Andreas Leibbrandt

About Andreas Leibbrandt

Andreas Leibbrandt, With an exceptional h-index of 20 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Monash University, specializes in the field of Science of Diversity & Inclusion.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Tournaments with safeguards: a blessing or a curse for women?

Do Positive Externalities Affect Risk Taking? Experimental Evidence on Gender and Group Membership

Is there a glass ceiling for ethnic minorities to enter leadership positions? Evidence from a large-scale field experiment with over 12,000 job applications

Die Hard: Exploring the Characteristics of Resource Users who Persist in the Tragedy of the Commons

Does artificial intelligence help or hurt gender diversity? Evidence from two field experiments on recruitment in tech

Do Financial Incentives Encourage Women to Apply for a Tech Job? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment

Systematic Misperceptions About Pro-Sociality: Experimental Evidence

A large‐scale field experiment on occupational gender segregation and hiring discrimination

Andreas Leibbrandt Information



Professor of Economics



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Andreas Leibbrandt Skills & Research Interests

Science of Diversity & Inclusion

Top articles of Andreas Leibbrandt

Tournaments with safeguards: a blessing or a curse for women?

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization


Andreas Leibbrandt
Andreas Leibbrandt

H-Index: 16

Do Positive Externalities Affect Risk Taking? Experimental Evidence on Gender and Group Membership


Andreas Leibbrandt
Andreas Leibbrandt

H-Index: 16

Is there a glass ceiling for ethnic minorities to enter leadership positions? Evidence from a large-scale field experiment with over 12,000 job applications

The Leadership Quarterly


Mladen Adamovic
Mladen Adamovic

H-Index: 4

Andreas Leibbrandt
Andreas Leibbrandt

H-Index: 16

Die Hard: Exploring the Characteristics of Resource Users who Persist in the Tragedy of the Commons

Available at SSRN 4534382


Andreas Leibbrandt
Andreas Leibbrandt

H-Index: 16

Does artificial intelligence help or hurt gender diversity? Evidence from two field experiments on recruitment in tech


Mallory Avery
Mallory Avery

H-Index: 2

Andreas Leibbrandt
Andreas Leibbrandt

H-Index: 16

Do Financial Incentives Encourage Women to Apply for a Tech Job? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment

AEA Papers and Proceedings


Jan Feld
Jan Feld

H-Index: 5

Andreas Leibbrandt
Andreas Leibbrandt

H-Index: 16

Systematic Misperceptions About Pro-Sociality: Experimental Evidence

Available at SSRN 4509945


Andreas Leibbrandt
Andreas Leibbrandt

H-Index: 16

A large‐scale field experiment on occupational gender segregation and hiring discrimination

Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society


Mladen Adamovic
Mladen Adamovic

H-Index: 4

Andreas Leibbrandt
Andreas Leibbrandt

H-Index: 16

Leader Signals and “Growth Mindset”: A Natural Field Experiment in Attracting Minorities to High-Profile Positions

Management Science


Andreas Leibbrandt
Andreas Leibbrandt

H-Index: 16

Olga Stoddard
Olga Stoddard

H-Index: 7

Reciprocal, but inequality averse as well? Mixed motives for punishment and reward

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization


Andreas Leibbrandt
Andreas Leibbrandt

H-Index: 16

Perceptions of Gender Diversity in Occupations

AEA Papers and Proceedings


Consumer Preferences for Diversity: A Field Experiment in Product Design

Available at SSRN 4281634


Designing the market for job vacancies: A trust experiment with employment centers staff

Labour Economics


Guglielmo Briscese
Guglielmo Briscese

H-Index: 2

Andreas Leibbrandt
Andreas Leibbrandt

H-Index: 16

Social Distancing for COVID-19 Decreases Trust among Strangers

Available at SSRN 4229883


Mladen Adamovic
Mladen Adamovic

H-Index: 4

Andreas Leibbrandt
Andreas Leibbrandt

H-Index: 16

Risk externalities and gender: Experimental evidence

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization


Andreas Leibbrandt
Andreas Leibbrandt

H-Index: 16

Do Positive Externalities Encourage Risk Taking? Experimental Evidence on Gender and Group Membership

Experimental Evidence on Gender and Group Membership


Andreas Leibbrandt
Andreas Leibbrandt

H-Index: 16

Identifying and overcoming gender barriers in tech: A field experiment on inaccurate statistical discrimination


Jan Feld
Jan Feld

H-Index: 5

Andreas Leibbrandt
Andreas Leibbrandt

H-Index: 16

Trivial Fundamentals Are Not Trivial: Experiments on Assets with Non-positive Fundamental Values

Available at SSRN 4016440


Andreas Leibbrandt
Andreas Leibbrandt

H-Index: 16

Underrepresented women leaders: lasting impact of gender homophily in surgical faculty networks

The Laryngoscope


Andreas Leibbrandt
Andreas Leibbrandt

H-Index: 16

Regrouping to Reduce Overfishing: Evidence from a Series of Lab-in-the-Field Experiments in Mexico

Marine Resource Economics


Andreas Leibbrandt
Andreas Leibbrandt

H-Index: 16

Maria Alejandra Vélez
Maria Alejandra Vélez

H-Index: 14

See List of Professors in Andreas Leibbrandt University(Monash University)

