi di Sentra Kuliner Penjaringansari, Surabaya

Teknologi Pangan: Media Informasi dan Komunikasi Ilmiah Teknologi Pertanian


Dadik Raharjo
Dadik Raharjo

H-Index: 9

The Risk of Radio-Resistance Development in Wild-Type Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium Isolated from Chicken Carcass Towards Gamma Irradiation Treatment

1st International Conference on Agricultural, Nutraceutical, And Food Science (ICANFS) 2022


Dadik Raharjo
Dadik Raharjo

H-Index: 9

Molecular detection of iron gene on multidrug resistant avian fecal Escherichia coli isolated from broiler on traditional markets, Surabaya, Indonesia

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity


The milk production of recovered dairy cows from foot-and-mouth disease in the Medowo Village, Kandangan Subdistrict, Kediri

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews


Dadik Raharjo
Dadik Raharjo

H-Index: 9

Effectiveness of the California Mastitis Test (CMT), Reductase Test, and Alcohol Test for Dairy Cows Subclinical Mastitis Detection

Journal Agro Veteriner (Agrovet) Vol


Bacterial Contamination on Meatballs Sold in Traditional Markets PD Surya Market in East Surabaya Region Causes a Decline in People's Income

Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal)


Dadik Raharjo
Dadik Raharjo

H-Index: 9

Deteksi Gen eae Sebagai Marker Strain EPEC (Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli) pada Daging Ayam yang Dijual di Beberapa Pasar Tradisional Surabaya Detection of eae Gene as A …

Journal of Basic Medical Veterinary


Antibiotic Resistance in Non-Typhoidal Salmonella enterica Strains Isolated from Chicken Meat in Indonesia



Occurrences Salmonella sp. And Escherichia Coli in bulk and packaged chicken sausages in Surabaya, Indonesia

AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment)


Dadik Raharjo
Dadik Raharjo

H-Index: 9

Pengembangan Metode Deteksi Cepat dan Tingkat Spesifik Kepekaannya terhadap Escherichia coli 0157: H7 pada Bahan Makanan dan Spesimen


Combination of 5% Dextrose Ringer’s solution and egg yolk extender maintained the motility and viability of kampung rooster spermatozoa in chilled temperature

Ovozoa: J Anim Reprod


Bacteria contamination and Cadmium heavy metal content of blood coockle (Anadara granosa Linn) satay on street vendors in Surabaya, Indonesia

E3S Web of Conferences


Dadik Raharjo
Dadik Raharjo

H-Index: 9

Antimicrobial Activities of Laurus nobilis Leaves Ethanol Extract on Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonellae typhi, and Escherichia coli

Indones. J. Trop. Infect. Dis


Dadik Raharjo
Dadik Raharjo

H-Index: 9

Ni Made Mertaniasih
Ni Made Mertaniasih

H-Index: 10

See List of Professors in Dadik Raharjo University(Universitas Airlangga)