Amith Khandakar, Senior Member IEEE

About Amith Khandakar, Senior Member IEEE

Amith Khandakar, Senior Member IEEE, With an exceptional h-index of 35 and a recent h-index of 34 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Qatar University, specializes in the field of Sensors and Electronics, Biomedical Engineering, Machine Learning Applications, Engineering Education.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Development of a stacked machine learning model to compute the capability of ZnO-based sensors for hydrogen detection

Machine learning model for stratification of early diabetic foot complication using thermogram images

Exploring the optical and morphological properties of metal oxide thin films produced via reactive electron beam evaporation

Restoration of motion-corrupted EEG signals using attention-guided operational CycleGAN

Diabetic Foot Ulcer Detection: Combining Deep Learning Models for Improved Localization

A novel framework for lung cancer classification using lightweight convolutional neural networks and ridge extreme learning machine model with SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP)

A Reliable and Robust Deep Learning Model for Effective Recyclable Waste Classification

LGI-rPPG-Net: A shallow encoder-decoder model for rPPG signal estimation from facial video streams

Amith Khandakar, Senior Member IEEE Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Amith Khandakar, Senior Member IEEE Skills & Research Interests

Sensors and Electronics

Biomedical Engineering

Machine Learning Applications

Engineering Education

Top articles of Amith Khandakar, Senior Member IEEE




Publication Date

Development of a stacked machine learning model to compute the capability of ZnO-based sensors for hydrogen detection

Sustainable Materials and Technologies

Behzad Vaferi

Mohsen Dehbashi

Amith Khandakar

Mohamed Arselene Ayari

Samira Amini


Machine learning model for stratification of early diabetic foot complication using thermogram images


Exploring the optical and morphological properties of metal oxide thin films produced via reactive electron beam evaporation


Emanuele Cavaliere

Giulio Benetti

Margriet Van Bael

Naomi Winckelmans

Sara Bals



Restoration of motion-corrupted EEG signals using attention-guided operational CycleGAN

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Sakib Mahmud

Muhammad EH Chowdhury

Serkan Kiranyaz

Nasser Al Emadi

Anas M Tahir



Diabetic Foot Ulcer Detection: Combining Deep Learning Models for Improved Localization

Cognitive Computation

Rusab Sarmun

Muhammad E. H. Chowdhury

M. Murugappan

Ahmed Aqel

Maymouna Ezzuddin



A novel framework for lung cancer classification using lightweight convolutional neural networks and ridge extreme learning machine model with SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP)

Expert Systems with Applications

Md Nahiduzzaman

Lway Faisal Abdulrazak

Mohamed Arselene Ayari

Amith Khandakar

SM Riazul Islam


A Reliable and Robust Deep Learning Model for Effective Recyclable Waste Classification

IEEE Access

Md Mosarrof Hossen

Molla E Majid

Saad Bin Abul Kashem

Amith Khandakar

Mohammad Nashbat



LGI-rPPG-Net: A shallow encoder-decoder model for rPPG signal estimation from facial video streams

Biomedical Signal Processing and Control

Moajjem Hossain Chowdhury

Muhammad EH Chowdhury

Mamun Bin Ibne Reaz

Sawal Hamid Md Ali

Seyed Mehdi Rakhtala



Wearable wrist to finger photoplethysmogram translation through restoration using super operational neural networks based 1D-CycleGAN for enhancing cardiovascular monitoring

Expert Systems with Applications

Sakib Mahmud

Muhammad EH Chowdhury

Serkan Kiranyaz

Malisha Islam Tapotee

Purnata Saha



Robust and novel attention guided MultiResUnet model for 3D ground reaction force and moment prediction from foot kinematics

Neural Computing and Applications

Md Ahasan Atick Faisal

Sakib Mahmud

Muhammad EH Chowdhury

Amith Khandakar

Mosabber Uddin Ahmed



TB-CXRNet: Tuberculosis and Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Detection Technique Using Chest X-ray Images

Cognitive Computation

Tawsifur Rahman

Amith Khandakar

Ashiqur Rahman

Susu M Zughaier

Muna Al Maslamani



Novel multimodal emotion detection method using Electroencephalogram and Electrocardiogram signals

Biomedical Signal Processing and Control

Purnata Saha

Ali K Ansaruddin Kunju

Molla E Majid

Saad Bin Abul Kashem

Mohammad Nashbat



Enhance data availability and network consistency using artificial neural network for IoT

Multimedia Tools and Applications

Mujahid Tabassum

Sundresan Perumal

Saad Bin Abdul Kashem

Suresh Ponnan

Chinmay Chakraborty



GCDN-Net: Garbage classifier deep neural network for recyclable urban waste management

Waste Management

Md Mosarrof Hossen

Azad Ashraf

Mazhar Hasan

Molla E Majid

Mohammad Nashbat



ExoventQ: A novel low-cost portable negative pressure ventilator design and implementation

IEEE Access

Shahd Sameer Mohammed Gaben

Nada Abughanam

Nabil Ibtehaz

Sakib Mahmud

Ghada Al Noaimi



PCovNet+: A CNN-VAE anomaly detection framework with LSTM embeddings for smartwatch-based COVID-19 detection

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Farhan Fuad Abir

Muhammad EH Chowdhury

Malisha Islam Tapotee

Adam Mushtak

Amith Khandakar



Self-ChakmaNet: A deep learning framework for indigenous language learning using handwritten characters

Egyptian Informatics Journal

Kanchon Kanti Podder

Ludmila Emdad Khan

Jyoti Chakma

Muhammad EH Chowdhury

Proma Dutta



Application of machine learning techniques to the modeling of solubility of sugar alcohols in ionic liquids

Scientific Reports

Ali Bakhtyari

Ali Rasoolzadeh

Behzad Vaferi

Amith Khandakar


Explainable deep learning model for automatic mulberry leaf disease classification

Frontiers in Plant Science

Md Nahiduzzaman

Muhammad EH Chowdhury

Abdus Salam

Emama Nahid

Faruque Ahmed



Genome-wide Association Study of Long COVID (preprint)

Vilma Lammi

Tomoko Nakanishi

Samuel E Jones

Shea J Andrews

Juha Karjalainen



See List of Professors in Amith Khandakar, Senior Member IEEE University(Qatar University)