achintya kumar dutta

About achintya kumar dutta

achintya kumar dutta, With an exceptional h-index of 18 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

An efficient state-specific frozen natural orbital based equation of motion coupled cluster method for core-ionization energies: theory, implementation and benchmark

Spin-free exact two-component linear response coupled cluster theory for estimation of frequency-dependent second-order property

A Reduced Cost Four-Component Relativistic Unitary Coupled Cluster Method for Molecules

Relativistic equation-of-motion coupled-cluster theory analysis of black-body radiation shift in the clock transition of Zn I

Shape resonance induced electron attachment to cytosine: The effect of aqueous media

State-specific frozen natural orbital for reduced-cost algebraic diagrammatic construction calculations: The application to ionization problem

Analytic Calculation of Transition dipole moment using four-component relativistic equation-of-motion coupled-cluster expectation value approach

Secondary electron attachment-induced radiation damage to genetic materials

achintya kumar dutta Information






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Top articles of achintya kumar dutta

An efficient state-specific frozen natural orbital based equation of motion coupled cluster method for core-ionization energies: theory, implementation and benchmark


Achintya Kumar Dutta
Achintya Kumar Dutta

H-Index: 13

Spin-free exact two-component linear response coupled cluster theory for estimation of frequency-dependent second-order property

arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.05869


Sudipta Chakraborty
Sudipta Chakraborty

H-Index: 2

Achintya Kumar Dutta
Achintya Kumar Dutta

H-Index: 13

A Reduced Cost Four-Component Relativistic Unitary Coupled Cluster Method for Molecules

arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.04794


Achintya Kumar Dutta
Achintya Kumar Dutta

H-Index: 13

Relativistic equation-of-motion coupled-cluster theory analysis of black-body radiation shift in the clock transition of Zn I

arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.16879


Achintya Kumar Dutta
Achintya Kumar Dutta

H-Index: 13

Shape resonance induced electron attachment to cytosine: The effect of aqueous media

The Journal of Chemical Physics


State-specific frozen natural orbital for reduced-cost algebraic diagrammatic construction calculations: The application to ionization problem

The Journal of Chemical Physics


Achintya Kumar Dutta
Achintya Kumar Dutta

H-Index: 13

Analytic Calculation of Transition dipole moment using four-component relativistic equation-of-motion coupled-cluster expectation value approach

arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.09162


Sudipta Chakraborty
Sudipta Chakraborty

H-Index: 2

Achintya Kumar Dutta
Achintya Kumar Dutta

H-Index: 13

Secondary electron attachment-induced radiation damage to genetic materials


Electron Attachment to DNA: The Protective Role of Amino Acids

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


Pooja Verma
Pooja Verma

H-Index: 2

Achintya Kumar Dutta
Achintya Kumar Dutta

H-Index: 13

Electron Attachment to Wobble Base Pairs

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


Achintya Kumar Dutta
Achintya Kumar Dutta

H-Index: 13

The performance of approximate EOM‐CCSD for ionization potential and electron affinity of genetic material subunits: A benchmark investigation

International Journal of Quantum Chemistry


Achintya Kumar Dutta
Achintya Kumar Dutta

H-Index: 13

Pair natural orbital equation-of-motion coupled-cluster method for core binding energies: Theory, implementation, and benchmark

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


Achintya Kumar Dutta
Achintya Kumar Dutta

H-Index: 13

A reduced cost four-component relativistic coupled cluster method based on natural spinors

The Journal of Chemical Physics


Achintya Kumar Dutta
Achintya Kumar Dutta

H-Index: 13

A similarity transformed second-order approximate coupled cluster method for the excited states: Theory, implementation, and benchmark

The Journal of Chemical Physics


Soumi Haldar
Soumi Haldar

H-Index: 3

Achintya Kumar Dutta
Achintya Kumar Dutta

H-Index: 13

A core–valence separated similarity transformed EOM-CCSD method for core-excitation spectra

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


Achintya Kumar Dutta
Achintya Kumar Dutta

H-Index: 13

An efficient Fock space multi-reference coupled cluster method based on natural orbitals: Theory, implementation, and benchmark

The Journal of Chemical Physics


Soumi Haldar
Soumi Haldar

H-Index: 3

Achintya Kumar Dutta
Achintya Kumar Dutta

H-Index: 13

Electron attachment to cytosine: the role of water

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


Pooja Verma
Pooja Verma

H-Index: 2

Achintya Kumar Dutta
Achintya Kumar Dutta

H-Index: 13

Efficient EOM-CC-based protocol for the calculation of electron affinity of solvated nucleobases: Uracil as a case study

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


Water mediated electron attachment to nucleobases: Surface-bound vs bulk solvated electrons

The Journal of Chemical Physics


Madhubani Mukherjee
Madhubani Mukherjee

H-Index: 3

Achintya Kumar Dutta
Achintya Kumar Dutta

H-Index: 13

Interactions of solvated electrons with nucleobases: The effect of base pairing



Madhubani Mukherjee
Madhubani Mukherjee

H-Index: 3

Achintya Kumar Dutta
Achintya Kumar Dutta

H-Index: 13

See List of Professors in achintya kumar dutta University(Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)