Arnoud H M van Vliet

Arnoud H M van Vliet

University of Surrey

H-index: 57

Europe-United Kingdom

About Arnoud H M van Vliet

Arnoud H M van Vliet, With an exceptional h-index of 57 and a recent h-index of 28 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Surrey, specializes in the field of molecular microbiology, genomics, bioinformatics, campylobacter, helicobacter.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Epistasis, core-genome disharmony, and adaptation in recombining bacteria

A mathematical, classical stratification modeling approach to disentangling the impact of weather on infectious diseases: A case study using spatio-temporally disaggregated …

Rapid culture‐independent loop‐mediated isothermal amplification detection of antimicrobial resistance markers from environmental water samples

A multiplex PCR assay for the differentiation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex reveals high rates of mixed-lineage tuberculosis infections among patients in …

In silico design of a polypeptide as a vaccine candidate against ascariasis

Portable Differential Detection of CTX-M ESBL Gene Variants, blaCTX-M-1 and blaCTX-M-15, from Escherichia coli Isolates and Animal Fecal Samples Using …

Mapping the evidence of the effects of environmental factors on the prevalence of antibiotic resistance in the non-built environment: Protocol for a systematic evidence map

A novel variant of the Listeria monocytogenes type VII secretion system EssC component is associated with an Rhs toxin

Arnoud H M van Vliet Information






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Arnoud H M van Vliet Skills & Research Interests

molecular microbiology





Top articles of Arnoud H M van Vliet




Publication Date

Epistasis, core-genome disharmony, and adaptation in recombining bacteria


Aidan J Taylor

Koji Yahara

Ben Pascoe

Seungwon Ko

Leonardos Mageiros



A mathematical, classical stratification modeling approach to disentangling the impact of weather on infectious diseases: A case study using spatio-temporally disaggregated …

PLoS computational biology

Giovanni Lo Iacono

Alasdair JC Cook

Gianne Derks

Lora E Fleming

Nigel French



Rapid culture‐independent loop‐mediated isothermal amplification detection of antimicrobial resistance markers from environmental water samples

Microbial Biotechnology

Marwa M Hassan

Arnoud HM van Vliet

Owen Higgins

Liam P Burke

Alexandra Chueiri



A multiplex PCR assay for the differentiation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex reveals high rates of mixed-lineage tuberculosis infections among patients in …

Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology

Wellington Owusu

Arnoud HM van Vliet

Natalie E Riddell

Graham Stewart

Winifred C Akwani



In silico design of a polypeptide as a vaccine candidate against ascariasis

Scientific reports

Francisco MD Evangelista

Arnoud HM van Vliet

Scott P Lawton

Martha Betson


Portable Differential Detection of CTX-M ESBL Gene Variants, blaCTX-M-1 and blaCTX-M-15, from Escherichia coli Isolates and Animal Fecal Samples Using …

Microbiology spectrum

Owen Higgins

Alexandra Chueiri

Louise O'Connor

Sinéad Lahiff

Liam Burke



Mapping the evidence of the effects of environmental factors on the prevalence of antibiotic resistance in the non-built environment: Protocol for a systematic evidence map

Environment International

Brian Gardner

Martha Betson

Adriana Cabal Rosel

Manuela Caniça

Mark A Chambers



A novel variant of the Listeria monocytogenes type VII secretion system EssC component is associated with an Rhs toxin

Microbial genomics

Kieran Bowran

Stephen R Garrett

Arnoud HM van Vliet

Tracy Palmer


Pasteurella sp. associated with fatal septicaemia in six African elephants

Nature Communications

Chris M Foggin

Laura E Rosen

Marijke M Henton

Angela Buys

Toby Floyd



In Silico Docking of Nematode β-Tubulins With Benzimidazoles Points to Gene Expression and Orthologue Variation as Factors in Anthelmintic Resistance

Frontiers in tropical diseases

Ben P Jones

Arnoud HM van Vliet

E James LaCourse

Martha Betson


A reverse vaccinology approach identifies putative vaccination targets in the zoonotic nematode Ascaris

Frontiers in veterinary science

Francisco MD Evangelista

Arnoud HM van Vliet

Scott P Lawton

Martha Betson


Development of loop-mediated isothermal amplification rapid diagnostic assays for the detection of Klebsiella pneumoniae and carbapenemase genes in clinical samples

International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Sumyya Waliullah

Kai-Shu Ling

Elizabeth J Cieniewicz

Jonathan E Oliver

Pingsheng Ji



Tracking the Transmission of Antimicrobial-Resistant Non-O157 Escherichia coli and Salmonella Isolates at the Interface of Food Animals and Fresh Produce from …

Foodborne pathogens and disease

Ayanna Glaize

Dawn Hull

Luke Raymond

Arnoud HM van Vliet

Eduardo Gutierrez-Rodriguez



The use of comparative genomic analysis for the development of subspecies-specific PCR assays for mycobacterium abscessus

Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology

Winifred C Akwani

Arnoud HM van Vliet

Jordan O Joel

Sönke Andres

Margo Diricks



Synergistic interaction between pH and NaCl in the limits of germination and outgrowth of Clostridium sporogenes and Group I Clostridium botulinum vegetative cells and spores …

Food microbiology

Emmanuelle Boix

Louis Coroller

Olivier Couvert

Stella Planchon

Arnoud HM van Vliet



Genomic Screening of Antimicrobial Resistance Markers in UK and US Campylobacter Isolates Highlights Stability of Resistance over an 18-Year Period

Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy

Arnoud HM van Vliet

Siddhartha Thakur

Joaquin M Prada

Jai W Mehat

Roberto M La Ragione


Remarkable genomic diversity among Escherichia isolates recovered from healthy chickens


Nicholas M Thomson

Rachel Gilroy

Maria Getino

Ebenezer Foster-Nyarko

Arnoud HM Van Vliet



Identification of key interactions of benzimidazole resistance-associated amino acid mutations in Ascaris β-tubulins by molecular docking simulations

Scientific reports

Ben P Jones

Arnoud HM van Vliet

E James LaCourse

Martha Betson


Genomic analysis of the zoonotic ST73 lineage containing avian and human extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC)

Veterinary microbiology

Andre Becker S Saidenberg

Arnoud HM Van Vliet

Marc Stegger

Thor Bech Johannesen

Torsten Semmler



The immune response to lumpy skin disease virus in cattle is influenced by inoculation route

Frontiers in immunology

Petra C Fay

Najith Wijesiriwardana

Henry Munyanduki

Beatriz Sanz-Bernardo

Isabel Lewis



See List of Professors in Arnoud H M van Vliet University(University of Surrey)