Yigal Erel

About Yigal Erel

Yigal Erel, With an exceptional h-index of 51 and a recent h-index of 26 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, specializes in the field of environmental geochemistry.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Assessing the Circulation of Arabah Copper (Timna vs. Faynan) from the End of the Late Bronze and Iron Age in the Southern Levant by Combining Lead Isotopic Ratios with Lead …

Lead in Human Bones and Teeth Reflecting Historical Changes in Lead Production: Rome and the Levant

New evidence for long-distance trade in arsenical copper during the Early Bronze Age in the southern Levant: analysis of weapons from the Nesher-Ramla cemetery

The earliest silver currency hoards in the Southern Levant: Metal trade in the transition from the Middle to the Late Bronze Age

Sources, Timing, Environmental and Tectonic Implications of Epigenetic Mineralization Along the Arabian‐African Plate Boundary

Chemical Element Profiling in the Sera and Brain of Bipolar Disorders Patients and Healthy Controls

Vanadium in bipolar disorders—Reviving an old hypothesis

From Iberia to Laurion: Interpreting Changes in Silver Supply to the Levant in the Late Iron Age Based on Lead Isotope Analysis

Yigal Erel Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Yigal Erel Skills & Research Interests

environmental geochemistry

Top articles of Yigal Erel

Assessing the Circulation of Arabah Copper (Timna vs. Faynan) from the End of the Late Bronze and Iron Age in the Southern Levant by Combining Lead Isotopic Ratios with Lead …


Yigal Erel
Yigal Erel

H-Index: 25

Lead in Human Bones and Teeth Reflecting Historical Changes in Lead Production: Rome and the Levant


Yigal Erel
Yigal Erel

H-Index: 25

New evidence for long-distance trade in arsenical copper during the Early Bronze Age in the southern Levant: analysis of weapons from the Nesher-Ramla cemetery



Yigal Erel
Yigal Erel

H-Index: 25

The earliest silver currency hoards in the Southern Levant: Metal trade in the transition from the Middle to the Late Bronze Age

Journal of Archaeological Science


Ofir Tirosh
Ofir Tirosh

H-Index: 10

Yigal Erel
Yigal Erel

H-Index: 25

Sources, Timing, Environmental and Tectonic Implications of Epigenetic Mineralization Along the Arabian‐African Plate Boundary

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems


Chemical Element Profiling in the Sera and Brain of Bipolar Disorders Patients and Healthy Controls

International Journal of Molecular Sciences


Ofir Tirosh
Ofir Tirosh

H-Index: 10

Yigal Erel
Yigal Erel

H-Index: 25

Vanadium in bipolar disorders—Reviving an old hypothesis

International Journal of Molecular Sciences


Ofir Tirosh
Ofir Tirosh

H-Index: 10

Yigal Erel
Yigal Erel

H-Index: 25

From Iberia to Laurion: Interpreting Changes in Silver Supply to the Levant in the Late Iron Age Based on Lead Isotope Analysis

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences


Yigal Erel
Yigal Erel

H-Index: 25

Ofir Tirosh
Ofir Tirosh

H-Index: 10

High resolution elemental characterization of prehistoric flint sources in southern Israel: Implications for archaeological provenance studies

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports


How is forgery of ancient silver identified? A reply to Elsayed-Ali (2021)

Journal of Archaeological Science


Yigal Erel
Yigal Erel

H-Index: 25

Incised Late Bronze Age lead ingots from the southern anchorage of Caesarea

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports


Silver isotopes in silver suggest Phoenician innovation in metal production

Applied Sciences


Ofir Tirosh
Ofir Tirosh

H-Index: 10

Yigal Erel
Yigal Erel

H-Index: 25

Chemical and Lead Isotope Composition of Metal Scrap from Giv ‘ati Parking Lot, Jerusalem



Ofir Tirosh
Ofir Tirosh

H-Index: 10

Yigal Erel
Yigal Erel

H-Index: 25

Debasement of silver throughout the Late Bronze–Iron Age transition in the Southern Levant: Analytical and cultural implications

Journal of Archaeological Science


Ofir Tirosh
Ofir Tirosh

H-Index: 10

Yigal Erel
Yigal Erel

H-Index: 25

The paleohydrological implications of aragonite precipitation under contrasting climates in the endorheic Dead Sea and its precursors revealed by experimental investigations

Chemical Geology


Yehouda Enzel
Yehouda Enzel

H-Index: 34

Yigal Erel
Yigal Erel

H-Index: 25

Lead in archeological human bones reflecting historical changes in lead production

Environmental Science & Technology


Lead in albacore revisited: A cautionary call concerning the forecasted increase in metal production and use

Goldschmidt2021• Virtual• 4-9 July


Using laboratory investigations to reveal the palaeohydrological implications of aragonite laminae deposition in the endorheic Dead Sea and its precursors under different …

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Yehouda Enzel
Yehouda Enzel

H-Index: 34

Yigal Erel
Yigal Erel

H-Index: 25

Landscape responses to intraplate deformation in the Kalahari constrained by sediment provenance and chronology in the Okavango Basin

Basin Research


Yigal Erel
Yigal Erel

H-Index: 25

Pollution and human mobility in the southern Levant during the Iron Age using chemical and isotopic analysis of human tooth enamel

Journal of Archaeological Science


Ofir Tirosh
Ofir Tirosh

H-Index: 10

Yigal Erel
Yigal Erel

H-Index: 25

See List of Professors in Yigal Erel University(Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

