Alexis Karamanos

Alexis Karamanos

King's College

H-index: 8

North America-United States

About Alexis Karamanos

Alexis Karamanos, With an exceptional h-index of 8 and a recent h-index of 8 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at King's College, specializes in the field of Life Course Epidemiology, Social Epidemiology, Mental Health, Population Health.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Adverse childhood experiences and mental ill-health-obesity comorbidity among British adolescents–A national cohort study

Factors affecting the delivery of community-based salon interventions to prevent cardiovascular disease and breast cancer among ethnically diverse women in South London: a …

Protocol for secondary data analysis of 4 UK cohorts examining youth adversity and mental health in the context of intersectionality

A concept mapping approach to assess factors influencing the delivery of community-based salon interventions to prevent cardiovascular disease and breast cancer among …

Contextually appropriate communication strategies for COVID-19 prevention in Kenya border regions: evidence from a mixed methods observational study in Busia and Mandera counties

Associations between air pollutants and blood pressure in an ethnically diverse cohort of adolescents in London, England

Association of ambient air pollution with blood pressure in adolescence: a systematic-review and meta-analysis

Protocol for secondary data analysis of youth adversity and mental health in the context of intersectionality

Alexis Karamanos Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Alexis Karamanos Skills & Research Interests

Life Course Epidemiology

Social Epidemiology

Mental Health

Population Health

Top articles of Alexis Karamanos

Adverse childhood experiences and mental ill-health-obesity comorbidity among British adolescents–A national cohort study

Journal of Multimorbidity and Comorbidity


Alexis Karamanos
Alexis Karamanos

H-Index: 5

Factors affecting the delivery of community-based salon interventions to prevent cardiovascular disease and breast cancer among ethnically diverse women in South London: a …

The Lancet


Clare Coultas
Clare Coultas

H-Index: 5

Alexis Karamanos
Alexis Karamanos

H-Index: 5

Protocol for secondary data analysis of 4 UK cohorts examining youth adversity and mental health in the context of intersectionality

Plos one


A concept mapping approach to assess factors influencing the delivery of community-based salon interventions to prevent cardiovascular disease and breast cancer among …


Alexis Karamanos
Alexis Karamanos

H-Index: 5

Contextually appropriate communication strategies for COVID-19 prevention in Kenya border regions: evidence from a mixed methods observational study in Busia and Mandera counties

BMJ open


Associations between air pollutants and blood pressure in an ethnically diverse cohort of adolescents in London, England

Plos one


Association of ambient air pollution with blood pressure in adolescence: a systematic-review and meta-analysis


Protocol for secondary data analysis of youth adversity and mental health in the context of intersectionality



Adverse childhood experiences and adolescent drug use in the UK: The moderating role of socioeconomic position and ethnicity

SSM-Population Health


What factors influence differential uptake of NHS Health Checks, diabetes and hypertension reviews among women in ethnically diverse South London? Cross-sectional analysis of …



Alexis Karamanos
Alexis Karamanos

H-Index: 5

Service Evaluation of the Elton John AIDS Foundation’s Zero HIV Social Impact Bond intervention in South London: An investigation into the implementation and sustainability of …


Air pollution and trajectories of adolescent conduct problems: the roles of ethnicity and racism; evidence from the DASH longitudinal study

Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology


Alexis Karamanos
Alexis Karamanos

H-Index: 5

Frank Kelly
Frank Kelly

H-Index: 58

Y Lu
Y Lu

H-Index: 5

Attainment grouping in primary school, verbal skills, and psychological symptoms in the United Kingdom; Evidence from the Millennium Cohort Study


Alexis Karamanos
Alexis Karamanos

H-Index: 5

Association of macro-level determinants with adolescent overweight and suicidal ideation with planning: A cross-sectional study of 21 Latin American and Caribbean Countries

PLoS Medicine


Weight misperception and psychological symptoms from adolescence to young adulthood: longitudinal study of an ethnically diverse UK cohort

BMC Public Health


See List of Professors in Alexis Karamanos University(King's College)

