Yurika Ambar Lita

About Yurika Ambar Lita

Yurika Ambar Lita, With an exceptional h-index of 4 and a recent h-index of 4 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitas Padjadjaran, specializes in the field of Oral Maxillo Facial Radiology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Asimetri ketinggian kondilus dan gejala temporomandibular disorder pada pasien edentulous: studi observasional

Perbedaan densitas email normal dengan email yang diremineralisasi secara in vitro menggunakan sediaan NaF, CPP-ACP, dan karbonat apatit: studi eksperimental

Impacted Lower Third Molar Profile at Dental Hospital of Padjadjaran University

Correlation between human chronological age and dentin volume of maxillary canine

Spatial ability and anatomy learning performance among dental students

Volumetric analysis of normal condyles and those with disc displacement with reduction in the Indonesian population: A CBCT study

Analysis of dentigerous cyst, ameloblastoma, and odontogenic keratocyst panoramic radiograph and CBCT: a scoping review

Volumetric growth analysis of maxillary sinus using computed tomography scan segmentation: a pilot study of Indonesian population

Yurika Ambar Lita Information



Lecturer of Oral Maxillo Facial Radiology Faculty of Dentistry



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Yurika Ambar Lita Skills & Research Interests

Oral Maxillo Facial Radiology

Top articles of Yurika Ambar Lita

Asimetri ketinggian kondilus dan gejala temporomandibular disorder pada pasien edentulous: studi observasional

Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students


Yurika Ambar Lita
Yurika Ambar Lita

H-Index: 1

Perbedaan densitas email normal dengan email yang diremineralisasi secara in vitro menggunakan sediaan NaF, CPP-ACP, dan karbonat apatit: studi eksperimental

Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students


Fajar Fatriadi
Fajar Fatriadi

H-Index: 1

Yurika Ambar Lita
Yurika Ambar Lita

H-Index: 1

Impacted Lower Third Molar Profile at Dental Hospital of Padjadjaran University

Journal of Indonesian Dental Association


Correlation between human chronological age and dentin volume of maxillary canine

Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry


Yurika Ambar Lita
Yurika Ambar Lita

H-Index: 1

Winny Yohana
Winny Yohana

H-Index: 2

Spatial ability and anatomy learning performance among dental students

Korean journal of medical education


Volumetric analysis of normal condyles and those with disc displacement with reduction in the Indonesian population: A CBCT study

Imaging Science in Dentistry


Analysis of dentigerous cyst, ameloblastoma, and odontogenic keratocyst panoramic radiograph and CBCT: a scoping review


Yurika Ambar Lita
Yurika Ambar Lita

H-Index: 1

Indra Hadikrishna
Indra Hadikrishna

H-Index: 2

Volumetric growth analysis of maxillary sinus using computed tomography scan segmentation: a pilot study of Indonesian population

Anatomy & Cell Biology


Klasifikasi impaksi gigi molar ketiga melalui pemeriksaan radiografi sebagai penunjang odontektomi

Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia (JRDI)


Yurika Ambar Lita
Yurika Ambar Lita

H-Index: 1

Indra Hadikrishna
Indra Hadikrishna

H-Index: 2

Korelasi Usia Kronologis dengan Ketebalan Dentin Radikular Gigi Kaninus Subras Deutro-Melayu dengan Aplikasi ImageJ


Yurika Ambar Lita
Yurika Ambar Lita

H-Index: 1

See List of Professors in Yurika Ambar Lita University(Universitas Padjadjaran)