Ana Teresa Lombardi

About Ana Teresa Lombardi

Ana Teresa Lombardi, With an exceptional h-index of 31 and a recent h-index of 21 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade Federal de São Carlos, specializes in the field of Environmental chemistry, algal physiology, trace metals, photosynthesis.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Photosynthetic and antioxidant responses of Ankistrodesmus flexuosus and Curvastrum pantanale to environmentally relevant copper concentrations

Low-dose copper and blue light increases the yield of value-added biomolecules in Kirchneriella contorta (Chlorophyceae)

Polychromatic controller of photosynthetically active radiation applied to microalgae

Luminosity and Chemical Stress Improve the Production of Biomass and Biomolecules from Chlorella vulgaris Cultivated in Produced Water

Importance of different exposure routes on the toxicity of chromium to planktonic organisms

Effect of nitrate on Ankistrodesmus fusiformis culture: evaluation of growth, biomolecules and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS)

Biomass, photosynthetic activity, and biomolecule composition in Chlorella fusca (Chlorophyta) cultured in a raceway pond operated under greenhouse conditions

Study of the growth and biochemical composition of 20 species of cyanobacteria cultured in cylindrical photobioreactors

Ana Teresa Lombardi Information



Professor of Phycology



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Ana Teresa Lombardi Skills & Research Interests

Environmental chemistry

algal physiology

trace metals


Top articles of Ana Teresa Lombardi

Photosynthetic and antioxidant responses of Ankistrodesmus flexuosus and Curvastrum pantanale to environmentally relevant copper concentrations

Physiologia Plantarum


Suleiman Dauda
Suleiman Dauda

H-Index: 2

Ana Teresa Lombardi
Ana Teresa Lombardi

H-Index: 19

Low-dose copper and blue light increases the yield of value-added biomolecules in Kirchneriella contorta (Chlorophyceae)

Journal of Applied Phycology


Ana Teresa Lombardi
Ana Teresa Lombardi

H-Index: 19

Polychromatic controller of photosynthetically active radiation applied to microalgae

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering


Ana Teresa Lombardi
Ana Teresa Lombardi

H-Index: 19

Luminosity and Chemical Stress Improve the Production of Biomass and Biomolecules from Chlorella vulgaris Cultivated in Produced Water

BioEnergy Research


Ana Teresa Lombardi
Ana Teresa Lombardi

H-Index: 19

Paulo Fernando De Almeida
Paulo Fernando De Almeida

H-Index: 15

Importance of different exposure routes on the toxicity of chromium to planktonic organisms

Aquatic Ecology


Effect of nitrate on Ankistrodesmus fusiformis culture: evaluation of growth, biomolecules and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS)

Journal of Applied Phycology


Jaqueline Carmo Da Silva
Jaqueline Carmo Da Silva

H-Index: 3

Ana Teresa Lombardi
Ana Teresa Lombardi

H-Index: 19

Biomass, photosynthetic activity, and biomolecule composition in Chlorella fusca (Chlorophyta) cultured in a raceway pond operated under greenhouse conditions

Journal of Biotechnology


Ana Teresa Lombardi
Ana Teresa Lombardi

H-Index: 19

Study of the growth and biochemical composition of 20 species of cyanobacteria cultured in cylindrical photobioreactors

Microbial Cell Factories


Ana Teresa Lombardi
Ana Teresa Lombardi

H-Index: 19

Environmentally relevant copper concentrations stimulate photosynthesis in Monoraphidium sp.

Photosynthesis Research


Suleiman Dauda
Suleiman Dauda

H-Index: 2

Ana Teresa Lombardi
Ana Teresa Lombardi

H-Index: 19

Chromium toxicity to planktonic organisms: comparison between different routes of exposure to the metal


Differential Effects of Atrazine on Chlorophyceae Species and Association with Morphology, Photosynthesis, Chlorophyll Content, and Glutathione‐S‐Transferase …

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry


Ana Teresa Lombardi
Ana Teresa Lombardi

H-Index: 19

Juliano Zanette
Juliano Zanette

H-Index: 16

Bioprospecting and selection of tolerant strains and productive analyses of microalgae grown in vinasse

Brazilian Journal of Microbiology


Ana Teresa Lombardi
Ana Teresa Lombardi

H-Index: 19

Bioaccumulation of metals by algae from acid mine drainage: a case study of Frongoch Mine (UK)

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Strategy for the cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris with high biomass production and biofuel potential in wastewater from the oil industry

Environmental Technology & Innovation


Comparing pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry with radiocarbon technique for determination of inorganic carbon fixation in Chlorella vulgaris (Trebouxiophyceae …

European Journal of Phycology


Microalgal photosynthetic inhibition and mixotrophic growth in Post Hydrothermal Liquefaction Wastewater (PHW)

Algal Research


Scaling-up production of Spirulina sp. LEB18 grown in aquaculture wastewater



Ana Teresa Lombardi
Ana Teresa Lombardi

H-Index: 19

Jorge Alberto Vieira Costa
Jorge Alberto Vieira Costa

H-Index: 43

Otimização e comparação qualitativa de dois pré-tratamentos da vinhaça visando ao cultivo de microalgas

Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental


Ana Teresa Lombardi
Ana Teresa Lombardi

H-Index: 19

Optimization and qualitative comparison of two vinasse pre-treatments aiming at microalgae cultivation

Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental


Ana Teresa Lombardi
Ana Teresa Lombardi

H-Index: 19

Combination of P-limitation and cadmium in photosynthetic responses of the freshwater microalga Ankistrodesmus densus (Chlorophyceae)

Environmental Pollution


Ana Teresa Lombardi
Ana Teresa Lombardi

H-Index: 19

See List of Professors in Ana Teresa Lombardi University(Universidade Federal de São Carlos)