Ali Sedaghat Doost

About Ali Sedaghat Doost

Ali Sedaghat Doost, With an exceptional h-index of 23 and a recent h-index of 23 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universiteit Gent, specializes in the field of Food Colloids-Food Process Engineer.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Extraction of phenolic compounds from walnut green husk (Juglans regia L.) by Salting-Out extraction method

Formulation, characterization, and physical stability of encapsulated walnut green husk (Juglans regia L.) extract in phosphatidylcholine liposomes

Colloidal carriers of almond gum/gelatin coacervates for rosemary essential oil: Characterization and in-vitro cytotoxicity

Relationship between whey protein nitrogen index of skim milk powder and the heat stability of recombined filled evaporated milk

Cinnamaldehyde encapsulation within new natural wax-based nanoparticles; formation, optimization and characterization

Improved heat stability of recombined evaporated milk emulsions by wet heat pretreatment of skim milk powder dispersions

Modification approaches of plant-based proteins to improve their techno-functionality and use in food products

Electrostatic interaction between whey proteins and low methoxy pectin studied by quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring

Ali Sedaghat Doost Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Ali Sedaghat Doost Skills & Research Interests

Food Colloids-Food Process Engineer

Top articles of Ali Sedaghat Doost

Extraction of phenolic compounds from walnut green husk (Juglans regia L.) by Salting-Out extraction method

Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology


Formulation, characterization, and physical stability of encapsulated walnut green husk (Juglans regia L.) extract in phosphatidylcholine liposomes

Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology


Colloidal carriers of almond gum/gelatin coacervates for rosemary essential oil: Characterization and in-vitro cytotoxicity

Food Chemistry


Relationship between whey protein nitrogen index of skim milk powder and the heat stability of recombined filled evaporated milk



Jianfeng Wu
Jianfeng Wu

H-Index: 23

Ali Sedaghat Doost
Ali Sedaghat Doost

H-Index: 14

Cinnamaldehyde encapsulation within new natural wax-based nanoparticles; formation, optimization and characterization

Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology


Improved heat stability of recombined evaporated milk emulsions by wet heat pretreatment of skim milk powder dispersions

Food Hydrocolloids


Modification approaches of plant-based proteins to improve their techno-functionality and use in food products


Maryam Nikbakht Nasrabadi
Maryam Nikbakht Nasrabadi

H-Index: 10

Ali Sedaghat Doost
Ali Sedaghat Doost

H-Index: 14

Electrostatic interaction between whey proteins and low methoxy pectin studied by quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring

Food Hydrocolloids


Comparison of low-and high-methoxyl pectin for the stabilization of whey protein isolate as carrier for lutein

Food Hydrocolloids


Ali Sedaghat Doost
Ali Sedaghat Doost

H-Index: 14

Gonzalo Velazquez
Gonzalo Velazquez

H-Index: 22

Dry heat treatment of skim milk powder greatly improves the heat stability of recombined evaporated milk emulsions

Food Hydrocolloids


Jianfeng Wu
Jianfeng Wu

H-Index: 23

Ali Sedaghat Doost
Ali Sedaghat Doost

H-Index: 14

Conjugation of milk proteins and reducing sugars and its potential application in the improvement of the heat stability of (recombined) evaporated milk


Insect protein concentrates from Mexican edible insect: Structural and functional characterization



Nano-lipid carriers stabilized by hydrophobically modified starch or sucrose stearate for the delivery of lutein as a nutraceutical beverage model

Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects


Self-assembly of Tween 80 micelles as nanocargos for oregano and trans-cinnamaldehyde plant-derived compounds

Food chemistry


Ali Sedaghat Doost
Ali Sedaghat Doost

H-Index: 14

Profiling of bioactive metabolites during the ripening of a semi-hard non-starter culture cheese to detect functional dietary neurotransmitters

Biocatalysis and agricultural biotechnology


Ali Sedaghat Doost
Ali Sedaghat Doost

H-Index: 14

Production of food nanomaterials by specialized equipment


Ali Sedaghat Doost
Ali Sedaghat Doost

H-Index: 14

Maryam Nikbakht Nasrabadi
Maryam Nikbakht Nasrabadi

H-Index: 10

Characterization and enhanced functionality of nanoparticles based on linseed protein and linseed gum biocomplexes

International journal of biological macromolecules


Recent advances in food colloidal delivery systems for essential oils and their main components


Ali Sedaghat Doost
Ali Sedaghat Doost

H-Index: 14

Maryam Nikbakht Nasrabadi
Maryam Nikbakht Nasrabadi

H-Index: 10

Effect of thymol and Pickering stabilization on in-vitro digestion fate and oxidation stability of plant-derived flaxseed oil emulsions

Food chemistry


Phytoparticles for the stabilization of Pickering emulsions in the formulation of novel food colloidal dispersions


See List of Professors in Ali Sedaghat Doost University(Universiteit Gent)