Barbara Wessner

About Barbara Wessner

Barbara Wessner, With an exceptional h-index of 32 and a recent h-index of 22 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universität Wien, specializes in the field of Physiology, Molecular biology, Skeletal muscle inflammation, Ageing, Exercise.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Multimodal and conventional resistance training interventions improve muscle function in older adults: Findings from the Training IMCT study

Association between vitamin D status, physical performance, sex, and lifestyle factors: a cross-sectional study of community-dwelling Kosovar adults aged 40 years and older

Vitamin D Deficiency Is Associated With Polymorphisms In The Vitamin D Binding Protein As Well As Behavioral Factors In Kosovan Males And Females

Association of bioelectrical impedance phase angle with physical performance and nutrient intake of older adults

The effect of vitamin D supplementation and strength training on chromosomal damage and oxidative stress markers in community-dwelling older adults

The influence of vitamin D supplementation and strength training on health biomarkers and chromosomal damage in community-dwelling older adults

Impairments of intestinal arginine and NO metabolisms trigger aging-associated intestinal barrier dysfunction and ‘inflammaging'

Impact of using population-specific cut-points, self-reported health, and socio-economic parameters to predict sarcopenia: a cross-sectional study in community-dwelling …

Barbara Wessner Information



Assoz.Prof. Molecular Exercise Physiology



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Barbara Wessner Skills & Research Interests


Molecular biology

Skeletal muscle inflammation



Top articles of Barbara Wessner

Multimodal and conventional resistance training interventions improve muscle function in older adults: Findings from the Training IMCT study

Experimental Gerontology


Barbara Wessner
Barbara Wessner

H-Index: 19

Association between vitamin D status, physical performance, sex, and lifestyle factors: a cross-sectional study of community-dwelling Kosovar adults aged 40 years and older

European Journal of Nutrition


Vitamin D Deficiency Is Associated With Polymorphisms In The Vitamin D Binding Protein As Well As Behavioral Factors In Kosovan Males And Females

Clinical Nutrition ESPEN


Association of bioelectrical impedance phase angle with physical performance and nutrient intake of older adults



Karl-Heinz Wagner
Karl-Heinz Wagner

H-Index: 35

Barbara Wessner
Barbara Wessner

H-Index: 19

The effect of vitamin D supplementation and strength training on chromosomal damage and oxidative stress markers in community-dwelling older adults

Free Radical Biology and Medicine


The influence of vitamin D supplementation and strength training on health biomarkers and chromosomal damage in community-dwelling older adults

Redox biology


Impairments of intestinal arginine and NO metabolisms trigger aging-associated intestinal barrier dysfunction and ‘inflammaging'

Redox biology


Impact of using population-specific cut-points, self-reported health, and socio-economic parameters to predict sarcopenia: a cross-sectional study in community-dwelling …

Journal of Clinical Medicine


Ermira Krasniqi
Ermira Krasniqi

H-Index: 2

Barbara Wessner
Barbara Wessner

H-Index: 19

The plasma proteome is favorably modified by a high protein diet but not by additional resistance training in older adults: a 17-week randomized controlled trial

Frontiers in Nutrition


Resistance training with or without nutritional supplementation showed no influence on muscle thickness in old-institutionalized adults: a secondary analysis of the Vienna …

EuropEan Journal of physical and rEhabilitation MEdicinE


Karl-Heinz Wagner
Karl-Heinz Wagner

H-Index: 35

Barbara Wessner
Barbara Wessner

H-Index: 19

Does a Physical Activity Intervention on Classroom-Based Ergometers During Teaching Lessons Effect Physical Fitness, Body Composition, and Health-Related Blood Parameters? A …

Journal of Physical Activity and Health


Christoph Triska
Christoph Triska

H-Index: 7

Barbara Wessner
Barbara Wessner

H-Index: 19

Effects of an increased habitual dietary protein intake followed by resistance training on fitness, muscle quality and body composition of seniors: A randomised controlled trial

Clinical Nutrition


Karl-Heinz Wagner
Karl-Heinz Wagner

H-Index: 35

Barbara Wessner
Barbara Wessner

H-Index: 19

Nutritional supplementation alters associations between one-carbon metabolites and cardiometabolic risk profiles in older adults: a secondary analysis of the Vienna Active …

European Journal of Nutrition


Effects of vitamin D3 supplementation and resistance training on 25-hydroxyvitamin D status and functional performance of older adults: A randomized placebo-controlled trial



Karl-Heinz Wagner
Karl-Heinz Wagner

H-Index: 35

Barbara Wessner
Barbara Wessner

H-Index: 19

Influence of an increased number of physical education lessons on the motor performance of adolescents–A non-interventional cohort study

PloS one


Christoph Triska
Christoph Triska

H-Index: 7

Barbara Wessner
Barbara Wessner

H-Index: 19

The effect of elevated protein intake on DNA damage in older people: Comparative secondary analysis of two randomized controlled trials



Association between polymorphisms in vitamin d pathway-related genes, vitamin d status, muscle mass and function: A systematic review


ACTN3 genotypes and their relationship with muscle mass and function of kosovan adults

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


Ermira Krasniqi
Ermira Krasniqi

H-Index: 2

Barbara Wessner
Barbara Wessner

H-Index: 19

Strength performance across the oral contraceptive cycle of team sport athletes: A cross-sectional study

Frontiers in Physiology


Barbara Wessner
Barbara Wessner

H-Index: 19

Christoph Triska
Christoph Triska

H-Index: 7

Test-retest reliability data of functional performance, strength, peak torque and body composition assessments in two different age groups of Kosovan adults

Data in brief


Ermira Krasniqi
Ermira Krasniqi

H-Index: 2

Barbara Wessner
Barbara Wessner

H-Index: 19

See List of Professors in Barbara Wessner University(Universität Wien)