Email– a cheap & fast tool for business communication Simple, cheap, fast, and flexible. Cold email is known by many as the best method of business communication.

Though social networks and messengers have become famous nowadays, still email is a well-known method of connecting business people to each other.

Cold email refers to the practice of sending unsolicited emails to individuals or businesses who have no prior relationship or interaction with the sender, typically used for purposes of sales, marketing, or outreach.
What is cold email? What is cold email marketing

Many business people prefer to send their messages only through email and are not satisfied with connecting people with WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype, Facebook, or other messengers and apps. We should not forget that email is the most official way of business communication. Some of the reasons behind the fame of email in the business world are:

  • It is so cheap! It is better to say that email is free if we ignore the insignificant cost we pay for internet connection.
  • It is simple to use. Just sign up and make an email for yourself or your company. Then easily you can send and receive files and messages.
  • Email is very quick. As soon as you click on send, the receiver gets your message. It is an instant method of communication with no pause and no latency.
  • Any message that you send and receive by email can be stored and saved easily for reference. If you want to check an old email related to many years ago, easily you can search in your email box and find it.
  • Just by having a pc or smart cellphone and through an internet connection, you can access your email. It is not important where you are located and what the time is!
  • Email is so beneficial for the planet as it is paperless!
  • The email sender can send his message to as many recipients as he likes all at once.

If you are a business person or a marketer, you may have heard the name COLD EMAIL. In this article, we are going to talk more about this email marketing method and its uses.

What is a cold email?

According to Wikipedia, a cold email is “an unsolicited e-mail that is sent to a receiver without prior contact. It could also be defined as the email equivalent of cold calling. Cold emailing is a subset of email marketing and differs from transactional and warm emailing”.

The initial e-mail that is sent to a receiver to advertise a business, products, or services or for other purposes like polls and surveys is known as cold email. It is a good way for marketers to reach out to prospects and future customers and generate leads. It makes people aware of your products and services.

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As most marketers believe that email is the best channel of business communication, sending a cold email can be a good method for advertising your services and products. However obeying some rules for writing a cold email is so important and if you do not know how to write it, it may be even dangerous for your business!

Short cold emails are more efficient than long ones!

It is worth mentioning that you should keep cold emails as short as possible. It is highly recommended to write them as long as 100 words. No more than it! Cold emails with around 50 to 100 words receive more responses according to Boomerang’s research.

A brief cold email that says your main purposes and the one that has an attractive introduction can influence readers significantly. To know more about writing cold emails and creating perfect cold emails, read the next part.

How to write a cold email?

  • Write an effective subject- short, simple but efficient! Every word you write should be selected precisely. Avoid using negative words and try to mention the purpose of your email in the subject line. If the subject attracts the reader, he will continue reading it and if not he won’t even click on it and directly send it to the trash box!
  • Keep it as short as possible. People usually do not like to read long messages when they do not know the sender.
  • Validate yourself or your company. When you are connecting with a new person who has no information about your business, it is highly recommended to show him that you or your company is credible and valid. They should know that they can trust you.
  • Give the recipients what they want and what they need! Why should people read your cold emails!? They will read it just when your email meets their requirements. Try to show them what you can do for them clearly.
  • Do not forget to write CTA (Call to Action) at the end of your email to make it easy for the reader to be connected with you.
  • Your cold email must be easy to understand. It is not recommended to use difficult words. Your sentences should be short and not complicated. Tell them directly what you provide for them and try not to use vague and ambiguous sentences.
  • Do not trust the cold email templates you see on Google! Make your own!
  • It is better to avoid using first person pronouns like “I” or “we”,” and instead use words like “you”.

Why do most cold emails fail?!

The people to whom you are writing a cold email have not seen you before. Even he/she doesn’t know your company and your business at all so it is very common if they do not pay attention to it! So what you write in the first sentence and the title of your cold email is so important to attract the audience.

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Another main reason which causes the cold emails to fail is that through emails you cannot talk to the client like what you do in a phone conversation or a face-to-face meeting so convincing the client is very difficult.

Cold email versus spam!

Spams use fake names and even do not write contacts as CTA. Spam is sent to several people with no personalization. Spam emails do not lead the readers to the conversation. While cold emails contain contacts and the real name of the writers. Cold emails are not annoying while spams are!
Remember to the time gap between your emails and do not send many of them continuously with no pause. If you do so, your emails will become spam!

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    Related Questions & Answers

    Cold email vs warm email

    When it comes to email outreach, there are two primary approaches: cold emails and warm emails. Here’s a straightforward comparison between the two:

    1. Cold Emails: Cold emails are unsolicited emails sent to individuals or businesses who have no prior relationship with the sender. These emails are typically sent to initiate contact, introduce a product or service, or explore potential business opportunities. Cold emails require a well-crafted message that grabs the recipient’s attention and convinces them to take action. Since the recipient has no prior knowledge of the sender, the success of a cold email depends on factors like the quality of the message, relevance to the recipient’s needs, and personalization.
    2. Warm Emails: Warm emails, on the other hand, are sent to individuals or businesses with whom the sender has some level of prior interaction or connection. These connections can be established through networking events, mutual acquaintances, previous conversations, or even social media interactions. Warm emails leverage the existing relationship or connection to establish trust and familiarity with the recipient. They tend to have higher response rates compared to cold emails because the recipient is already familiar with the sender to some extent.

    Both cold emails and warm emails have their pros and cons. Cold emails allow for reaching a larger audience but may have lower response rates. Warm emails, on the other hand, have higher response rates but are limited to individuals or businesses with whom the sender has established some form of relationship. It’s important to consider the context, target audience, and objectives of your outreach campaign to determine whether a cold or warm email approach is more suitable.

    Cold email software

    Cold email software refers to specialized tools or platforms designed to streamline and automate the process of sending cold emails. These software solutions offer features and functionalities that help users manage and optimize their cold email campaigns. Here’s a straightforward overview of cold email software:

    1. Email Campaign Management: Cold email software provides features for managing and organizing email campaigns. Users can create and schedule email sequences, set up follow-up sequences, and track the performance of their campaigns. The software often includes templates and personalization options to customize emails at scale.
    2. Automation and Personalization: Cold email software automates repetitive tasks such as sending emails, follow-ups, and tracking responses. It can also include personalization features that allow users to dynamically insert recipient-specific information, making each email feel more personalized and relevant.
    3. Email Tracking and Analytics: These tools provide insights into the performance of cold email campaigns. Users can track open rates, click-through rates, and response rates to gauge the effectiveness of their emails. Some software even offers advanced analytics to help identify the best-performing templates and optimize email content.
    4. Email Deliverability and Compliance: Cold email software often includes features to improve email deliverability and ensure compliance with anti-spam regulations. This may include features like email verification, spam filter testing, and adherence to email sending guidelines.
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    Cold email software can save time and effort by automating various aspects of the outreach process, improving efficiency, and increasing the chances of generating responses. However, it’s important to use such software responsibly and comply with legal and ethical email marketing practices to maintain a positive sender reputation and avoid any negative consequences.

    How to create cold emails that get results

    To create cold emails that get results, follow these straightforward tips:

    1. Personalize and Research: Take the time to research your recipients and personalize your emails. Address them by their name and mention something specific about their company or industry. This shows that you’ve put effort into understanding their needs and increases the chances of engagement.
    2. Write Compelling Subject Lines: Craft attention-grabbing subject lines that pique curiosity or offer value. Keep them short and concise to encourage recipients to open the email. A compelling subject line can significantly improve your email’s open rates.
    3. Keep it Concise and Clear: Keep your email content concise and focused. Avoid lengthy paragraphs and get straight to the point. Clearly communicate the purpose of your email and the benefits you’re offering. Make it easy for recipients to understand and respond.
    4. Include a Clear Call to Action: End your email with a clear call to action (CTA) that directs recipients on what to do next. Whether it’s scheduling a call, requesting more information, or visiting a website, make the desired action obvious and easy to follow.
    5. Follow Up Strategically: Don’t be discouraged by a lack of response. Follow up with polite and non-pushy reminders to increase your chances of getting a reply. Consider a well-planned sequence of follow-up emails to stay on the recipient’s radar.
    6. Test and Optimize: Continuously test and optimize your cold email campaigns. Experiment with different subject lines, email content, and CTAs to find what resonates best with your audience. Pay attention to open rates, response rates, and conversions to refine your approach over time.

    Remember, the key to successful cold emails is to provide value, personalize your messages, and respect the recipient’s time. By implementing these strategies, you can increase the effectiveness of your cold email outreach and improve your chances of generating positive responses.

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