Zeinab Zaheri Abdevand

About Zeinab Zaheri Abdevand

Zeinab Zaheri Abdevand, With an exceptional h-index of 2 and a recent h-index of 2 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, specializes in the field of herbal medicine, traditional medicine, traditional pharmacy, pharmaceutical formulation.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A Review of the Wound-Healing Properties of Selected Plant Exudates

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Aqueous Extract of Persian Oak (Quercus castaneifolia CA Mey.) Fruit Hull on Dermal Wound Healing in the Rat Model

The Effect of Malva Sylvestris Cream on Episiotomy Pain and Healing: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

Determination of the effectiveness of Dorema ammoniacum gum on wound healing: an experimental study

Determination of the Effectiveness of Topical Product of Commiphora Mukul Oleo Gum Resin on Dermal Wound Healing: An Experimental Study

Evaluation of flatulence of uterus (Nafkhat-ol-rahem) as one of the causes of infertility in women from the viewpoint of Ali ibn Abbas Ahvazi and modern medicine.

Determination the effectiveness of a selected formulations of Iranian traditional medicine" Ushaq poultice"(ammoniacum gum ointment) on wound healing: An experimental study.

Zeinab Zaheri Abdevand Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Zeinab Zaheri Abdevand Skills & Research Interests

herbal medicine

traditional medicine

traditional pharmacy

pharmaceutical formulation

Top articles of Zeinab Zaheri Abdevand

A Review of the Wound-Healing Properties of Selected Plant Exudates


Evaluating the Effectiveness of Aqueous Extract of Persian Oak (Quercus castaneifolia CA Mey.) Fruit Hull on Dermal Wound Healing in the Rat Model

Jundishapur Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical Products


Alireza Malayeri
Alireza Malayeri

H-Index: 9

Zahra Basir
Zahra Basir

H-Index: 1

Zeinab Zaheri Abdevand
Zeinab Zaheri Abdevand

H-Index: 0

The Effect of Malva Sylvestris Cream on Episiotomy Pain and Healing: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

International Journal of Community Based Nursing and Midwifery


Determination of the effectiveness of Dorema ammoniacum gum on wound healing: an experimental study

Journal of Wound Care


Determination of the Effectiveness of Topical Product of Commiphora Mukul Oleo Gum Resin on Dermal Wound Healing: An Experimental Study

The International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds


Evaluation of flatulence of uterus (Nafkhat-ol-rahem) as one of the causes of infertility in women from the viewpoint of Ali ibn Abbas Ahvazi and modern medicine.

Journal of Contemporary Medical Sciences


Determination the effectiveness of a selected formulations of Iranian traditional medicine" Ushaq poultice"(ammoniacum gum ointment) on wound healing: An experimental study.

Journal of Contemporary Medical Sciences


See List of Professors in Zeinab Zaheri Abdevand University(Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences)

