Bibilola Oladeji

About Bibilola Oladeji

Bibilola Oladeji, With an exceptional h-index of 24 and a recent h-index of 22 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Ibadan, specializes in the field of Psychiatry Epidemiology and Implementation Research.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Addressing the challenges of integrating care for perinatal depression in primary care in Nigeria

Mental health: Morbidity and impact

Cascade training for scaling up care for perinatal depression in primary care in Nigeria

Mixed methods implementation research to understand success of intensive combination approach to roll back the epidemic in Nigerian adolescents)(iCARE Nigeria) HIV testing …

A randomized stepped wedge trial of an intensive combination approach to roll back the HIV epidemic in Nigerian adolescents: iCARE Nigeria treatment support protocol

Antidepressant use in low-middle-and high-income countries: a World Mental Health Surveys report

Psychological Distress Increases 30-Fold Among People with HIV in the First Year on ART in Nigeria—a Call for Integrated Mental Health Services

Quality care for people with severe mental disorders in low-resource settings

Bibilola Oladeji Information



Lecturer Department of Psychiatry



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Bibilola Oladeji Skills & Research Interests

Psychiatry Epidemiology and Implementation Research

Top articles of Bibilola Oladeji

Addressing the challenges of integrating care for perinatal depression in primary care in Nigeria

Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology


Mental health: Morbidity and impact


Bibilola Oladeji
Bibilola Oladeji

H-Index: 16

Cascade training for scaling up care for perinatal depression in primary care in Nigeria

International Journal of Mental Health Systems


Mixed methods implementation research to understand success of intensive combination approach to roll back the epidemic in Nigerian adolescents)(iCARE Nigeria) HIV testing …

AIDS Research and Therapy


A randomized stepped wedge trial of an intensive combination approach to roll back the HIV epidemic in Nigerian adolescents: iCARE Nigeria treatment support protocol

Plos one


Antidepressant use in low-middle-and high-income countries: a World Mental Health Surveys report

Psychological medicine


Psychological Distress Increases 30-Fold Among People with HIV in the First Year on ART in Nigeria—a Call for Integrated Mental Health Services

International Journal of Behavioral Medicine


Bibilola Oladeji
Bibilola Oladeji

H-Index: 16

Kenneth A Freedberg
Kenneth A Freedberg

H-Index: 45

Quality care for people with severe mental disorders in low-resource settings

The Lancet Psychiatry


Non-financial Incentives for Retention of Health Extension Workers in Somali Region of Ethiopia: A Discrete Choice Experiment

Health Services Insights


Andrew Brown
Andrew Brown

H-Index: 3

Bibilola Oladeji
Bibilola Oladeji

H-Index: 16

Effect of intervention delivered by frontline maternal care providers to improve outcome and parenting skills among adolescents with perinatal depression in Nigeria (the RAPiD …

Journal of Affective Disorders


Sleep disturbance and associated factors among Nigerian adults living with HIV in the dolutegravir era

Frontiers in Sleep


Eme Owoaje
Eme Owoaje

H-Index: 27

Bibilola Oladeji
Bibilola Oladeji

H-Index: 16

Theory-driven development of a mobile phone supported intervention for adolescents with perinatal depression

Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology


Prevalence and correlates of depression among pregnant adolescents in primary maternal care in Nigeria

Archives of Women's Mental Health


Evaluation of the iCARE Nigeria Pilot Intervention using social media and peer navigation to promote HIV testing and linkage to care among high-risk young men: a nonrandomized …

JAMA network open


Strengthening quality of maternal and newborn care using catchment based clinical mentorship and safe delivery app: A case study from Somali region of Ethiopia

International Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Practice


Bibilola Oladeji
Bibilola Oladeji

H-Index: 16

Male involvement in pregnancy and childbirth: A qualitative study in rural population in Awbare District of Somali region of Ethiopia

Journal of Womens Health and Development


Bibilola Oladeji
Bibilola Oladeji

H-Index: 16

Scaling up care for perinatal depression for improved maternal and infant health (SPECTRA): protocol of a hybrid implementation study of the impact of a cascade training of …

International Journal of Mental Health Systems


Adaptation of evidence-based approaches to promote HIV testing and treatment engagement among high-risk Nigerian youth

PLoS One


The Epidemiology of Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour across the Lifespan in Nigeria: A Systematic Review of the Literature.


See List of Professors in Bibilola Oladeji University(University of Ibadan)