Andrew R Leitch

About Andrew R Leitch

Andrew R Leitch, With an exceptional h-index of 73 and a recent h-index of 37 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Queen Mary University of London, specializes in the field of Plant genomcis, polyploidy, interspecific hybridisation, evolutionary processes, telomere biology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The genome sequence of rosebay willowherb Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop., 1771 (syn. Epilobium angustifolium L., 1753) (Onagraceae)

Intragenomic rDNA variation-the product of concerted evolution, mutation, or something in between?

“BIFloraExplorer”: A Taxonomic, Genetic, and Ecological Data Resource for the Vascular Plants of Britain and Ireland

Giant ferns show complex evolution patterns: A case study in the genus Tmesipteris (Psilotaceae)

The role of chromatin modifications in the evolution of giant plant genomes

Giant Fern Genomes Show Complex Evolution Patterns: A Comparative Analysis in Two Species of Tmesipteris (Psilotaceae)

Down, then up: non-parallel genome size changes and a descending chromosome series in a recent radiation of the Australian allotetraploid plant species, Nicotiana section …

Is hybridisation with non‐native congeneric species a threat to the UK native bluebell Hyacinthoides non‐scripta?

Andrew R Leitch Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Andrew R Leitch Skills & Research Interests

Plant genomcis


interspecific hybridisation

evolutionary processes

telomere biology

Top articles of Andrew R Leitch

The genome sequence of rosebay willowherb Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop., 1771 (syn. Epilobium angustifolium L., 1753) (Onagraceae)

Wellcome Open Research


Andrew R Leitch
Andrew R Leitch

H-Index: 37

Intragenomic rDNA variation-the product of concerted evolution, mutation, or something in between?


“BIFloraExplorer”: A Taxonomic, Genetic, and Ecological Data Resource for the Vascular Plants of Britain and Ireland


Andrew R Leitch
Andrew R Leitch

H-Index: 37

Giant ferns show complex evolution patterns: A case study in the genus Tmesipteris (Psilotaceae)


The role of chromatin modifications in the evolution of giant plant genomes



Giant Fern Genomes Show Complex Evolution Patterns: A Comparative Analysis in Two Species of Tmesipteris (Psilotaceae)

International Journal of Molecular Sciences


Andrew R Leitch
Andrew R Leitch

H-Index: 37

Down, then up: non-parallel genome size changes and a descending chromosome series in a recent radiation of the Australian allotetraploid plant species, Nicotiana section …

Annals of Botany


Is hybridisation with non‐native congeneric species a threat to the UK native bluebell Hyacinthoides non‐scripta?

Plants, People, Planet


Andrew R Leitch
Andrew R Leitch

H-Index: 37

Tales from the genome: insights into the origin and evolution of giant genomes in whisk ferns (genus Tmesipteris, Psilotales)


Andrew R Leitch
Andrew R Leitch

H-Index: 37

Recurrent allopolyploidizations diversify ecophysiological traits in marsh orchids (Dactylorhiza majalis s.l.)

Molecular Ecology


Wolfram Weckwerth
Wolfram Weckwerth

H-Index: 44

Andrew R Leitch
Andrew R Leitch

H-Index: 37

Plant genome size modulates grassland community responses to multi‐nutrient additions

New Phytologist


Mega‐sized pericentromeric blocks of simple telomeric repeats and their variants reveal patterns of chromosome evolution in ancient Cycadales genomes

The Plant Journal


Wencai Wang
Wencai Wang

H-Index: 16

Andrew R Leitch
Andrew R Leitch

H-Index: 37

The ecology of palm genomes: repeat‐associated genome size expansion is constrained by aridity

New Phytologist


Genome evolution: On the nature of trade-offs with polyploidy and endopolyploidy

Current Biology


Andrew R Leitch
Andrew R Leitch

H-Index: 37

Singapore as a type locality for angiosperm taxa

[" Nature in Singapore"]


Genome Insights into Autopolyploid Evolution: A Case Study in Senecio doronicum (Asteraceae) from the Southern Alps



Andrew R Leitch
Andrew R Leitch

H-Index: 37

Luca Pegoraro
Luca Pegoraro

H-Index: 1

Urospermum× siljakii (Asteraceae), a new natural homoploid hybrid between U. dalechampii and U. picroides


A taxonomic, genetic and ecological data resource for the vascular plants of Britain and Ireland

Scientific Data


Laura Jones
Laura Jones

H-Index: 1

Andrew R Leitch
Andrew R Leitch

H-Index: 37

Cyto-nuclear incompatibilities across a bluebell hybrid zone in northern Spain do not prevent genome-wide introgression of neutral markers

Evolutionary Journal of the Linnean Society


Alexandre Blanckaert
Alexandre Blanckaert

H-Index: 7

Andrew R Leitch
Andrew R Leitch

H-Index: 37

Flora of Singapore precursors, 29: A new name for Ficus dubia Wall. ex King (Moraceae)

[" Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore"]


Andrew R Leitch
Andrew R Leitch

H-Index: 37

Sebastian Schuster
Sebastian Schuster

H-Index: 11

See List of Professors in Andrew R Leitch University(Queen Mary University of London)