Alexander Klein

Alexander Klein

University of Kent

H-index: 15

Europe-United Kingdom

About Alexander Klein

Alexander Klein, With an exceptional h-index of 15 and a recent h-index of 13 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Kent, specializes in the field of economic geography, economic history, agglomeration economics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Transportation Costs in the Age of Road Freight: Evidence from United States 1955-2010

Spatial differencing for sample selection models with ‘site-specific’unobserved local effects

From the Manufacturing Belt to the Rust Belt. Spatial Inequalities in the United States: An Interdisciplinary Literature Review

Unconditional convergence in manufacturing productivity across US States: what the long-run data show

Populism and the first wave of globalization: Evidence from the 1892 US presidential election

British business cycles, 1270-1870

Transportation Costs in the Age of Highways: Evidence from United States 1955-2010

Accounting for the International Great Depression: Efficiency, Distortions and Factor Utilization during the Interwar Period

Alexander Klein Information



associate professor



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Alexander Klein Skills & Research Interests

economic geography

economic history

agglomeration economics

Top articles of Alexander Klein

Transportation Costs in the Age of Road Freight: Evidence from United States 1955-2010

Available at SSRN 4798888


Sylvain Barde
Sylvain Barde

H-Index: 6

Alexander Klein
Alexander Klein

H-Index: 11

Spatial differencing for sample selection models with ‘site-specific’unobserved local effects

The Econometrics Journal


Alexander Klein
Alexander Klein

H-Index: 11

Guy Tchuente
Guy Tchuente

H-Index: 4

From the Manufacturing Belt to the Rust Belt. Spatial Inequalities in the United States: An Interdisciplinary Literature Review


Alexander Klein
Alexander Klein

H-Index: 11

Unconditional convergence in manufacturing productivity across US States: what the long-run data show


Alexander Klein
Alexander Klein

H-Index: 11

Populism and the first wave of globalization: Evidence from the 1892 US presidential election

Rivista di storia economica


British business cycles, 1270-1870


Alexander Klein
Alexander Klein

H-Index: 11

Bas Van Leeuwen
Bas Van Leeuwen

H-Index: 17

Transportation Costs in the Age of Highways: Evidence from United States 1955-2010


Sylvain Barde
Sylvain Barde

H-Index: 6

Alexander Klein
Alexander Klein

H-Index: 11

Accounting for the International Great Depression: Efficiency, Distortions and Factor Utilization during the Interwar Period

The BE Journal of Macroeconomics


Alexander Klein
Alexander Klein

H-Index: 11

Keisuke Otsu
Keisuke Otsu

H-Index: 6

Spatial concentration of manufacturing industries in the United States: re-examination of long-run trends

European Review of Economic History


Alexander Klein
Alexander Klein

H-Index: 11

The Socialist Experiment and Beyond: The Economic Development of Eastern Europe


Alexander Klein
Alexander Klein

H-Index: 11

Agglomeration externalities and productivity growth: US cities, 1880–1930

The Economic History Review


Alexander Klein
Alexander Klein

H-Index: 11

The Rise and Fall of the Manufacturing Belt: Economic Geography of the United States 1860-1990


Alexander Klein
Alexander Klein

H-Index: 11

The determinants of international migration in early modern Europe: Evidence from the Maritime Sector, c. 1700–1800

Social Science History


Alexander Klein
Alexander Klein

H-Index: 11

See List of Professors in Alexander Klein University(University of Kent)