Yu-Syuan Luo

About Yu-Syuan Luo

Yu-Syuan Luo, With an exceptional h-index of 16 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at National Taiwan University, specializes in the field of toxicology, metabolism, risk assessment, new approach methodology, computational toxicology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Integrating High-throughput Phenotypic Profiling and Transcriptomic Analyses to Predict the Hepatosteatosis Effects Induced by Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances

Dose-response formation of N7-(3-benzo [1, 3] dioxol-5-yl-2-hydroxypropyl) guanine in liver and urine correlates with micronucleated reticulocyte frequencies in mice …

Bayesian-Based Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Fipronil in Food: A Case Study in Taiwan

Simultaneous toxicokinetic studies of aristolochic acid I and II and aristolactam I and II using a newly-developed microdialysis liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

Human health risk assessment from exposure to multiple sources of Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) in Taiwan

Integrating high-throughput exposure assessment and in vitro screening data to prioritize endocrine-active potential and dietary risks of pesticides and veterinary drug …

Study of urinary mercapturic acids as biomarkers of human acrylonitrile exposure

Endocrine-active substances in food: identification, evaluation, and control

Yu-Syuan Luo Information






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Yu-Syuan Luo Skills & Research Interests



risk assessment

new approach methodology

computational toxicology

Top articles of Yu-Syuan Luo

Integrating High-throughput Phenotypic Profiling and Transcriptomic Analyses to Predict the Hepatosteatosis Effects Induced by Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances

Journal of Hazardous Materials


Yu-Syuan Luo
Yu-Syuan Luo

H-Index: 9

Dose-response formation of N7-(3-benzo [1, 3] dioxol-5-yl-2-hydroxypropyl) guanine in liver and urine correlates with micronucleated reticulocyte frequencies in mice …

Food and Chemical Toxicology


Kuen-Yuh Wu
Kuen-Yuh Wu

H-Index: 21

Yu-Syuan Luo
Yu-Syuan Luo

H-Index: 9

Bayesian-Based Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Fipronil in Food: A Case Study in Taiwan



Yu-Syuan Luo
Yu-Syuan Luo

H-Index: 9

Simultaneous toxicokinetic studies of aristolochic acid I and II and aristolactam I and II using a newly-developed microdialysis liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

Food and Chemical Toxicology


Yu-Syuan Luo
Yu-Syuan Luo

H-Index: 9

Kuen-Yuh Wu
Kuen-Yuh Wu

H-Index: 21

Human health risk assessment from exposure to multiple sources of Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) in Taiwan

Sustainable Environment Research


Integrating high-throughput exposure assessment and in vitro screening data to prioritize endocrine-active potential and dietary risks of pesticides and veterinary drug …

Food and Chemical Toxicology


Yu-Syuan Luo
Yu-Syuan Luo

H-Index: 9

Kuen-Yuh Wu
Kuen-Yuh Wu

H-Index: 21

Study of urinary mercapturic acids as biomarkers of human acrylonitrile exposure

Toxicology Letters


Kuen-Yuh Wu
Kuen-Yuh Wu

H-Index: 21

Yu-Syuan Luo
Yu-Syuan Luo

H-Index: 9

Endocrine-active substances in food: identification, evaluation, and control

Frontiers in Nutrition


Yu-Syuan Luo
Yu-Syuan Luo

H-Index: 9

Shanshan Yin
Shanshan Yin

H-Index: 13

Analysis of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances in Houston Ship Channel and Galveston Bay following a large-scale industrial fire using ion-mobility-spectrometry-mass spectrometry

Journal of Chromatography Open


Simultaneous toxicokinetics characterization of acrylamide and its primary metabolites using a novel microdialysis isotope-dilution liquid chromatography mass spectrometry method

Environment International


Yu-Syuan Luo
Yu-Syuan Luo

H-Index: 9

Kuen-Yuh Wu
Kuen-Yuh Wu

H-Index: 21

Utilizing ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry for the characterization and detection of persistent organic pollutants and their metabolites

Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry


Yu-Syuan Luo
Yu-Syuan Luo

H-Index: 9

Reanalysis of trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene metabolism to glutathioneconjugates using human, rat, and mouse liverin vitromodels to improveprecision in risk …


Yu-Syuan Luo
Yu-Syuan Luo

H-Index: 9

Chemical and biological assessments of environmental mixtures: A review of current trends, advances, and future perspectives


Yu-Syuan Luo
Yu-Syuan Luo

H-Index: 9

Zunwei Chen
Zunwei Chen

H-Index: 11

Response Letter to Koivisto et al. ‘Evaluating the Theoretical Background of STOFFENMANAGER® and the Advanced REACH Tool’

Annals of Work Exposures and health


Characterization of primary glutathione conjugates with acrylamide and glycidamide: Toxicokinetic studies in Sprague Dawley rats treated with acrylamide

Chemico-Biological Interactions


Yu-Syuan Luo
Yu-Syuan Luo

H-Index: 9

Kuen-Yuh Wu
Kuen-Yuh Wu

H-Index: 21

Prediction of hepatic drug clearance with a human microfluidic four-cell liver acinus microphysiology system



Yu-Syuan Luo
Yu-Syuan Luo

H-Index: 9

Utilizing high-throughput screening data, integrative toxicological prioritization index score, and exposure–activity ratios for chemical prioritization: a case study of …

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry


Yu-Syuan Luo
Yu-Syuan Luo

H-Index: 9

Quantitative In Vitro-to-In Vivo Extrapolation for Mixtures: A Case Study of Superfund Priority List Pesticides

arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.03277


Environmental impacts of Hurricane Florence flooding in eastern North Carolina: temporal analysis of contaminant distribution and potential human health risks

Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology


Heart muscle microphysiological system for cardiac liability prediction of repurposed COVID-19 therapeutics

Frontiers in Pharmacology


Yu-Syuan Luo
Yu-Syuan Luo

H-Index: 9

See List of Professors in Yu-Syuan Luo University(National Taiwan University)