Chunhua Yang

About Chunhua Yang

Chunhua Yang, With an exceptional h-index of 59 and a recent h-index of 52 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Central South University, specializes in the field of control and optimization of industrial processes, dynamics of systems.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Digital twin driven soft sensing for key variables in zinc rotary kiln

Temperature Co-optimization of Zinc Roasting Process Based on Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation and Temperature Adjustable Margin

Multimodal data-driven reinforcement learning for operational decision-making in industrial processes

Physics-informed data-driven model of dehydration reaction stage in the sintering process of ternary cathode materials

A dynamic graph structure identification method of spatio-temporal correlation in an aluminum electrolysis cell

Zinc roasting temperature field control with CFD model and reinforcement learning

A large-scale graph clustering method for cell conditions spatio-temporal localization in aluminum electrolysis

A deep semi-supervised learning framework towards multi-output soft sensors development and applications in wastewater treatment processes

Chunhua Yang Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Chunhua Yang Skills & Research Interests

control and optimization of industrial processes

dynamics of systems

Top articles of Chunhua Yang

Digital twin driven soft sensing for key variables in zinc rotary kiln

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics


Temperature Co-optimization of Zinc Roasting Process Based on Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation and Temperature Adjustable Margin

IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems


Yonggang Li
Yonggang Li

H-Index: 2

Chunhua Yang
Chunhua Yang

H-Index: 34

Multimodal data-driven reinforcement learning for operational decision-making in industrial processes

IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica


Yalin Wang
Yalin Wang

H-Index: 27

Chunhua Yang
Chunhua Yang

H-Index: 34

Physics-informed data-driven model of dehydration reaction stage in the sintering process of ternary cathode materials

Control Engineering Practice


A dynamic graph structure identification method of spatio-temporal correlation in an aluminum electrolysis cell

Applied Soft Computing


Xiaofang Chen
Xiaofang Chen

H-Index: 11

Chunhua Yang
Chunhua Yang

H-Index: 34

Zinc roasting temperature field control with CFD model and reinforcement learning

Advanced Engineering Informatics


Chunhua Yang
Chunhua Yang

H-Index: 34

Yonggang Li
Yonggang Li

H-Index: 2

A large-scale graph clustering method for cell conditions spatio-temporal localization in aluminum electrolysis

Information Sciences


Xiaofang Chen
Xiaofang Chen

H-Index: 11

Chunhua Yang
Chunhua Yang

H-Index: 34

A deep semi-supervised learning framework towards multi-output soft sensors development and applications in wastewater treatment processes

Journal of Water Process Engineering


Scope-Free Global Multi-Condition-Aware Industrial Missing Data Imputation Framework via Diffusion Transformer

IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering


Variable partition based parallel dictionary learning for linearity and nonlinearity coexisting dynamic process monitoring

Control Engineering Practice


Chunhua Yang
Chunhua Yang

H-Index: 34

Keke Huang
Keke Huang

H-Index: 4

Hierarchical Self-Attention Network for Industrial Data Series Modeling With Different Sampling Rates Between the Input and Output Sequences

IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems


Dynamic hybrid observer-based early slipping fault detection for high-speed train wheelsets

Control Engineering Practice


Multimodel Self-Learning Predictive Control Method With Industrial Application

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics


Keke Huang
Keke Huang

H-Index: 4

Chunhua Yang
Chunhua Yang

H-Index: 34

A process optimization method based on first principle model for the roasting process

Minerals Engineering


Sparse Adversarial Video Attack Based on Dual-Branch Neural Network on Industrial Artificial Intelligence of Things

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics


Multi-scale feature selection network for lightweight image super-resolution

Neural Networks


Fan Zhang
Fan Zhang

H-Index: 16

Chunhua Yang
Chunhua Yang

H-Index: 34

Multi-objective optimization and decision making for integrated energy system using STA and fuzzy TOPSIS

Cluster Computing


Adaptive Neural Consensus Observer Networks Design for a Class of Semilinear Parabolic PDE Systems

IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems


Variable domain hybrid decision-based friction optimization control for train multi-wheelsets

Tribology International


Robust condition identification against label noise in industrial processes based on trusted connection dictionary learning

Reliability Engineering & System Safety


Keke Huang
Keke Huang

H-Index: 4

Chunhua Yang
Chunhua Yang

H-Index: 34

See List of Professors in Chunhua Yang University(Central South University)