Alireza Abadi

About Alireza Abadi

Alireza Abadi, With an exceptional h-index of 31 and a recent h-index of 20 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, specializes in the field of Biostatictics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Comparison of Toxoplasmosis Seroprevalence in Multi Partner, Married (Monogamous) and Virgin Iranian Women

Association between general intelligence, creativity and wisdom in gifted adolescents: empirical findings from a non-western country

Random-Splitting Random Forest with Multiple Mixed-Data Covariates

The Functional Regression With Reconstructed Functions From Hybrid Principal Components Analysis: With EEG-fMRI Application

Constructing a Spatial Composite Social Health Index and Evaluating it in Iranian Provinces

Investigation of the Hourly and Spatial Patterns of Traffic Offenses During March-April 2019 in Iran Using Bivariate Generalized Additive Models and Integrated Nested Laplace …

Effect of maternal education and encouragement on newborn care utilization: a health system intervention

The prevalence of COVID-19 in dentists and dental assistants

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Top articles of Alireza Abadi

Comparison of Toxoplasmosis Seroprevalence in Multi Partner, Married (Monogamous) and Virgin Iranian Women

Iranian Journal of Parasitology


Farid Tahvildar Biderouni
Farid Tahvildar Biderouni

H-Index: 6

Alireza Abadi
Alireza Abadi

H-Index: 20

Association between general intelligence, creativity and wisdom in gifted adolescents: empirical findings from a non-western country

Current Psychology


Random-Splitting Random Forest with Multiple Mixed-Data Covariates

Journal of Biostatistics and Epidemiology


Mohammad Fayaz
Mohammad Fayaz

H-Index: 6

Alireza Abadi
Alireza Abadi

H-Index: 20

The Functional Regression With Reconstructed Functions From Hybrid Principal Components Analysis: With EEG-fMRI Application

Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing


Mohammad Fayaz
Mohammad Fayaz

H-Index: 6

Alireza Abadi
Alireza Abadi

H-Index: 20

Constructing a Spatial Composite Social Health Index and Evaluating it in Iranian Provinces


Alireza Abadi
Alireza Abadi

H-Index: 20

Investigation of the Hourly and Spatial Patterns of Traffic Offenses During March-April 2019 in Iran Using Bivariate Generalized Additive Models and Integrated Nested Laplace …

International Journal of High Risk Behaviors and Addiction


Effect of maternal education and encouragement on newborn care utilization: a health system intervention

BMC pediatrics


The prevalence of COVID-19 in dentists and dental assistants

Journal of Biostatistics and Epidemiology


Determinants of adherence to diabetes screening in Iranian adults with a positive family history of diabetes

Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health


The effect of massage and shaking on infants with colic in a clinical trial concerning the misspecification

Tehran University of Medical Sciences Journal


The effect of Hybrid Principal Components Analysis on the Signal Compression Functional Regression: With EEG-fMRI Application

arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.07710


Mohammad Fayaz
Mohammad Fayaz

H-Index: 6

Alireza Abadi
Alireza Abadi

H-Index: 20

Examining doctor-patient communication skills among senior medical students based on calgary cambridge observation guide

Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran


Katayoon Razjouyan
Katayoon Razjouyan

H-Index: 6

Alireza Abadi
Alireza Abadi

H-Index: 20

Medical Graduates’ Viewpoints on the First Big UME Reform in Iran

Journal of Medical Education


Gestational weight gain among women at health centers in Tehran in 2016

Salamat Ijtimai (Community Health)


Molecular characterization of pathogenicity locus (PaLoc) and tcdC genetic diversity among tcdA+ B+ Clostridioides difficile clinical isolates in Tehran, Iran



Mansoor Kodori
Mansoor Kodori

H-Index: 3

Alireza Abadi
Alireza Abadi

H-Index: 20

Disparities in cervical cancer screening participation in Iran: a cross-sectional analysis of the 2016 nationwide STEPS survey

BMC Public Health


The Data-Driven Pattern for Healthy Behaviors of Car Drivers Based on Daily Records of Traffic Count Data From 2018 To 2019 Near Airports. A Functional Data Analysis


Mohammad Fayaz
Mohammad Fayaz

H-Index: 6

Alireza Abadi
Alireza Abadi

H-Index: 20

Assessment of Ten Life Skills and General Health Level and Their Relationship in Clients Presenting to Health, Treatment and Counseling Centers

Iranian Journal of Epidemiology


Investigation of health, safety and environment indicators in Tehran municipality organizations: challenges, weaknesses, strengths and corrective strategies.


World Health Organization’s estimates of death related to road traffic crashes and their discrepancy with other countries' national report

Journal of injury and violence research


Alireza Abadi
Alireza Abadi

H-Index: 20

See List of Professors in Alireza Abadi University(Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences)