Alireza Arabameri

About Alireza Arabameri

Alireza Arabameri, With an exceptional h-index of 45 and a recent h-index of 45 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Tarbiat Modares University, specializes in the field of Geomorphology, Environmental Management, Spatial Analysis, Natural Hazards, GIS.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Flood hazard potential evaluation using decision tree state‐of‐the‐art models

Soil erosion and sediment yield estimation in a tropical monsoon dominated river basin using GIS-based models

A new approach from public behavioral attitudes and perceptions towards microplastics: Influencing factors, and policy proposals

Earth fissure susceptibility mapping: Application of random subspace‐based novel ensemble approaches

Groundwater spring potential mapping: Assessment the contribution of hydrogeological factors

Land subsidence susceptibility mapping: a new approach to improve decision stump classification (DSC) performance and combine it with four machine learning algorithms

A review of recent advances and future prospects in calculation of reference evapotranspiration in Bangladesh using soft computing models

Mapping potential inundation areas due to riverine floods using ensemble models of credal decision tree with bagging, dagging, decorate, multiboost, and random subspace

Alireza Arabameri Information



Physical geography (Geomorphology)



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Alireza Arabameri Skills & Research Interests


Environmental Management

Spatial Analysis

Natural Hazards


Top articles of Alireza Arabameri

Flood hazard potential evaluation using decision tree state‐of‐the‐art models

Risk Analysis


Soil erosion and sediment yield estimation in a tropical monsoon dominated river basin using GIS-based models

Geocarto International


A new approach from public behavioral attitudes and perceptions towards microplastics: Influencing factors, and policy proposals

Ocean & Coastal Management


Abdullah Al Mamun
Abdullah Al Mamun

H-Index: 3

Alireza Arabameri
Alireza Arabameri

H-Index: 23

Earth fissure susceptibility mapping: Application of random subspace‐based novel ensemble approaches

Geological Journal


Alireza Arabameri
Alireza Arabameri

H-Index: 23

Aman Arora
Aman Arora

H-Index: 3

Groundwater spring potential mapping: Assessment the contribution of hydrogeological factors

Advances in Space Research


Rui Zhao
Rui Zhao

H-Index: 3

Alireza Arabameri
Alireza Arabameri

H-Index: 23

Lal Mohammad
Lal Mohammad

H-Index: 0

Land subsidence susceptibility mapping: a new approach to improve decision stump classification (DSC) performance and combine it with four machine learning algorithms

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Rui Zhao
Rui Zhao

H-Index: 3

Alireza Arabameri
Alireza Arabameri

H-Index: 23

A review of recent advances and future prospects in calculation of reference evapotranspiration in Bangladesh using soft computing models


Alireza Arabameri
Alireza Arabameri

H-Index: 23

Mapping potential inundation areas due to riverine floods using ensemble models of credal decision tree with bagging, dagging, decorate, multiboost, and random subspace

Advances in Space Research


Alireza Arabameri
Alireza Arabameri

H-Index: 23

Flash-flood susceptibility mapping: a novel credal decision tree-based ensemble approaches

Earth Science Informatics


Ting Zhang
Ting Zhang

H-Index: 15

Alireza Arabameri
Alireza Arabameri

H-Index: 23

Landslide susceptibility mapping: application of novel hybridization of rotation forests (RF) and Java decision trees (J48)

Soft Computing


Hao Cui
Hao Cui

H-Index: 4

Alireza Arabameri
Alireza Arabameri

H-Index: 23

Aman Arora
Aman Arora

H-Index: 3

Spatio-temporal assessment of water quality of a tropical decaying river in India for drinking purposes and human health risk characterization

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Alireza Arabameri
Alireza Arabameri

H-Index: 23

Application of novel ensemble models to improve landslide susceptibility mapping reliability

Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment


Alireza Arabameri
Alireza Arabameri

H-Index: 23

Gianvito Scaringi
Gianvito Scaringi

H-Index: 18

Land subsidence susceptibility mapping: comparative assessment of the efficacy of the five models

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Lei Zhang
Lei Zhang

H-Index: 20

Alireza Arabameri
Alireza Arabameri

H-Index: 23

Novel ensemble models and their optimization based flood susceptibility modelling in Indian Himalayan Foreland Basin


Application of novel hybrid model for land subsidence susceptibility mapping

Geological Journal


Alireza Arabameri
Alireza Arabameri

H-Index: 23

Optimizing machine learning algorithms for spatial prediction of gully erosion susceptibility with four training scenarios

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Guoqing Liu
Guoqing Liu

H-Index: 9

Alireza Arabameri
Alireza Arabameri

H-Index: 23

Flood vulnerability of a few areas in the foothills of the Western Ghats: a comparison of AHP and F-AHP models

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment


Alireza Arabameri
Alireza Arabameri

H-Index: 23

Integrated assessment of landslide susceptibility in the Kalaleh Basin, Golestan Province, Iran using novel SVR-GOA ensemble validated with BRT, ANN, and elastic net models


Alireza Arabameri
Alireza Arabameri

H-Index: 23

Flood susceptibility evaluation through deep learning optimizer ensembles and GIS techniques

Journal of Environmental Management


Alireza Arabameri
Alireza Arabameri

H-Index: 23

Mehebub Sahana
Mehebub Sahana

H-Index: 16

Flash-flood hazard using deep learning based on H2O R package and fuzzy-multicriteria decision-making analysis

Journal of Hydrology


See List of Professors in Alireza Arabameri University(Tarbiat Modares University)

