Arindam Bit

About Arindam Bit

Arindam Bit, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at National Institute of Technology, Raipur, specializes in the field of Biomechanics, Clinical microfluidics, Tissue Engineering, BioMEMS, Cognitive Neuroscience.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Evaluating the effect of cryopreservation, cell migration and perfused media on degradation of porous scaffold

Emotional reactivity and its impact on neural circuitry for attention-emotion interaction through regression-based machine learning model

A Minor Wettability Study on TiO2 Nanotubes over Ti-alloy Fabricated in Different Electrolytes

Numerical analysis of scaffold degradation in cryogenic environment: impact of cell migration and cell apoptosis

Structure and in-vitro bioactivity study of Nano-DCPD coatings on anodized TiO2 nanotubes deposited on Ti-alloy as scaffold applications

Hybrid computational model depicts the contribution of non-significant lobes of human brain during the perception of emotional stimuli

Evaluation of heat transfer in porous scaffolds under cryogenic treatment: a numerical study

Investigation of frequency components embedded in EEG recordings underlying neuronal mechanism of cognitive control and attentional functions

Arindam Bit Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Arindam Bit Skills & Research Interests


Clinical microfluidics

Tissue Engineering


Cognitive Neuroscience

Top articles of Arindam Bit

Evaluating the effect of cryopreservation, cell migration and perfused media on degradation of porous scaffold

Journal of Materials Research


Arindam Bit
Arindam Bit

H-Index: 10

Emotional reactivity and its impact on neural circuitry for attention-emotion interaction through regression-based machine learning model

Developmental cognitive neuroscience


A Minor Wettability Study on TiO2 Nanotubes over Ti-alloy Fabricated in Different Electrolytes

Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D


Shashank Poddar
Shashank Poddar

H-Index: 1

Arindam Bit
Arindam Bit

H-Index: 10

Numerical analysis of scaffold degradation in cryogenic environment: impact of cell migration and cell apoptosis

Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express


Arindam Bit
Arindam Bit

H-Index: 10

Structure and in-vitro bioactivity study of Nano-DCPD coatings on anodized TiO2 nanotubes deposited on Ti-alloy as scaffold applications

Ceramics International


Shashank Poddar
Shashank Poddar

H-Index: 1

Arindam Bit
Arindam Bit

H-Index: 10

Hybrid computational model depicts the contribution of non-significant lobes of human brain during the perception of emotional stimuli

Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering


Evaluation of heat transfer in porous scaffolds under cryogenic treatment: a numerical study

Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing


Saurabh Gupta
Saurabh Gupta

H-Index: 25

Arindam Bit
Arindam Bit

H-Index: 10

Investigation of frequency components embedded in EEG recordings underlying neuronal mechanism of cognitive control and attentional functions

Cognitive Neurodynamics


Processing of attentional and emotional stimuli depends on retrospective response of foot pressure: Conceptualizing neuron-cognitive distribution in human brain

Computers in Biology and Medicine


Shashikanta Tarai
Shashikanta Tarai

H-Index: 2

Arindam Bit
Arindam Bit

H-Index: 10

Evaluation of different topography of TiO2 nanotube morphologies on Ti6Al4V alloy plate for in-vitro studies in orthopaedic application

Bulletin of Materials Science


Shashank Poddar
Shashank Poddar

H-Index: 1

Arindam Bit
Arindam Bit

H-Index: 10

Influence of Non-Newtonian Viscosity on Flow Structures and Wall Deformation in Compliant Serpentine Microchannels: A Numerical Study



Kunal Mitra
Kunal Mitra

H-Index: 12

Arindam Bit
Arindam Bit

H-Index: 10

Corrigendum: Metallic ion-based graphene oxide functionalized silk fibroin-based dressing promotes wound healing via improved bacterial outcomes and faster re-epithelization …

Biomedical Materials


Engineered GO-Silk Fibroin-Based Hydrogel for the Promotion of Collagen Synthesis in Full-Thickness Skin Defect

Journal of Composites Science


Influence of Cryogenic Temperature on Degradation of Step-Graded Scaffold: A CFD Study


Arindam Bit
Arindam Bit

H-Index: 10

Numerical and experimental analysis of shear stress influence on cellular viability in serpentine vascular channels



Advanced Methods in Biomedical Signal Processing and Analysis


Samit Ari
Samit Ari

H-Index: 15

Arindam Bit
Arindam Bit

H-Index: 10

From 3D printing to 3D bioprinting: the material properties of polymeric material and its derived bioink for achieving tissue specific architectures


3D bioprinting in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine


Arindam Bit
Arindam Bit

H-Index: 10

Metallic ion-based graphene oxide functionalized silk fibroin-based dressing promotes wound healing via improved bactericidal outcomes and faster re-epithelization

Biomedical Materials


Neurocognitive functions of prosocial and unsocial incongruency information during language comprehension: evidence from time–frequency analysis of EEG signals

Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing


Shashikanta Tarai
Shashikanta Tarai

H-Index: 2

Arindam Bit
Arindam Bit

H-Index: 10

See List of Professors in Arindam Bit University(National Institute of Technology, Raipur)