Andi Dian Permana

About Andi Dian Permana

Andi Dian Permana, With an exceptional h-index of 25 and a recent h-index of 25 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitas Hasanuddin, specializes in the field of Pharmaceutical Technology, Transdermal and Intradermal Delivery System, Microneedles, Nanotechnology, Biopharmaceutics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Validation of spectrophotometric and colorimetric methods for determination of efavirenz in various biological matrices: Application to the development of dissolvable …

Selective Delivery of Clindamycin Using a Combination of Bacterially Sensitive Microparticle and Separable Effervescent Microarray Patch on Bacteria Causing Diabetic Foot Infection

Formulation and evaluation of dissolving microneedle for transdermal delivery of piperine: the effect of polymers concentration

Fucoidan-incorporated dissolving microneedles: A novel approach to anticoagulant transdermal delivery

Validation of UV–Vis spectrophotometric and colorimetric methods to quantify methotrexate in plasma and rat skin tissue: Application to in vitro release, ex vivo and in vivo …

UV–Vis spectrophotometry for rapid and specific quantification of amphotericin B: analytical method validation for ex vivo and in vivo studies in the development of …

Application of validated UV spectrophotometric and colorimetric method to quantify minoxidil in the development of trilayer dissolving microneedle: Proof of concept in ex vivo …

Development of Telmisartan Nanocrystal-Based Dissolving Microneedle for Brain Targeting via Trigeminal Pathway: A Potentially Promising Treatment for Alzheimer’s with an …

Andi Dian Permana Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Andi Dian Permana Skills & Research Interests

Pharmaceutical Technology

Transdermal and Intradermal Delivery System




Top articles of Andi Dian Permana




Publication Date

Validation of spectrophotometric and colorimetric methods for determination of efavirenz in various biological matrices: Application to the development of dissolvable …

Analytical Sciences

Iis Nurul Rahmadani

Nurul Fauziah

Muhammad Nur Hidayat

Nur Annisa Safirah

Nur Azizah Fadhilah



Selective Delivery of Clindamycin Using a Combination of Bacterially Sensitive Microparticle and Separable Effervescent Microarray Patch on Bacteria Causing Diabetic Foot Infection

Pharmaceutical Research

Nurul Fauziah

Nur Annisa Safirah

Iis Nurul Rahmadani

Muhammad Nur Hidayat

Nur Azizah Fadhilah



Formulation and evaluation of dissolving microneedle for transdermal delivery of piperine: the effect of polymers concentration

Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition

Andi Nur Aisyah

Andi Dian Permana

Elly Wahyudin

Diany Elim

Mukarram Mujahid



Fucoidan-incorporated dissolving microneedles: A novel approach to anticoagulant transdermal delivery

Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology

Stephanie Stephanie

Cindy Kristina Enggi

Sulistiawati Sulistiawati

Frederika Tangdilintin

Alghifary Anas Achmad



Validation of UV–Vis spectrophotometric and colorimetric methods to quantify methotrexate in plasma and rat skin tissue: Application to in vitro release, ex vivo and in vivo …

Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy

Nur Qadri Febrianti

Muhamad Gilang Ramadhan Tunggeng

Indianty Dwi Ramadhany

Rangga Meidianto Asri

Yulia Yusrini Djabir



UV–Vis spectrophotometry for rapid and specific quantification of amphotericin B: analytical method validation for ex vivo and in vivo studies in the development of …

Analytical Sciences

Elsa Mualim

S Hukman

Jedidya Ricardo Siagian

Triaugust Aquino Mantong

Raudiya Magfira Dahlan



Application of validated UV spectrophotometric and colorimetric method to quantify minoxidil in the development of trilayer dissolving microneedle: Proof of concept in ex vivo …

Annales Pharmaceutiques Françaises

Nur Afika

Afifah Fadhilah Saniy

Christopher Kosasi Ko

Rayu Kamran

Andi Dian Permana


Development of Telmisartan Nanocrystal-Based Dissolving Microneedle for Brain Targeting via Trigeminal Pathway: A Potentially Promising Treatment for Alzheimer’s with an …

ACS Applied Bio Materials

Aqilah F Madani

Muhammad A Syauqi

Jihan A Permatasari

Annisa A Putri

Andi Dian Permana


Ex Vivo and In Vivo Retention Time Evaluation of Fucoidan Isolated from Macrocystis pyrifera Through a Thermosensitive Gel System in The Vaginal Route

BIO Web of Conferences

Anwar Sam

Ardiyah Nurul Fitri Marzaman

Mukarram Mudjahid

Tri Puspita Roska

Andi Dian Permana



Formulation and evaluation of red fruit (Pandanus conoideus) oil-based nanoemulsion loaded thermosensitive gel combined with solid microneedle for topical delivery

Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology

Diany Elim

Nur Syafika

Putri Wulandari Resky Ananda

Komang Agus Rai Ardika

A Muh Faudzul Adziim



Dual delivery systems combining nanocrystals and dissolving microneedles for improved local vaginal delivery of fluconazole

Drug Delivery and Translational Research

Anugerah Yaumil Ramadhani Aziz

Ulfah Mahfufah

Nor Atikah Syahirah


Rangga Meidianto Asri



Development of pH-Sensitive Nanoparticle Incorporated into Dissolving Microarray Patch for Selective Delivery of Methotrexate

AAPS PharmSciTech

Nur Qadri Febrianti

Anugerah Yaumil Ramadhani Aziz

Muhamad Gilang Ramadhan Tunggeng

Indianty Dwi Ramadhany

Nur Syafika



Bioavailability enhancement of sildenafil citrate via hydrogel-forming microneedle strategy in combination with cyclodextrin complexation

International Journal of Pharmaceutics

Sulistiawati Sulistiawati

Cindy Kristina Enggi

Israini Wiyulanda Iskandar

Rizki Rachmad Saputra

Sartini Sartini



Development and validation of UV–Vis spectrophotometry-colorimetric method for the specific quantification of rivastigmine tartrate from separable effervescent microneedles: Ex …

Journal of Molecular Structure

Muhammad Firdaus Hamdan

Novianti Nur Ramadhani

Anugerah Yaumil Ramadhani Aziz

Musyfira Sahra

Andi Ilman Agrabudi



Application of Biomaterials in the Development of Hydrogel-Forming Microneedles Integrated with a Cyclodextrin Drug Reservoir for Improved Pharmacokinetic Profiles of Telmisartan

ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering

Cindy Kristina Enggi

Sulistiawati Sulistiawati

Achmad Himawan

Muhammad Raihan

Israini Wiyulanda Iskandar



Hydrogel-Forming Microarray Patches–Mediated Transdermal Delivery of Telmisartan from Polyethylene Glycol Reservoir

Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation

Nana Novriana Payung Datu

Latifah Rahman

Ardiyah Nurul Fitri Marzaman

Tri Puspita Roska

Anwar Sam



Implantable Trilayer Microneedle Transdermal Delivery System to Enhance Bioavailability and Brain Delivery of Rivastigmine for Alzheimer Treatment: a Proof-of-concept Study

Nur Rezky Aulia

Aprilia Paramitha Dwi Putri

Febriansyah Anandha Pratama

Dian Arnita Putri Abdullah

Kanaya Shafi Azzahra



Hydrogel forming microneedle-mediated transdermal delivery of sildenafil citrate from polyethylene glycol reservoir: An ex vivo proof of concept study

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces

Diany Elim

Andi Maqhfirah Nurul Fitri

Muhammad Alif Sya’ban Mahfud

Nur Afika

Nurul Aisha Fitri Sultan



Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy

Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy

Waqar Ali Zahid

Waqas Akram

Muhammad Fiaz Ahmad

Saleem Iqbal

Shaimaa AM Abdelmohsen



Recent advances in pharmaceutical approaches of antimicrobial agents for selective delivery in various administration routes

Ardiyah Nurul Fitri Marzaman

Tri Puspita Roska

Sartini Sartini

Rifka Nurul Utami

Sulistiawati Sulistiawati



See List of Professors in Andi Dian Permana University(Universitas Hasanuddin)