Yongke Lu

Yongke Lu

East Tennessee State University

H-index: 30

North America-United States

About Yongke Lu

Yongke Lu, With an exceptional h-index of 30 and a recent h-index of 20 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at East Tennessee State University, specializes in the field of Liver disease.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Hepatocyte-Specific PEX16 Abrogation in Mice Leads to Hepatocyte Proliferation, Alteration of Hepatic Lipid Metabolism, and Resistance to High-Fat Diet (HFD)-Induced Hepatic …

Interaction between fatty acid oxidation and ethanol metabolism in liver

Racial differences in the effect of APOE‐ε4 genotypes on trail making test B in Alzheimer's disease: A longitudinal study

PPARα mediates spontaneous upregulation of ACOX1 but not catalase in liver PEX16 absent mice that lack intact peroxisome structure.

Deep learning analysis of UPLC-MS/MS-based metabolomics data to predict Alzheimer's disease

Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis in schizophrenia with tardive dyskinesia: a preliminary study

Peroxisomes contribute to the development of alcohol-related liver disease

Alcoholic fatty liver is blunted by rFGF21 administration in mice lacking adipose FGFR1: The role of FGF21 in PPARα-mediated regulation of adipose tissue mass

Yongke Lu Information






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Yongke Lu Skills & Research Interests

Liver disease

Top articles of Yongke Lu

Hepatocyte-Specific PEX16 Abrogation in Mice Leads to Hepatocyte Proliferation, Alteration of Hepatic Lipid Metabolism, and Resistance to High-Fat Diet (HFD)-Induced Hepatic …



Interaction between fatty acid oxidation and ethanol metabolism in liver


Yongke Lu
Yongke Lu

H-Index: 20

Racial differences in the effect of APOE‐ε4 genotypes on trail making test B in Alzheimer's disease: A longitudinal study

International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry


PPARα mediates spontaneous upregulation of ACOX1 but not catalase in liver PEX16 absent mice that lack intact peroxisome structure.

Free Radical Biology and Medicine


Deep learning analysis of UPLC-MS/MS-based metabolomics data to predict Alzheimer's disease

Journal of the neurological sciences


Kesheng Wang
Kesheng Wang

H-Index: 1

Yongke Lu
Yongke Lu

H-Index: 20

Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis in schizophrenia with tardive dyskinesia: a preliminary study

Genes & Genomics


Peroxisomes contribute to the development of alcohol-related liver disease

Free Radical Biology and Medicine


Yongke Lu
Yongke Lu

H-Index: 20

Xue Chen
Xue Chen

H-Index: 2

Alcoholic fatty liver is blunted by rFGF21 administration in mice lacking adipose FGFR1: The role of FGF21 in PPARα-mediated regulation of adipose tissue mass

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications


Yongke Lu
Yongke Lu

H-Index: 20

PPARα agonist WY-14,643 induces the PLA2/COX-2/ACOX1 pathway to enhance peroxisomal lipid metabolism and ameliorate alcoholic fatty liver in mice

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications


Yongke Lu
Yongke Lu

H-Index: 20

Associations of ARHGAP26 Polymorphisms with Alzheimer’s Disease and Cardiovascular Disease

Journal of Molecular Neuroscience


Kesheng Wang
Kesheng Wang

H-Index: 1

Yongke Lu
Yongke Lu

H-Index: 20

Levels of angiotensin-converting enzyme and apolipoproteins are associated with Alzheimer’s disease and cardiovascular diseases



Yongke Lu
Yongke Lu

H-Index: 20

Kesheng Wang
Kesheng Wang

H-Index: 1

Genome-wide association study identified INSC gene associated with Trail Making Test Part A and Alzheimer's disease related cognitive phenotypes

Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry


Longitudinal analysis of APOE-ε4 genotype with the logical memory delayed recall score in Alzheimer’s disease

Journal of Genetics


PPARα agonist WY-14,643 induces adipose atrophy and fails to blunt chronic ethanol-induced hepatic fat accumulation in mice lacking adipose FGFR1

Biochemical pharmacology


Yongke Lu
Yongke Lu

H-Index: 20

PPARα agonist WY-14,643 enhances ethanol metabolism in mice: Role of catalase

Free Radical Biology and Medicine


Xue Chen
Xue Chen

H-Index: 2

Yongke Lu
Yongke Lu

H-Index: 20

Racial Differences in the Effect of APOE-ε4 Genotypes on Trail Making Test Part B in Alzheimer’s disease


Liver and Biliary Tract Physiology/Pathophysiology: High-fat diet induces fibrosis in mice lacking CYP2A5 and PPARα: a new model for steatohepatitis-associated fibrosis

American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology


High-fat diet induces fibrosis in mice lacking CYP2A5 and PPARα: a new model for steatohepatitis-associated fibrosis

American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology


Pyrosequencing analysis of IRS1 methylation levels in schizophrenia with tardive dyskinesia

Molecular Medicine Reports


See List of Professors in Yongke Lu University(East Tennessee State University)