Antonio Hidalgo

About Antonio Hidalgo

Antonio Hidalgo, With an exceptional h-index of 32 and a recent h-index of 26 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, specializes in the field of Innovation Technology transfer Industrial policy.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

How to keep your information secure? Toward a better understanding of users security behavior

Dealing with the externalities of the sharing economy: Effect of Airbnb in long-term rental prices in the city of Madrid

Predicting grades on an exam through gamification techniques. To what extent does the participation on a gamification activity impact positively on the mark obtained in the exam?

Factors determining the success of eHealth innovation projects

Drivers of innovation in finance: How important is materialism for crowdfunding investors?

Innovation management in the aeronautical sector: The 5F3D model

On the motivation of funders when financing firms with social goals through crowdfunding platforms

Smartphone addiction and cybercrime victimization in the context of lifestyles routine activities and self-control theories: The user’s dual vulnerability model of cybercrime …

Antonio Hidalgo Information



Catedrático de Organización Empresas ()



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Antonio Hidalgo Skills & Research Interests

Innovation Technology transfer Industrial policy

Top articles of Antonio Hidalgo

How to keep your information secure? Toward a better understanding of users security behavior

Technological Forecasting and Social Change


Dealing with the externalities of the sharing economy: Effect of Airbnb in long-term rental prices in the city of Madrid


Predicting grades on an exam through gamification techniques. To what extent does the participation on a gamification activity impact positively on the mark obtained in the exam?


Factors determining the success of eHealth innovation projects

International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence


Antonio Hidalgo
Antonio Hidalgo

H-Index: 20

Isaac Lemus-Aguilar
Isaac Lemus-Aguilar

H-Index: 4

Drivers of innovation in finance: How important is materialism for crowdfunding investors?

International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management


Antonio Hidalgo
Antonio Hidalgo

H-Index: 20

Innovation management in the aeronautical sector: The 5F3D model

Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja


Antonio Hidalgo
Antonio Hidalgo

H-Index: 20

On the motivation of funders when financing firms with social goals through crowdfunding platforms


Smartphone addiction and cybercrime victimization in the context of lifestyles routine activities and self-control theories: The user’s dual vulnerability model of cybercrime …

International journal of environmental research and public health


Antonio Hidalgo
Antonio Hidalgo

H-Index: 20

Alberto Urueña
Alberto Urueña

H-Index: 14

Opening and closing open innovation projects: A contractual perspective

Industrial Marketing Management


Innovation management in consulting firms: Identifying innovation processes, capabilities and dimensions

European Journal of International Management


Economic analysis of recharging electric vehicles

The Role of the Electric Vehicle in the Energy Transition: A Multidimensional Approach


Angel Arcos-Vargas
Angel Arcos-Vargas

H-Index: 9

Antonio Hidalgo
Antonio Hidalgo

H-Index: 20

Impact assessment after the first year of the new Spanish Patent Law

International Journal of Intellectual Property Management


Antonio Hidalgo
Antonio Hidalgo

H-Index: 20

The digital divide in light of sustainable development: An approach through advanced machine learning techniques

Technological forecasting and social change


Antonio Hidalgo
Antonio Hidalgo

H-Index: 20

Alberto Urueña
Alberto Urueña

H-Index: 14

Lean manufacturing and operational performance. Interrelationships between human-related lean practices

Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management


Antonio Hidalgo
Antonio Hidalgo

H-Index: 20

La función de aprendizaje en la experimentación de los ecosistemas industriales

Economía Industrial


Ebru Susur
Ebru Susur

H-Index: 3

Antonio Hidalgo
Antonio Hidalgo

H-Index: 20

La transición sostenible como soporte de los ecosistemas industriales

Economía Industrial


Ebru Susur
Ebru Susur

H-Index: 3

Antonio Hidalgo
Antonio Hidalgo

H-Index: 20

Innovation management and co-creation in KIBs: An approach to the ICT services sector

Technological Forecasting & Social Change


Antonio Hidalgo
Antonio Hidalgo

H-Index: 20

Rafael Herrera
Rafael Herrera

H-Index: 10

Data retrieval from online social media networks for defining business angels’ profile

Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy


Isaac Lemus-Aguilar
Isaac Lemus-Aguilar

H-Index: 4

Antonio Hidalgo
Antonio Hidalgo

H-Index: 20

See List of Professors in Antonio Hidalgo University(Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)

