Some users might wonder how often recruiters reach out on LinkedIn. Well, that is an excellent question to ask but really hard to answer. Since LinkedIn never provided any states for this matter and to tell the truth, it cannot be considered a very important matter. If you google “how often do recruiters reach out on LinkedIn?” you will see that only one or two users on Reddit and blind asked it! But to answer, we can say that it depends on many factors.

What does the recruiter really want? Does he want to fill a job opportunity ASAP, or he just wants to expand his perfect candidate network for future offers?

It’s better if we answer who the recruiters are. How do they find a perfect candidate, and how should we react if a recruiter connected us on LinkedIn?

The frequency of recruiters reaching out on LinkedIn can vary based on a number of factors, including the individual's industry, experience level, and location. However, it is not uncommon for professionals to receive occasional messages from recruiters, particularly if they have a strong LinkedIn profile and are actively engaged on the platform.

Who are recruiters?

Recruiters are the people who work under the HR name. They are experts in finding, selecting, and attracting suitable candidates for open job positions.

Recruiters are the people responsible for the whole labor requirement process (except for the final decision on whether to employ someone or not).

It means they are responsible for posting job ads for the open position, reviewing resumes, doing interviews whether they are on the phone or face to face, and cooperating with the hiring managers in every company, from huge ones to SMEs.

As mentioned, they don’t make the final decision in hiring someone. To make a very long story short, they are paid to work with different organizations that are seeking perfect candidates to fill a job opening.

Also, they can help the hiring managers prepare for interviewing candidates.

How often do recruiters reach out on LinkedIn?

They are often seen as brand ambassadors since they are the first person to connect with the candidates.

That’s why they have to be perfect and strong negotiators and have to be perfect in attracting applicants and, of course, presenting them to the companies.

You might wonder where the recruiters work. They might work in the HR section of large organizations and companies. These places usually have their own recruiting teams because they are usually constantly employed for vacancies they have.

Recruiters might also work in a recruiting agency that tries to fill empty positions on behalf of their clients.
Since there are different environments for recruiting jobs, there are different job titles for them as well:

  • Corporate recruiter
  • Employment representative
  • Talent acquisition expert
  • Staffs director
  • HR expert/specialist
  • Personnel manager

How do recruiters find candidates?

How often do recruiters reach out on LinkedIn?

There are multiple ways for recruiters to find candidates, and LinkedIn is just one of them:


This job-oriented platform is the best place for recruiters to find suitable candidates. Many different talents are gathered together on LinkedIn, and just to make everything easier, there are updated resumes on every user’s profile.

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Plus, they can use many filters and keywords to make the process of searching faster. Don’t forget the ‘Opentowork” profile photo frame and the open-to-work adverts for users who are seeking a new job use in their profile.

LinkedIn helps recruiters to identify active and passive job seekers and to filter them using their profiles.

Asking for referrals

It’s not like every user the recruiters connect is looking for a new position, and sometimes they cannot get persuaded to leave their current position for a new job.

That’s why sometimes, at the end of the discussion, the recruiter asks the candidates if they know someone suitable for the same job or another one they are looking for.

They try to convince new referrals by discussing the job market and attracting their attention.

Your connections might refer you to recruiters too. Yes, you just need to tell people that you are looking for a new job. They are much more likely to refer you to any recruiters who will connect them next time.

Of course, sometimes it is better not to publicly announce that you are looking for a job because many companies don’t really like their staff to look for a job while they are working for them.

Just talk about it with the connections that are reached out by the recruiters a lot.

Connections network

Perfect recruiters always have a collection of candidates and try to have a good connection with the best ones and work with them multiple times in their career path.

So whenever there is a new job vacancy, they refer to their professional network to see if they can find someone suitable for the job.

That’s why it is recommended to establish good relationships with several influential recruiters in your industry.

Don’t end your connection with these people once you are employed. Because they might have some better offers than your current position in the future.

Employer websites/job boards

This method is not as popular as LinkedIn, but some recruiters still browse these websites for new candidates.

They review different job seekers’ uploaded resumes and use different filters to find the best candidates on these job boards.

So if you have never tried uploading your resume to a large and trusted employer website, it is worth trying.

Just include the keywords you wish the recruiters find you in your resume.

Direct connection

Recruiters are just like us, don’t be afraid to send them your resume directly. They will see and respond to it.

Of course, just if your email and the attached resume are interesting enough and worth spending time on it.

Because recruiters receive hundreds if not thousands of resumes for every job, and if you just use a short generic message like “I’m subscribing for a relevant job.”

You can be sure that they will delete your message. Plus, please do not send your resume to any recruiters you find.

It is a waste of time and energy and the worst job-hunting strategy you might ever use! Just find some excellent and relevant recruiters and send them a good message and a well-thought resume.

There are other ways for recruiters to find candidates, but we selected the most popular ones here.

How to react if a recruiter massaged you?

Yes, recruiters do connect to candidates! I know it is like a dream for many people, and it makes you excited to know that employers are pursuing you and want you to work with them.

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This usually never happened in the older times, but we are in a totally new era. But remember, everything now depends on how you interact with the recruiter.

The first step is responding to the recruiter. Your response depends on your conditions right now.

Are you actively looking for a new job? Are you considering a change but not looking for a new position? Or do you like your job and not think about leaving your company?

If you are not interested in hearing more about the offer, thank the recruiter for connecting and ask them to refer back to you in the future to see if your condition has changed.

If the job is just not right for you, let the recruiter know and tell them why you think it’s not good for you because they might have a more suitable offer for you! Keep in touch with them for better offers.

If you are interested in the offer, ask them for more and an interview with the recruiter. If the interview is on the phone, make sure to do it where none of your co-workers or boss can hear you.

Better safe than sorry, right? And make sure that you have a copy of your CV during the interview.

How often do recruiters reach out on LinkedIn?

Don’t accept the job if you feel it doesn’t suit you; it definitely is not the last job vacancy on earth, and this recruiter is also not the only recruiter on the planet.

If you have doubts, just ask them for some time to think. Use the time to look at their website and the reviews different users gave the company but do not let it take more than 24 hours to make a decision.

Just as the recruiter is not the last one on earth, you are so not the only candidate they have reached out to!

Send your resume to the recruiter if you want to put it forward. Be careful! The better and more attractive your CV is, the more chances that you will get the job.

So it is worth spending time on your resume and writing it the best way possible.

Related Questions & Answers

How to Reach out to a Recruiter on LinkedIn after Applying for a Job

When reaching out to a recruiter on LinkedIn after applying for a job, it’s important to be professional and concise in your approach. Start by sending a personalized message expressing your interest in the position and your excitement about the opportunity. Mention that you have already submitted your application and briefly highlight your relevant skills and qualifications. Be sure to convey your enthusiasm and eagerness to discuss your application further. Avoid being overly pushy or demanding, and instead, focus on showcasing your interest and fit for the role. Remember to maintain a polite and respectful tone throughout your message. Additionally, it can be helpful to follow up after a reasonable amount of time if you haven’t received a response, but be mindful of not being too persistent. Keep in mind that not all recruiters may respond, so it’s essential to keep exploring other job opportunities and networking on LinkedIn.

Recruiter Reached out to Me on LinkedIn

When a recruiter reaches out to you on LinkedIn, it’s an opportunity worth exploring. Take the time to read the message carefully and understand the context. If you are interested in the position or the company, respond promptly to express your interest and gratitude for their outreach. Thank them for considering you and provide any additional information or documents they may request. Be professional and concise in your response, highlighting your relevant experience and qualifications. Ask any questions you may have about the role or the next steps in the hiring process. Remember to maintain a positive and professional tone throughout your communication. It’s important to engage in a timely manner to make a good impression and demonstrate your interest in the opportunity presented.

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We tried to answer the question: how often do recruiters reach out on LinkedIn? But unfortunately, there are no precise statistics to answer that.

Instead, we tried to tell you who the recruiters are, their job, how they do it, and how to react if they connected to you.

So take special care of the quality of the information in your LinkedIn profile and your CV to demonstrate you are an expert in your field of activity to attract recruiters to connect you.


How often should you reach out to a recruiter?

The frequency of reaching out to a recruiter should be based on the context and your relationship. Generally, it’s a good practice to follow up or reach out when you have a specific reason or update to share, such as a new achievement, a job application, or a change in your career goals. It’s also acceptable to initiate contact if the recruiter has indicated they are open to updates. However, avoid excessive or unsolicited communication, as it can be seen as spammy or annoying. Use your judgment, and prioritize quality over quantity in your interactions with recruiters.

Is it normal for recruiters to reach out to you?

Yes, it’s normal for recruiters to reach out to candidates, especially if your LinkedIn profile or resume on job search platforms is well-optimized and aligns with their hiring needs. Recruiters often proactively seek out potential candidates who match job openings they’re trying to fill. If a recruiter contacts you, it’s usually because they believe you may be a good fit for a role or have valuable skills and experience. Responding professionally to such inquiries can be an excellent way to explore new career opportunities and network within your industry.

Do recruiters like when you follow up?

Recruiters generally appreciate follow-ups when they are done appropriately. A polite and professional follow-up can demonstrate your continued interest in a position or your dedication to the application process. However, it’s important to follow up selectively and not excessively, respecting the recruiter’s time and process. If you haven’t heard back after a reasonable period, sending a concise and polite follow-up email or message can be seen as a positive sign of your commitment. It’s essential to be patient, use good judgment, and avoid being pushy or demanding in your follow-up communications.

Can recruiters see your phone number?

Recruiters on LinkedIn can potentially see your phone number if you have provided it in your LinkedIn profile’s “Contact Info” section, and you have chosen to make it visible to your connections or all LinkedIn members. However, you have control over your privacy settings on LinkedIn, and you can choose who can view your contact information. It’s essential to be mindful of your privacy preferences and adjust your settings accordingly to ensure that your personal information is only visible to the people you are comfortable sharing it with, including recruiters.

What to Say to A Recruiter on LinkedIn?

When reaching out to a recruiter on LinkedIn, it’s important to craft a concise and professional message. Start by introducing yourself and mentioning any shared connections or interests to establish rapport. Clearly express your interest in their organization and specify the type of role you’re seeking. Highlight your relevant skills and qualifications briefly, emphasizing how they align with the company’s needs. Politely request a conversation or express your willingness to provide more information. Keep your message concise, respectful, and focused on the value you can bring to their organization. Personalize each message to the specific recruiter and company you’re contacting for the best results.

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