Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada

Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada

Wake Forest University

H-index: 32

North America-United States

About Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada

Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada, With an exceptional h-index of 32 and a recent h-index of 29 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Wake Forest University, specializes in the field of Ultrafast spectroscopy, Exciton Physics, Hybrid semiconductors, Perovskites, Quantum spectroscopy.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Exciton-photocarrier interference in mixed lead-halide-perovskite nanocrystals

Exciton-carrier coupling in a metal halide perovskite nanocrystal assembly probed by two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy

Effect of Connectivity on the Carrier Transport and Recombination Dynamics of Perovskite Quantum-Dot Networks

Understanding radiation-generated electronic traps in radiation dosimeters based on organic field-effect transistors

Many-Exciton Quantum Dynamics in a Ruddlesden–Popper Tin Iodide

Nonlinear spectroscopy with classical and quantum light to probe coherent dynamics of excitons

Unraveling Luminescence Quenching Mechanism in Strong and Weak Quantum-Confined CsPbBr3 Triggered by Triarylamine-Based Hole Transport Layers

Optical microcavities as platforms for entangled photon spectroscopy

Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada Skills & Research Interests

Ultrafast spectroscopy

Exciton Physics

Hybrid semiconductors


Quantum spectroscopy

Top articles of Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada

Exciton-photocarrier interference in mixed lead-halide-perovskite nanocrystals

arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.11673


Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada
Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada

H-Index: 26

Carlos Silva-Acuña
Carlos Silva-Acuña

H-Index: 29

Exciton-carrier coupling in a metal halide perovskite nanocrystal assembly probed by two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy

Journal of Physics: Materials


Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada
Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada

H-Index: 26

Effect of Connectivity on the Carrier Transport and Recombination Dynamics of Perovskite Quantum-Dot Networks

ACS nano


Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada
Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada

H-Index: 26

Understanding radiation-generated electronic traps in radiation dosimeters based on organic field-effect transistors

Materials Horizons


Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada
Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada

H-Index: 26

Many-Exciton Quantum Dynamics in a Ruddlesden–Popper Tin Iodide

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C


Nonlinear spectroscopy with classical and quantum light to probe coherent dynamics of excitons


Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada
Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada

H-Index: 26

Eric Bittner
Eric Bittner

H-Index: 17

Unraveling Luminescence Quenching Mechanism in Strong and Weak Quantum-Confined CsPbBr3 Triggered by Triarylamine-Based Hole Transport Layers


Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada
Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada

H-Index: 26

Optical microcavities as platforms for entangled photon spectroscopy

arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.04751


Measurement principles for quantum spectroscopy of molecular materials with entangled photons

The Journal of Chemical Physics


The Optical Signatures of Stochastic Processes in Many-Body Exciton Scattering


Hao Li
Hao Li

H-Index: 5

Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada
Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada

H-Index: 26

Many-Exciton Quantum Dynamics in a Ruddlesden-Popper Tin Iodide

arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.02461


Hao Li
Hao Li

H-Index: 5

Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada
Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada

H-Index: 26

Plurality of excitons in Ruddlesden–Popper metal halides and the role of the B-site metal cation

Materials Advances


Identifying incoherent mixing effects in the coherent two-dimensional photocurrent excitation spectra of semiconductors

The Journal of Chemical Physics


Ilaria Bargigia
Ilaria Bargigia

H-Index: 15

Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada
Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada

H-Index: 26

Exciton-phonon coupling and lattice anharmonicity in Ruddlesden Popper metal halides


Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada
Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada

H-Index: 26

Homogeneous Optical Line Widths in Hybrid Ruddlesden–Popper Metal Halides Can Only Be Measured Using Nonlinear Spectroscopy

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C


Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada
Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada

H-Index: 26

Hao Li
Hao Li

H-Index: 5

Carlos Silva-Acuña
Carlos Silva-Acuña

H-Index: 29

Exciton polarons in Ruddlesden Popper metal halides-lessons from coherent spectroscopy

Bulletin of the American Physical Society


Peculiar anharmonicity of Ruddlesden Popper metal halides: temperature-dependent phonon dephasing

Materials Horizons


Carlos Silva-Acuña
Carlos Silva-Acuña

H-Index: 29

Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada
Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada

H-Index: 26

The path toward quantum advantage in optical spectroscopy of materials

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada
Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada

H-Index: 26

Giulio Cerullo
Giulio Cerullo

H-Index: 59

The Effect of Tin Substitution on the Excitonic Properties of Two Dimensional Metal Halide Perovskites


Optical Gain of Lead Halide Perovskites Measured via the Variable Stripe Length Method: What We Can Learn and How to Avoid Pitfalls

Advanced Optical Materials


Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada
Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada

H-Index: 26

See List of Professors in Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada University(Wake Forest University)

