Cory Whitney

About Cory Whitney

Cory Whitney, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, specializes in the field of human ecology, agroforestry, decision analysis, ethnobotany, transdisciplinary research.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Adapting agroforestry to upland farming systems: narratives from smallholder farmers in Northwest Vietnam

Participatory modelling of scenarios to restore nitrogen cycles in a nutrient-saturated area

Predicted changes in distribution and richness of wild edible plants under climate change scenarios in northwestern Kenya

How to bridge the last mile in agro-climate service adoption? The importance of farmers’ needs, attitudes and interpersonal relations in understanding impact pathways

Stakeholder engagement in agro-climate service planning

Environmental flows in support of sustainable intensification of agriculture in the Letaba River Basin, South Africa

Indigenous communities’ perceptions reveal threats and management options of wild edible plants in semiarid lands of northwestern Kenya

Decision analytical methods for assessing the efficacy of agroecology interventions

Cory Whitney Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Cory Whitney Skills & Research Interests

human ecology


decision analysis


transdisciplinary research

Top articles of Cory Whitney

Adapting agroforestry to upland farming systems: narratives from smallholder farmers in Northwest Vietnam

Agronomy for Sustainable Development


Participatory modelling of scenarios to restore nitrogen cycles in a nutrient-saturated area

Science of The Total Environment


Cory Whitney
Cory Whitney

H-Index: 9

Jan Weijma
Jan Weijma

H-Index: 19

Predicted changes in distribution and richness of wild edible plants under climate change scenarios in northwestern Kenya

Regional Environmental Change


How to bridge the last mile in agro-climate service adoption? The importance of farmers’ needs, attitudes and interpersonal relations in understanding impact pathways

Environment, Development and Sustainability


Eike Luedeling
Eike Luedeling

H-Index: 35

Cory Whitney
Cory Whitney

H-Index: 9

Stakeholder engagement in agro-climate service planning

Climate Services


Eike Luedeling
Eike Luedeling

H-Index: 35

Cory Whitney
Cory Whitney

H-Index: 9

Environmental flows in support of sustainable intensification of agriculture in the Letaba River Basin, South Africa


Cory Whitney
Cory Whitney

H-Index: 9

Eike Luedeling
Eike Luedeling

H-Index: 35

Indigenous communities’ perceptions reveal threats and management options of wild edible plants in semiarid lands of northwestern Kenya

Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine


Wyclife Agumba Oluoch
Wyclife Agumba Oluoch

H-Index: 1

Cory Whitney
Cory Whitney

H-Index: 9

Decision analytical methods for assessing the efficacy of agroecology interventions


Cory Whitney
Cory Whitney

H-Index: 9

Eike Luedeling
Eike Luedeling

H-Index: 35

Allometric models for aboveground biomass estimation of small trees and shrubs in African savanna ecosystems



Integrated participatory approach reveals perceived local availability of wild edible plants in northwestern Kenya

Human Ecology


Limitations of using simple indicators for evaluating agricultural emission reductions at farm level—evidence from Kenyan smallholder dairy production

Carbon Footprints


Eike Luedeling
Eike Luedeling

H-Index: 35

Cory Whitney
Cory Whitney

H-Index: 9

Shades of sustainability is there room for a new sustainability label in fruit production?

XXXI International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022): International Symposium on Value Adding and Innovation Management in the 1380


Prioritizing farm management interventions to improve climate change adaptation and mitigation outcomes—a case study for banana plantations

Agronomy for Sustainable Development


Farm-planning under risk: An application of decision analysis and portfolio theory for the assessment of crop diversification strategies in horticultural systems

Agricultural Systems


Cory Whitney
Cory Whitney

H-Index: 9

Eike Luedeling
Eike Luedeling

H-Index: 35

A holistic sustainability assessment of organic (certified and non-certified) and non-organic smallholder farms in Kenya

Environment, Development and Sustainability


Cory Whitney
Cory Whitney

H-Index: 9

Profitability of farm-scale management strategies against the boll weevil in the tropics: case study from the Colombian Caribbean

Journal of Pest Science


Cory Whitney
Cory Whitney

H-Index: 9

Eike Luedeling
Eike Luedeling

H-Index: 35

Agroforestry and reforestation with the Gold Standard-Decision Analysis of a voluntary carbon offset label

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change


Eike Luedeling
Eike Luedeling

H-Index: 35

Cory Whitney
Cory Whitney

H-Index: 9

Hyperspectral imaging for high-throughput vitality monitoring in ornamental plant production

Scientia Horticulturae


Priority Species and Management Approaches for Woody Species: A Case Study of Awach Sub-county, Gulu District, Uganda

Human Ecology


Christopher Mawa
Christopher Mawa

H-Index: 2

Cory Whitney
Cory Whitney

H-Index: 9

Decision analysis of agro-climate service scaling–A case study in Dien Bien District, Vietnam

Climate Services


Cory Whitney
Cory Whitney

H-Index: 9

Eike Luedeling
Eike Luedeling

H-Index: 35

See List of Professors in Cory Whitney University(Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn)

