Account-based marketing software has become an indispensable part of modern B2B marketing strategies. As marketing trends evolve, businesses increasingly focus on personalized and targeted approaches to reach their ideal customers. Account Based Marketing (ABM) has emerged as a powerful strategy to achieve this goal, and dedicated ABM software has grown exponentially in recent years.

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) software is a specialized tool designed to support marketing strategies that focus on specific target accounts rather than broad market segments. This type of software helps businesses identify and target high-value accounts, create personalized marketing campaigns, and manage interactions with key decision-makers within those accounts.

This comprehensive guide will delve into the world of account-based marketing software. We will explore what it is, its significance in contemporary marketing campaigns, and how it aligns with marketing trends.

Account Based Marketing Software

We will also provide a list of the top 16 ABM tools in 2024, complete with pros and cons for each, helping you decide which tool best suits your ABM strategy. So, let’s dive into the exciting realm of account-based marketing software.

What is Account Based Marketing Software?

Account-based marketing software, often abbreviated as ABM software, is a category of marketing automation tools. Its purpose is to facilitate the effective implementation and management of account-based marketing strategies for businesses. ABM is a B2B marketing strategy that focuses on identifying and targeting high-value accounts or businesses rather than casting a wide net to reach a broader audience.

ABM aims to create personalized marketing campaigns tailored to individual target accounts’ unique needs and preferences. This strategy requires a tight partnership between marketing and sales departments to develop extremely focused content, communication, and outreach initiatives. ABM software plays a pivotal role in streamlining these processes, making executing ABM campaigns at scale easier.

What is Account Based Marketing Software?

Account Based Marketing in Marketing Strategy

In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing strategy, account based marketing has gained prominence for several reasons. It aligns with contemporary marketing trends and addresses businesses’ challenges in effectively reaching their target audience. Let’s explore some of the key reasons why ABM is a vital component of modern marketing strategies:

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1. Targeted Approach

The ABM (Account-Based Marketing) approach allows companies to concentrate their resources and dedication on a specific set of promising accounts. This targeted approach ensures that marketing campaigns are highly relevant to the intended audience, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

2. Integration with CRM

ABM software often integrates seamlessly with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, allowing for a unified view of target accounts. This integration streamlines data management, enabling marketing and sales teams to collaborate and nurture leads more effectively.

Integration with CRM

3. Personalization

Customization plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of marketing efforts, and ABM stands out in this regard. ABM software empowers marketers to craft personalized content and messages tailored to target accounts’ specific pain points and needs.

4. Marketing Automation

Automation is a cornerstone of ABM’s strategy. ABM software automates various aspects of marketing campaigns, from email outreach to content distribution, making it more efficient and scalable.

5. Enhanced Sales Alignment

ABM encourages close collaboration between marketing and sales teams. With shared goals and strategies, these teams can effectively identify and convert high-value accounts.

6. Measurement and ROI

ABM software provides robust analytics and reporting capabilities, allowing businesses to accurately measure their ABM campaigns’ success. This data-driven approach enables continuous improvement and optimization of marketing efforts.

List of the Best 16 Account Based Marketing Tools for 2024

Now that we understand the significance of ABM software in contemporary marketing strategies, let’s delve into the top 16 account-based marketing tools for 2024. Each tool on this list has its pros and cons, ensuring you have a well-rounded view of the options available. Whether you’re an experienced marketer or new to ABM, this list will assist you in choosing the right tool for your goals.

1. CUFinder:

CUFinder is an account-based marketing tool designed to help businesses identify and target potential customers more effectively. It offers a user-friendly interface that allows users to search for companies and individuals based on specific criteria, making it easier to create targeted marketing campaigns.

CUFinder is an account-based marketing tool designed to help businesses identify and target potential customers more effectively.


  • User-friendly interface.
  • Precise search and filtering options.
  • Helps in creating highly targeted campaigns.
  • Various subscription plans.

2. 6Sense RevenueAI:

6Sense RevenueAI is a comprehensive ABM platform that leverages artificial intelligence to provide insights and predict buyer behavior. It offers real-time data and analytics to help companies personalize their marketing efforts and increase conversion rates.

6Sense RevenueAI


  • AI-driven insights for better targeting.
  • Real-time data and analytics.
  • Predictive capabilities.


  • Higher pricing for smaller businesses.
  • It may require a learning curve.

3. Demandbase:

Demandbase is a widely recognized ABM platform that provides account identification, targeting, and engagement tools. It offers many features to help businesses create personalized campaigns and drive conversions.



  • Robust account identification capabilities.
  • Extensive targeting and engagement features.
  • Integrates well with other marketing tools.


  • High pricing is not ideal for small businesses.
  • Complex setup and onboarding process.
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4. Terminus ABM Platform:

Terminus ABM Platform is designed to help businesses run account-based marketing campaigns at scale. It offers features like account targeting, advertising, and analytics to support personalized outreach.

Terminus ABM Platform


  • Scalable ABM campaigns.
  • Advertising capabilities.
  • Detailed analytics.


  • Pricing may not be budget-friendly.
  • Learning curve for beginners.

5. ZoomInfo Marketing OS:

ZoomInfo Marketing OS provides various B2B data and marketing tools to support ABM strategies. It offers contact and company data and tools for segmentation and outreach.

ZoomInfo Marketing OS


  • Extensive B2B data coverage.
  • Useful for data-driven ABM strategies.
  • Integration with popular CRM systems.


  • Cost may be prohibitive for some.
  • Limited marketing automation features.

6. Pipedrive:

While Pipedrive is primarily known as CRM software, it can also be used for ABM. It helps businesses manage their sales pipelines and track interactions with target accounts.



  • Affordable CRM solution.
  • Customizable and user-friendly.
  • Integration options with other tools.


  • Not specifically designed for ABM.
  • It lacks some advanced ABM features.

7. is a B2B data platform that offers contact and company information for targeted outreach. It assists businesses in finding and reaching the right decision-makers within their target accounts.


  • Rich B2B contact data.
  • Useful for building prospect lists.
  • Integration with CRMs and email tools.


  • Limited in-depth account analysis.
  • Pricing may vary based on data needs.

8. Alyce:

Alyce is a unique ABM tool that focuses on personalized gifting to engage with prospects and clients. It allows businesses to send personalized gifts and messages to key accounts to foster relationships.



  • Highly personalized engagement.
  • Effective for relationship building.
  • Creative approach to ABM.


  • Limited in terms of scale.
  • Costs associated with physical gifts.

9. Reachdesk:

Reachdesk is another gifting-focused ABM tool that enables businesses to send gifts and personalized messages to target accounts. It integrates with various CRMs and marketing platforms.



  • Personalized gifting for engagement.
  • Integrations with popular tools.
  • Tracking and analytics for gift performance.


  • Costs associated with physical gifts.
  • May only be suitable for some industries.

10. is an AI-driven ABM platform that automates advertising campaigns. It aims to generate high-quality leads by optimizing ad targeting based on account data.


  • AI-driven ad campaign optimization.
  • Streamlined lead generation.
  • Real-time performance insights.


  • It may require a learning curve.
  • Pricing is based on ad spend.

11. Leadfeeder:

Leadfeeder is a website visitor tracking tool that can be used for ABM. It helps businesses identify anonymous website visitors and understand their interests.



  • Reveals website visitor data.
  • Integration with CRM and marketing tools.
  • Identification of potential leads.


  • Limited in-depth account profiling.
  • May not provide contact details for visitors.

12. LeanData:

LeanData is a lead management platform that includes ABM features. It helps businesses route leads to the right salespeople, improving account-based sales efforts.



  • Lead routing and assignment.
  • Integration with CRM systems.
  • Enhances lead prioritization.
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  • Primarily focused on lead management.
  • May require additional ABM tools for full functionality.

13. Personyze:

Personyze is a personalization and marketing automation platform that can be utilized for ABM strategies. It enables businesses to deliver personalized content and messages to target accounts based on their behavior and preferences.



  • Advanced personalization capabilities.
  • Behavioral targeting.
  • A/B testing for optimization.


  • May not offer comprehensive ABM features.
  • The learning curve for complex personalization.

14. EngageBay:

EngageBay is an all-in-one marketing automation and CRM platform with some ABM capabilities. It helps businesses manage their contacts, email campaigns, and sales efforts in one place.



  • Affordable all-in-one solution.
  • CRM and marketing automation integration.
  • Basic ABM features included.


  • Limited compared to specialized ABM tools.
  • May lack advanced ABM analytics.

15. Wrike:

Wrike is primarily a project management and collaboration tool that can be adapted for ABM teams to streamline their workflow and project planning.



  • Collaborative project management.
  • Customizable workflows.
  • Integration options.


  • Not specifically designed for ABM.
  • May require customization for ABM needs.

16. Mailtastic:

Mailtastic is an email signature marketing platform that allows businesses to incorporate marketing banners and campaigns within employee email signatures. It potentially enhances brand visibility for ABM purposes.



  • Utilizes employee email signatures for marketing.
  • Tracking and analytics for email campaigns.
  • Easy to implement.


  • Limited to email signature marketing.
  • May not provide in-depth ABM targeting.

Which Tool is Best for Account Based Marketing?

Choosing the best Account-based marketing software for your business depends on several factors, including your budget, the complexity of your ABM strategy, and your specific needs. To make an informed decision, consider the following steps:

Which Tool is Best for Account Based Marketing?

1. Identify Your Goals:

Define your ABM strategy’s goals and objectives. Are you targeting a specific set of high-value accounts, improving lead conversion rates, or enhancing personalization? Knowing your goals will help you narrow down your options.

2. Assess Your Budget:

Different ABM tools come with varying price points. Consider your budget and whether you want to invest in a comprehensive ABM solution or prefer a more cost-effective option.

3. Evaluate Integration:

If you already use a CRM or marketing automation platform, check if the ABM software you’re considering seamlessly integrates with your existing systems. Integration can simplify data management and streamline your marketing and sales efforts.

4. Review Features and Scalability:

Examine the features offered by each ABM tool and assess whether they align with your needs. Consider the tool’s scalability to ensure it can accommodate your growing ABM campaigns.

Examine the features offered by each ABM tool and assess whether they align with your needs.

5. Seek Customer Feedback:

Look for reviews and testimonials from businesses that have used the ABM software you’re considering. This can provide valuable insights into user experiences and satisfaction levels.

6. Request Demos:

Many ABM software providers offer demos or trials. Take advantage of these opportunities to test the software’s usability and functionality before deciding.

7. Consult with Your Team:

Involve your marketing and sales teams in the decision-making process. Their input and feedback can help identify which tool aligns best with your organization’s goals and workflow.


Account-based marketing software is essential for modern B2B marketing, allowing businesses to run precise, personalized campaigns in line with current trends. When selecting the best ABM tool for your needs, carefully evaluate each option’s pros and cons, considering budget, integration, and scalability factors. By making an informed decision, you can harness the power of ABM to drive growth and success in your B2B marketing efforts in 2024 and beyond.

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