Amy Latimer-Cheung

About Amy Latimer-Cheung

Amy Latimer-Cheung, With an exceptional h-index of 63 and a recent h-index of 45 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Queens University, specializes in the field of message framing, spinal cord injury, disability.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Development and validation of the SAFE (Socially Ascribed intersectional identities For Equity) questionnaire

Understanding the experiences of parents of disabled and non-disabled children at playgrounds designed for disability inclusion

Physical activity together for MS (PAT-MS): Secondary outcomes of a randomized controlled feasibility trial

Relationships between sport and exercise participation and subjective well-being among adults with physical disabilities: Is participation quality more important than …

The Effects of Physical Activity Messages on Physical Activity Support Behaviors and Motivation Among Parents of Children with Disabilities

Physical Activity Together for Multiple Sclerosis (PAT-MS): A randomized controlled feasibility trial of a dyadic behaviour change intervention

Awareness and knowledge of the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Adults among adults living in Canada

The MoXFo initiative–adherence: Exercise adherence, compliance and sustainability among people with multiple sclerosis: An overview and roadmap for research

Amy Latimer-Cheung Information



Associate Professor



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Amy Latimer-Cheung Skills & Research Interests

message framing

spinal cord injury


Top articles of Amy Latimer-Cheung

Development and validation of the SAFE (Socially Ascribed intersectional identities For Equity) questionnaire


Understanding the experiences of parents of disabled and non-disabled children at playgrounds designed for disability inclusion

Disability & Society


Physical activity together for MS (PAT-MS): Secondary outcomes of a randomized controlled feasibility trial

Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders


Relationships between sport and exercise participation and subjective well-being among adults with physical disabilities: Is participation quality more important than …

Psychology of Sport and Exercise


The Effects of Physical Activity Messages on Physical Activity Support Behaviors and Motivation Among Parents of Children with Disabilities

Health Communication


Amy Latimer-Cheung
Amy Latimer-Cheung

H-Index: 45

Rebecca Bassett-Gunter
Rebecca Bassett-Gunter

H-Index: 16

Physical Activity Together for Multiple Sclerosis (PAT-MS): A randomized controlled feasibility trial of a dyadic behaviour change intervention

Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications


Awareness and knowledge of the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Adults among adults living in Canada

Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism


The MoXFo initiative–adherence: Exercise adherence, compliance and sustainability among people with multiple sclerosis: An overview and roadmap for research


“It has to be more than exercise”: exploring multiple perspectives to community-based exercise program design for persons with breast cancer

Supportive Care in Cancer


‘On-the ground’strategy matrix for fostering quality participation experiences among persons with disabilities in community-based exercise programs

Psychology of Sport and Exercise


Disability-specific exercise prescription principles, learning opportunities and resources for exercise professionals to build competencies: A scoping review


Amy Latimer-Cheung
Amy Latimer-Cheung

H-Index: 45

Exploring the preferences and support needs of persons with sensory disabilities when working with qualified exercise professionals in an exercise context

Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository)


Amy Latimer-Cheung
Amy Latimer-Cheung

H-Index: 45

Communication as a Factor for Uptake of Intraorganizational Accessibility and Inclusivity Initiatives

Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository)


Emilie Michalovic
Emilie Michalovic

H-Index: 4

Amy Latimer-Cheung
Amy Latimer-Cheung

H-Index: 45

Optimizing staff and volunteer training at community-based exercise programs for persons with disabilities across Canada: A content analysis of quality participation being …

Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository)


Unveiling the Mosaic of Identity: Illuminating Intersectionality through a Delphi Process for Quantitative Questionnaire Development

Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository)


An exploration of Para sport administrators' role in disseminating knowledge related to classification

Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository)


Amy Latimer-Cheung
Amy Latimer-Cheung

H-Index: 45

Exploring the leisure time physical activity (LTPA) experiences of women with a physical disability in India

Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health


Amy Latimer-Cheung
Amy Latimer-Cheung

H-Index: 45

Narrative as a learning tool for coaches of athletes with a disability: using stories to translate research into practice

Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy


I AM FAMILY: Understanding the adapted sport experiences of family members of military personnel with physical and psychological illnesses and injuries through the lens of the …

Psychology of sport and exercise


A small change approach on adiposity, lean mass and bone mineral density in adults with overweight and obesity: A randomized controlled trial

Clinical Obesity


See List of Professors in Amy Latimer-Cheung University(Queens University)