Zenji Horita

About Zenji Horita

Zenji Horita, With an exceptional h-index of 113 and a recent h-index of 62 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Kyushu University, specializes in the field of Materials Science.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

High-resolution electron microscopy study of particle dispersion and precipitation in a nanostructured Al–2% Fe alloy

Improving thermoelectric properties of Bi2Te3 by straining under high pressure: Experiment and DFT calculation

Achieving high-Tc superconductivity in Magnéli phase based on Ti oxides: prediction by machine learning and material synthesis by high-pressure torsion …

Strengthening of A5052 aluminum alloy by high-pressure sliding process

Superconductivity of barium with highest transition temperatures in metallic materials at ambient pressure

Compared microstructure and properties of an AlZnMgCu alloy processed by high pressure sliding and high-pressure torsion

Benchmarking of Aluminum Alloys Processed by High-Pressure Torsion: Al-3% Mg Alloy for High-Energy Density Al–Air Batteries

Development of High-Strength Al–Cu–Mg Alloy by Combined Application of High-Pressure Torsion and Aging Treatment

Zenji Horita Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Zenji Horita Skills & Research Interests

Materials Science

Top articles of Zenji Horita

High-resolution electron microscopy study of particle dispersion and precipitation in a nanostructured Al–2% Fe alloy

Journal of Materials Science


Masashi Watanabe
Masashi Watanabe

H-Index: 6

Zenji Horita
Zenji Horita

H-Index: 62

Improving thermoelectric properties of Bi2Te3 by straining under high pressure: Experiment and DFT calculation

Scripta Materialia


Qing Wang
Qing Wang

H-Index: 3

Zenji Horita
Zenji Horita

H-Index: 62

Achieving high-Tc superconductivity in Magnéli phase based on Ti oxides: prediction by machine learning and material synthesis by high-pressure torsion …

Journal of Materials Science


Kaname Matsumoto
Kaname Matsumoto

H-Index: 17

Zenji Horita
Zenji Horita

H-Index: 62

Strengthening of A5052 aluminum alloy by high-pressure sliding process

Journal of Materials Science


Superconductivity of barium with highest transition temperatures in metallic materials at ambient pressure

Scientific Reports


Zenji Horita
Zenji Horita

H-Index: 62

Compared microstructure and properties of an AlZnMgCu alloy processed by high pressure sliding and high-pressure torsion

Journal of Alloys and Compounds


Alexis Deschamps
Alexis Deschamps

H-Index: 45

Zenji Horita
Zenji Horita

H-Index: 62

Benchmarking of Aluminum Alloys Processed by High-Pressure Torsion: Al-3% Mg Alloy for High-Energy Density Al–Air Batteries

Energy & Fuels


Zenji Horita
Zenji Horita

H-Index: 62

Diego González-Flores
Diego González-Flores

H-Index: 12

Development of High-Strength Al–Cu–Mg Alloy by Combined Application of High-Pressure Torsion and Aging Treatment

Materials Transactions


Mechanical Properties and Microstructures of Highly Fe-Containing Al–Mg–Si Alloys Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation under High Pressure

Materials Transactions


Zenji Horita
Zenji Horita

H-Index: 62

Production of ultrafine-grained aluminum alloys in upsized sheets using process of incremental feeding high-pressure sliding (IF-HPS)

Materials Transactions


Takahiro Masuda
Takahiro Masuda

H-Index: 22

Zenji Horita
Zenji Horita

H-Index: 62

Best Papers Awarded by JILM and JSTP in Materials Transactions

Materials Transactions


Zenji Horita
Zenji Horita

H-Index: 62

Achieving superplasticity in hard-to-deform metallic materials using high-pressure sliding (HPS) process

Superplasticity in Advanced Materials: ICSAM 2023


Zenji Horita
Zenji Horita

H-Index: 62

Simultaneous enhancement of strength and ductility in nonflammable Mg alloys through dynamic precipitation using severe plastic deformation under high pressure

Fundamental Research


Best Papers Awarded in 2022 by Materials Transactions

Materials Transactions


Zenji Horita
Zenji Horita

H-Index: 62

Present status and recent progress of research, using photoemission-electron microscopy at SPring-8


Zenji Horita
Zenji Horita

H-Index: 62

Unique Microstructure Evolution of HPT-Processed (α+ γ) Two-Phase Stainless Steel

Materials Transactions


Comparison of mechanical properties in ultrafine grained commercial-purity aluminum (A1050) processed by accumulative roll bonding (ARB) and high-pressure sliding (HPS)

Materials Transactions


Shoichi Hirosawa
Shoichi Hirosawa

H-Index: 16

Zenji Horita
Zenji Horita

H-Index: 62

Enhancement of Activation and Hydrogen Storage Kinetics of TiFe (Mn) Using High-Pressure Sliding (HPS) Process

Materials Transactions


Zenji Horita
Zenji Horita

H-Index: 62

Kaveh Edalati
Kaveh Edalati

H-Index: 39

Ultrafine-grained AZ61 alloy produced by high-pressure torsion: Advent of superplasticity and effect of anisotropy

Materials Science and Engineering: A


Takahiro Masuda
Takahiro Masuda

H-Index: 22

Zenji Horita
Zenji Horita

H-Index: 62

See List of Professors in Zenji Horita University(Kyushu University)