Alok Kumar Thakur

About Alok Kumar Thakur

Alok Kumar Thakur, With an exceptional h-index of 7 and a recent h-index of 7 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, specializes in the field of Indoor Air Quality, Aerosols, Low-cost air quality monitors, Water Quality.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Insights into low-cost pm sensors using size-resolved scattering intensity of cooking aerosols in a test house

Indoor Air Quality in Urban India: Current Status, Research Gap, and the Way Forward

Urban fingerprinting on the River Ganges: A perspective of emerging contaminants status

Lead time of early warning by wastewater surveillance for COVID-19: Geographical variations and impacting factors

Aminoalkyl-organo-silane treated sand for the adsorptive removal of arsenic from the groundwater: Immobilizing the mobilized geogenic contaminants

Vulnerability and resilience status of river systems of North-Eastern India: a special reference to Brahmaputra

Reappraisal of permeable reactive barrier as a sustainable groundwater remediation technology

Antidrug resistance in the Indian ambient waters of Ahmedabad during the COVID-19 pandemic

Alok Kumar Thakur Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Alok Kumar Thakur Skills & Research Interests

Indoor Air Quality


Low-cost air quality monitors

Water Quality

Top articles of Alok Kumar Thakur

Insights into low-cost pm sensors using size-resolved scattering intensity of cooking aerosols in a test house

Aerosol Science and Technology


Alok Kumar Thakur
Alok Kumar Thakur

H-Index: 3

Sameer Patel
Sameer Patel

H-Index: 1

Indoor Air Quality in Urban India: Current Status, Research Gap, and the Way Forward

Environmental Science & Technology Letters


Alok Kumar Thakur
Alok Kumar Thakur

H-Index: 3

Sameer Patel
Sameer Patel

H-Index: 1

Urban fingerprinting on the River Ganges: A perspective of emerging contaminants status

Total Environment Research Themes


Lead time of early warning by wastewater surveillance for COVID-19: Geographical variations and impacting factors


Aminoalkyl-organo-silane treated sand for the adsorptive removal of arsenic from the groundwater: Immobilizing the mobilized geogenic contaminants

Journal of Hazardous Materials


Vulnerability and resilience status of river systems of North-Eastern India: a special reference to Brahmaputra


Reappraisal of permeable reactive barrier as a sustainable groundwater remediation technology

Contaminants in Drinking and Wastewater Sources: Challenges and Reigning Technologies


Alok Kumar Thakur
Alok Kumar Thakur

H-Index: 3

Manish Kumar
Manish Kumar

H-Index: 5

Antidrug resistance in the Indian ambient waters of Ahmedabad during the COVID-19 pandemic

Journal of hazardous materials


Efficacy of green alginate beads for multi-metal removal from aqueous solution

Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering


Alok Kumar Thakur
Alok Kumar Thakur

H-Index: 3

Manish Kumar
Manish Kumar

H-Index: 5

Efficacy of agricultural waste derived biochar for arsenic removal: Tackling water quality in the Indo-Gangetic plain

Journal of Environmental Management


Wastewater discharge and surface water contamination pre-and post-COVID 19—Global case studies


A review on design, material selection, mechanism, and modelling of permeable reactive barrier for community-scale groundwater treatment


Alok Kumar Thakur
Alok Kumar Thakur

H-Index: 3

Manish Kumar
Manish Kumar

H-Index: 5

Comparative Prevalence and Provenance of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria and Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Tropical Rivers of Sri Lanka and India

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Efficacy of green materials based permeable reactive barrier for in-situ groundwater remediation


Alok Kumar Thakur
Alok Kumar Thakur

H-Index: 3

See List of Professors in Alok Kumar Thakur University(Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar)