Zonghua Liu

About Zonghua Liu

Zonghua Liu, With an exceptional h-index of 40 and a recent h-index of 24 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at East China Normal University, specializes in the field of Nonlinear dynamics, complex networks.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Pinning synchronization of multiple fractional-order fuzzy complex-valued delayed spatiotemporal neural networks

Effects of uncommon non-isochronicities on remote synchronization

Maximal hysteretic range for explosive synchronization

Coupling resonance of signal responses induced by heterogeneously mixed positive and negative couplings in cognitive subnetworks

Heterogeneous network coupling induced coexistence of activated and inactivated clusters in individual cognitive networks

Unraveling the complexity of neural networks. Comment on" Structure and function in artificial, zebrafish and human neural networks" by Peng Ji et al.

Sensitive dynamics of brain cognitive networks and its resource constraints

Remote synchronization in multi-layered community networks with star-like topology

Zonghua Liu Information



Professor of Physics



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Zonghua Liu Skills & Research Interests

Nonlinear dynamics

complex networks

Top articles of Zonghua Liu

Pinning synchronization of multiple fractional-order fuzzy complex-valued delayed spatiotemporal neural networks

Chaos, Solitons & Fractals


Effects of uncommon non-isochronicities on remote synchronization

Chaos, Solitons & Fractals


Zonghua Liu
Zonghua Liu

H-Index: 24

Yong Zou
Yong Zou

H-Index: 5

Maximal hysteretic range for explosive synchronization

Chaos, Solitons & Fractals


Zonghua Liu
Zonghua Liu

H-Index: 24

Yong Zou
Yong Zou

H-Index: 5

Coupling resonance of signal responses induced by heterogeneously mixed positive and negative couplings in cognitive subnetworks

Chaos, Solitons & Fractals


Liyuan Deng
Liyuan Deng

H-Index: 26

Zonghua Liu
Zonghua Liu

H-Index: 24

Heterogeneous network coupling induced coexistence of activated and inactivated clusters in individual cognitive networks


Unraveling the complexity of neural networks. Comment on" Structure and function in artificial, zebrafish and human neural networks" by Peng Ji et al.


Zonghua Liu
Zonghua Liu

H-Index: 24

Sensitive dynamics of brain cognitive networks and its resource constraints

Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science


Zhiyin Yang
Zhiyin Yang

H-Index: 11

Zonghua Liu
Zonghua Liu

H-Index: 24

Remote synchronization in multi-layered community networks with star-like topology

Chaos, Solitons & Fractals


Zhiyin Yang
Zhiyin Yang

H-Index: 11

Zonghua Liu
Zonghua Liu

H-Index: 24

Partial remote synchronization in star-like networks with partial connections among leaf nodes

Physical Review Research


Condensation of eigenmodes in functional brain network and its correlation to chimera state

Communications Physics


Zonghua Liu
Zonghua Liu

H-Index: 24

Unidirectional links prefer local firing propagation in the neural network of C. elegans

Chaos, Solitons & Fractals


Zonghua Liu
Zonghua Liu

H-Index: 24

Heat flux localization and abnormal size effect induced by multi-body vibration in complex networks

Nonlinear Dynamics


Yixian Wang
Yixian Wang

H-Index: 19

Zonghua Liu
Zonghua Liu

H-Index: 24

Phase frustration induced remote synchronization

Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science


Zhiyin Yang
Zhiyin Yang

H-Index: 11

Zonghua Liu
Zonghua Liu

H-Index: 24

Quantitative assessment of the effects of resource optimization and ICU admission policy on COVID-19 mortalities

Physical Review Research


Double explosive transition in the synchronization of multilayer networks

Physical Review Research


Zonghua Liu
Zonghua Liu

H-Index: 24

Echo effect in brain networks

Chaos, Solitons & Fractals


Zonghua Liu
Zonghua Liu

H-Index: 24

A novel synchronization transition and amplitude death in the local brain networks of cortical regions


Zonghua Liu
Zonghua Liu

H-Index: 24

Understanding the mechanisms of brain functions from the angle of synchronization and complex network


Xinhua Zhang
Xinhua Zhang

H-Index: 15

Zonghua Liu
Zonghua Liu

H-Index: 24

Time-limited self-sustaining rhythms and state transitions in brain networks

Physical Review Research


Yong Zou
Yong Zou

H-Index: 5

Zonghua Liu
Zonghua Liu

H-Index: 24

Effect of remote signal propagation in an empirical brain network

Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science


Zhenhua Wang
Zhenhua Wang

H-Index: 3

Zonghua Liu
Zonghua Liu

H-Index: 24

See List of Professors in Zonghua Liu University(East China Normal University)