Zbyněk Malenovský

About Zbyněk Malenovský

Zbyněk Malenovský, With an exceptional h-index of 33 and a recent h-index of 29 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Tasmania, specializes in the field of Remote Sensing, Imaging Spectroscopy, Radiative Transfer Modelling, Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Plant Eco-physiology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Mapping functional diversity of canopy physiological traits using UAS imaging spectroscopy

3D Radiative Transfer Modelling of Forest Canopies Reconstructed from Terrestrial Laser Scanning: A Case of Tall Australian Eucalypts

Analysing far-red SIF directional anisotropy of three structurally contrasting forest canopies towards improved GPP estimation

JRC Expert Meeting on Remote Sensing-based bark beetle outbreak detection and mapping

A leaf-level instrument bridging the light and dark reactions of photosynthesis: benchmarking spectral signals for scaling purposes

Predicting plant biomass and species richness in temperate grasslands across regions, time, and land management with remote sensing and deep learning

Considerations for Assessing Functional Forest Diversity in High-Dimensional Trait Space Derived from Drone-Based Lidar

Spectral Retrieval of Eucalypt Leaf Biochemical Traits by Inversion of the Fluspect-Cx Model

Zbyněk Malenovský Information



ARC Future Fellow Researcher (Australia)



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Zbyněk Malenovský Skills & Research Interests

Remote Sensing

Imaging Spectroscopy

Radiative Transfer Modelling

Chlorophyll Fluorescence

Plant Eco-physiology

Top articles of Zbyněk Malenovský

Mapping functional diversity of canopy physiological traits using UAS imaging spectroscopy

Remote Sensing of Environment


3D Radiative Transfer Modelling of Forest Canopies Reconstructed from Terrestrial Laser Scanning: A Case of Tall Australian Eucalypts


Analysing far-red SIF directional anisotropy of three structurally contrasting forest canopies towards improved GPP estimation

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology


JRC Expert Meeting on Remote Sensing-based bark beetle outbreak detection and mapping


A leaf-level instrument bridging the light and dark reactions of photosynthesis: benchmarking spectral signals for scaling purposes

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Zbyněk Malenovský
Zbyněk Malenovský

H-Index: 25

Jennifer E Johnson
Jennifer E Johnson

H-Index: 26

Predicting plant biomass and species richness in temperate grasslands across regions, time, and land management with remote sensing and deep learning

Remote Sensing of Environment


Javier Muro
Javier Muro

H-Index: 6

Zbyněk Malenovský
Zbyněk Malenovský

H-Index: 25

Considerations for Assessing Functional Forest Diversity in High-Dimensional Trait Space Derived from Drone-Based Lidar

Remote Sensing


Arko Lucieer
Arko Lucieer

H-Index: 34

Zbyněk Malenovský
Zbyněk Malenovský

H-Index: 25

Spectral Retrieval of Eucalypt Leaf Biochemical Traits by Inversion of the Fluspect-Cx Model

Remote Sensing


Zbyněk Malenovský
Zbyněk Malenovský

H-Index: 25

Melinda Waterman
Melinda Waterman

H-Index: 7

Impact of structural, photochemical and instrumental effects on leaf and canopy reflectance variability in the 500–600 nm range

Remote Sensing


DART-Lux: AN Unbiased and Rapid Mont Carlo Mode in Dart Model for Simulating Images of Large Landscapes

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Assessing impacts of canopy 3D structure on chlorophyll fluorescence radiance and radiative budget of deciduous forest stands using DART

Remote Sensing of Environment


Zbyněk Malenovský
Zbyněk Malenovský

H-Index: 25

Discrete anisotropic radiative transfer modelling of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence: Structural impacts in geometrically explicit vegetation canopies

Remote Sensing of Environment


Chlorophyll a fluorescence illuminates a path connecting plant molecular biology to Earth-system science


Measuring solar-induced fluorescence from unmanned aircraft systems for operational use in plant phenotyping and precision farming


Beyond APAR and NPQ: Factors coupling and decoupling SIF and GPP across scales


Detailed reconstruction of trees from terrestrial laser scans for remote sensing and radiative transfer modelling applications

in silico Plants


Jan Novotný
Jan Novotný

H-Index: 4

Zbyněk Malenovský
Zbyněk Malenovský

H-Index: 25

PROSPECT-PRO for estimating content of nitrogen-containing leaf proteins and other carbon-based constituents

Remote Sensing of Environment


Katja Berger
Katja Berger

H-Index: 18

Zbyněk Malenovský
Zbyněk Malenovský

H-Index: 25

PROSPECT-PRO: a leaf radiative transfer model for estimation of leaf protein content and carbon-based constituents


Katja Berger
Katja Berger

H-Index: 18

Zbyněk Malenovský
Zbyněk Malenovský

H-Index: 25

The global distribution of leaf chlorophyll content

Remote Sensing of Environment


Forest woody structures decrease the radiative transfer modelled far-red solar-induced fluorescence radiance more than its canopy escape ratio

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Zbyněk Malenovský
Zbyněk Malenovský

H-Index: 25

See List of Professors in Zbyněk Malenovský University(University of Tasmania)

