Zheng Sun

About Zheng Sun

Zheng Sun, With an exceptional h-index of 32 and a recent h-index of 30 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at China University of Mining and Technology, specializes in the field of Development of unconventional gas reservoirs.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A calculation model of free gas saturation in deep coalbed methane reservoirs and its application

Surface-Molecule Interaction Strength on CO2 Adsorption Capacity in Nanopores: Implications to Advance CO2 Sequestration Performance

Hydrogen adsorption in nanopores: Molecule-wall interaction mechanism

CO2 Storage Behavior in Nanopores: Implications for CO2 Sequestration in Ultra-Tight Geological Formations

Nanoconfined fluid critical properties variation over surface wettability

Gas-phase production equation for CBM reservoirs: Interaction between hydraulic fracturing and coal orthotropic feature

Nanoconfined methane thermodynamic behavior below critical temperature: liquid–vapor coexistence curve under wettability effect

Nanoconfined methane density over pressure and temperature: wettability effect

Zheng Sun Information



Associate Professor



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Zheng Sun Skills & Research Interests

Development of unconventional gas reservoirs

Top articles of Zheng Sun

A calculation model of free gas saturation in deep coalbed methane reservoirs and its application

Coal Geology & Exploration


Surface-Molecule Interaction Strength on CO2 Adsorption Capacity in Nanopores: Implications to Advance CO2 Sequestration Performance

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research


Zheng Sun
Zheng Sun

H-Index: 22

Hydrogen adsorption in nanopores: Molecule-wall interaction mechanism

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy


Zheng Sun
Zheng Sun

H-Index: 22

Yonghui Wu
Yonghui Wu

H-Index: 22

CO2 Storage Behavior in Nanopores: Implications for CO2 Sequestration in Ultra-Tight Geological Formations

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research


Zheng Sun
Zheng Sun

H-Index: 22

Nanoconfined fluid critical properties variation over surface wettability

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research


Gas-phase production equation for CBM reservoirs: Interaction between hydraulic fracturing and coal orthotropic feature

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering


Zheng Sun
Zheng Sun

H-Index: 22

Ze Zhang
Ze Zhang

H-Index: 1

Nanoconfined methane thermodynamic behavior below critical temperature: liquid–vapor coexistence curve under wettability effect

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research


Zheng Sun
Zheng Sun

H-Index: 22

Nanoconfined methane density over pressure and temperature: wettability effect

Journal of natural gas Science and engineering


Zheng Sun
Zheng Sun

H-Index: 22

Shuzhe Shi
Shuzhe Shi

H-Index: 14

Production forecast of fractured vertical wells in coalbed methane reservoirs: coupling dynamic drainage area

Arabian Journal of Geosciences


Zheng Sun
Zheng Sun

H-Index: 22

Wettability impact on nanoconfined methane adsorption behavior: a simplified local density investigation

Energy & Fuels


Shan Wu
Shan Wu

H-Index: 15

Zheng Sun
Zheng Sun

H-Index: 22

Carbon Dioxide Flow Behavior through Nanopores: Implication for CO2 Sequestration in Unconventional Gas Reservoirs

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research


Shan Wu
Shan Wu

H-Index: 15

Zheng Sun
Zheng Sun

H-Index: 22

A mechanistic study of wettability alteration of calcite as an example of carbonate reservoirs using molecular dynamics simulation

Journal of Energy Resources Technology


Zheng Sun
Zheng Sun

H-Index: 22

Optimal Nanocone Geometry for Water Flow

AIChE Journal


Zheng Sun
Zheng Sun

H-Index: 22

Hao Xiong
Hao Xiong

H-Index: 1

A review of transport mechanisms and models for unconventional tight shale gas reservoir systems


Suleiman Akilu
Suleiman Akilu

H-Index: 9

Zheng Sun
Zheng Sun

H-Index: 22

Dynamic performance prediction of coalbed methane wells under the control of bottom-hole pressure and casing pressure

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering


Zheng Sun
Zheng Sun

H-Index: 22

Cheng Liu
Cheng Liu

H-Index: 0

A new straight-line reserve evaluation method for water bearing gas reservoirs with high water production rate

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering


Nanoconfined methane flow behavior through realistic organic shale matrix under displacement pressure: a molecular simulation investigation

Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology


Zheng Sun
Zheng Sun

H-Index: 22

Shuzhe Shi
Shuzhe Shi

H-Index: 14

Effect of the variations of thermophysical properties of drilling fluids with temperature on wellbore temperature calculation during drilling



The role and its application of capillary force in the development of unconventional oil and gas reservoirs and its application

Acta Petrolei Sinica


Study of plugging capability and seepage characteristics of air foam flooding in low permeability reservoirs


See List of Professors in Zheng Sun University(China University of Mining and Technology)