Claudine Burton-Jeangros

About Claudine Burton-Jeangros

Claudine Burton-Jeangros, With an exceptional h-index of 35 and a recent h-index of 28 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Université de Genève, specializes in the field of sociology of health and medicine, health inequalities, lifecourse research.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

«Pour une éthique processuelle»: entretien avec Claudine Burton-Jeangros, professeure à l’Université de Genève. Interrogée par Margaux Boué, Laurine Thizy et Pierre Bataille …

Social determinants of the healthcare needs of undocumented migrants living with non-communicable diseases: a scoping review

Socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Overseas Filipino Workers and their left-behind families: a scoping review

Cervical cancer (over-) screening in Europe: Balancing organised and opportunistic programmes

Recruitment and Attrition for Panel Surveys of Hard-to-reach Populations: Some Lessons from a Longitudinal Study on Undocumented Migrants

Research about vulnerable populations: challenges and opportunities

Impact of legal status regularization on undocumented migrants’ self-reported and mental health in Switzerland

Self-reported morbidity and self-rated health among the elderly in India: Revisiting the puzzles

Claudine Burton-Jeangros Information



professor Department of sociology



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Claudine Burton-Jeangros Skills & Research Interests

sociology of health and medicine

health inequalities

lifecourse research

Top articles of Claudine Burton-Jeangros

«Pour une éthique processuelle»: entretien avec Claudine Burton-Jeangros, professeure à l’Université de Genève. Interrogée par Margaux Boué, Laurine Thizy et Pierre Bataille …

Socio-logos. Revue de l'association française de sociologie


Claudine Burton-Jeangros
Claudine Burton-Jeangros

H-Index: 24

Social determinants of the healthcare needs of undocumented migrants living with non-communicable diseases: a scoping review


Claudine Burton-Jeangros
Claudine Burton-Jeangros

H-Index: 24

Jan-Erik Refle
Jan-Erik Refle

H-Index: 2

Socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Overseas Filipino Workers and their left-behind families: a scoping review


Claudine Burton-Jeangros
Claudine Burton-Jeangros

H-Index: 24

Cervical cancer (over-) screening in Europe: Balancing organised and opportunistic programmes

Scandinavian Journal of Public Health


Claudine Burton-Jeangros
Claudine Burton-Jeangros

H-Index: 24

Piet Bracke
Piet Bracke

H-Index: 33

Recruitment and Attrition for Panel Surveys of Hard-to-reach Populations: Some Lessons from a Longitudinal Study on Undocumented Migrants

Field Methods


Jan-Erik Refle
Jan-Erik Refle

H-Index: 2

Claudine Burton-Jeangros
Claudine Burton-Jeangros

H-Index: 24

Research about vulnerable populations: challenges and opportunities


Claudine Burton-Jeangros
Claudine Burton-Jeangros

H-Index: 24

Stéphanie Baggio
Stéphanie Baggio

H-Index: 23

Impact of legal status regularization on undocumented migrants’ self-reported and mental health in Switzerland

SSM-Population Health


Jan-Erik Refle
Jan-Erik Refle

H-Index: 2

Claudine Burton-Jeangros
Claudine Burton-Jeangros

H-Index: 24

Self-reported morbidity and self-rated health among the elderly in India: Revisiting the puzzles

Journal of Population Ageing


Claudine Burton-Jeangros
Claudine Burton-Jeangros

H-Index: 24

Vulnerability around Health Issues: Trajectories, Experiences and Meanings


Claudine Burton-Jeangros
Claudine Burton-Jeangros

H-Index: 24

Sortir de la clandestinité


Jan-Erik Refle
Jan-Erik Refle

H-Index: 2

Claudine Burton-Jeangros
Claudine Burton-Jeangros

H-Index: 24

Working Conditions and Self-Reported Health Among Undocumented and Newly Regularized Migrants in Geneva: A Cross-Sectional Study

International Journal of Public Health


Claudine Burton-Jeangros
Claudine Burton-Jeangros

H-Index: 24

Jan-Erik Refle
Jan-Erik Refle

H-Index: 2

Confinement et conditions de vie des migrant⋅ es sans-papiers ou récemmen t régularisé⋅ esa Geneve



Claudine Burton-Jeangros
Claudine Burton-Jeangros

H-Index: 24

Sarah Lachat
Sarah Lachat

H-Index: 5

Financial loss and depressive symptoms in university students during the first wave of the covid-19 pandemic: Comparison between 23 countries

International journal of public health


When the set of known Opportunities Broadens: aspirations and imagined futures of undocumented Migrants applying for regularization

Swiss Journal of Sociology


Claudine Burton-Jeangros
Claudine Burton-Jeangros

H-Index: 24

Quand la conception des possibles s’ élargit: aspirations et futurs imaginés des sans-papiers candidat· e· s à la régularisation

Revue suisse de sociologie


Claudine Burton-Jeangros
Claudine Burton-Jeangros

H-Index: 24

Analyse critique de la méthode des forums citoyens à propos des craintes et espoirs associés aux progrès de la génomique en oncologie

Recherches qualitatives


Petros Tsantoulis
Petros Tsantoulis

H-Index: 12

Claudine Burton-Jeangros
Claudine Burton-Jeangros

H-Index: 24

Non-migrant paid domestic workers and depressive symptoms: a mixed-methods systematic review


Claudine Burton-Jeangros
Claudine Burton-Jeangros

H-Index: 24

(In) former les patient. es à la recherche biomédicale: sociologie des documents d’information et de consentement


Solène Gouilhers
Solène Gouilhers

H-Index: 3

Loïc Riom
Loïc Riom

H-Index: 3

Claudine Burton-Jeangros
Claudine Burton-Jeangros

H-Index: 24

Social protection expenditure on health in later life in 20 European countries: Spending more to reduce health inequalities

Social Science & Medicine


Trust, affect, and choice in parents’ vaccination decision‐making and health‐care provider selection in Switzerland

Sociology of health & illness


See List of Professors in Claudine Burton-Jeangros University(Université de Genève)