Amalia de Götzen

About Amalia de Götzen

Amalia de Götzen, With an exceptional h-index of 15 and a recent h-index of 13 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Aalborg Universitet, specializes in the field of Service Design, Digital Social Innovation, Sound and Music Computing, Electronic Music, Sonic Interaction Design.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Exploring diversity perceptions in a community through a Q&A chatbot

Data as design material

The social landscape of Service Design. Exploring the entanglements of the Service Design community on Twitter through social network analysis

'SOS TUTORÍA UC’: A Diversity-Aware Application for Tutor Recommendation Based on Competence and Personality

The transformative role of service design–a case study of a public library

Diversity and neocolonialism in Big Data research: Avoiding extractivism while struggling with paternalism

Design facilitation in public sector–learnings from public libraries in Denmark

BC4ECO-Using Visual Tools for a Shared Understanding and Pedagogical Approach across an Interdisciplinary Consortium

Amalia de Götzen Information



Associate professor



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Amalia de Götzen Skills & Research Interests

Service Design

Digital Social Innovation

Sound and Music Computing

Electronic Music

Sonic Interaction Design

Top articles of Amalia de Götzen

Exploring diversity perceptions in a community through a Q&A chatbot

arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.08558


Amalia De Götzen
Amalia De Götzen

H-Index: 8

Data as design material


Amalia De Götzen
Amalia De Götzen

H-Index: 8

Nicola Morelli
Nicola Morelli

H-Index: 11

The social landscape of Service Design. Exploring the entanglements of the Service Design community on Twitter through social network analysis

Service Design and Innovation Conference


'SOS TUTORÍA UC’: A Diversity-Aware Application for Tutor Recommendation Based on Competence and Personality


The transformative role of service design–a case study of a public library


Nicola Morelli
Nicola Morelli

H-Index: 11

Amalia De Götzen
Amalia De Götzen

H-Index: 8

Diversity and neocolonialism in Big Data research: Avoiding extractivism while struggling with paternalism

Big Data & Society


Amalia De Götzen
Amalia De Götzen

H-Index: 8

Shyam Diwakar
Shyam Diwakar

H-Index: 16

Design facilitation in public sector–learnings from public libraries in Denmark


Amalia De Götzen
Amalia De Götzen

H-Index: 8

Nicola Morelli
Nicola Morelli

H-Index: 11

BC4ECO-Using Visual Tools for a Shared Understanding and Pedagogical Approach across an Interdisciplinary Consortium


A research infrastructure for generating and sharing diversity-aware data

arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.09759


Matteo Busso
Matteo Busso

H-Index: 0

Amalia De Götzen
Amalia De Götzen

H-Index: 8

Introduction to Strategic Thinking, Design and the Theory of Change


Nicola Morelli
Nicola Morelli

H-Index: 11

Amalia De Götzen
Amalia De Götzen

H-Index: 8

The conceptual and operational foundations of Theory of Change in relation to strategic thinking


Visualizing strategy through Theory of Change: the DESIGNSCAPES case


Nicola Morelli
Nicola Morelli

H-Index: 11

Amalia De Götzen
Amalia De Götzen

H-Index: 8

Complex daily activities, country-level diversity, and smartphone sensing: A study in denmark, italy, mongolia, paraguay, and uk


Strategic Thinking, Design and the Theory of Change: A Framework for Designing Impactful and Transformational Social Interventions


Nicola Morelli
Nicola Morelli

H-Index: 11

Amalia De Götzen
Amalia De Götzen

H-Index: 8

Generalization and personalization of mobile sensing-based mood inference models: an analysis of college students in eight countries

Proceedings of the ACM on interactive, mobile, wearable and ubiquitous technologies


Mapping urban regeneration through multiple dimensions of temporality: A visual analysis of three approaches to Theory of Change


Amalia De Götzen
Amalia De Götzen

H-Index: 8

Nicola Morelli
Nicola Morelli

H-Index: 11

21 Mediating social interaction through a chatbot to leverage the diversity of a community

Artistic Cartography and Design Explorations Towards the Pluriverse


Amalia De Götzen
Amalia De Götzen

H-Index: 8

Nicola Morelli
Nicola Morelli

H-Index: 11

Design thinking in the public sector–a case study of three Danish municipalities

Policy Design and Practice


Amalia De Götzen
Amalia De Götzen

H-Index: 8

Nicola Morelli
Nicola Morelli

H-Index: 11

PDC Place Nordic: participatory design in/for the digitalization of public services


Amalia De Götzen
Amalia De Götzen

H-Index: 8

How actor-network mapping informs the early stages of system innovation: a case study


Amalia De Götzen
Amalia De Götzen

H-Index: 8

See List of Professors in Amalia de Götzen University(Aalborg Universitet)

