Yann Bartosiewicz

About Yann Bartosiewicz

Yann Bartosiewicz, With an exceptional h-index of 23 and a recent h-index of 20 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Université Catholique de Louvain, specializes in the field of Nuclear thermal hydraulics, ejector technology, two-phase flows, CFD, choked flows.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A Homogeneous Relaxation Model Algorithm in Density-Based Formulation with Novel Tabulated Method for the Modeling of CO2 Flashing Nozzles

A wall model for large-eddy simulation of highly compressible flows based on a new scaling of the law of the wall

An extension of the compound flow theory with shear and friction

An overview on the development and calibration of a 1D ejector model

Direct numerical simulations of natural convection in a pool containing an internally heated porous medium

Simulation and Exergy Analysis of Transcritical CO2 Ejector Flows Using the Implicit Real Gas SU2 Solver

Numerical Simulation of Two-phase CO2 Ejector Flows Using the Implicit Density-based SU2 Solver and Comparative Analysis of HEM and HRM Models

A novel experimental observation of the gravity-driven flashing of metastable water in a heated pool

Yann Bartosiewicz Information



Professor of Thermal hydraulics



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Yann Bartosiewicz Skills & Research Interests

Nuclear thermal hydraulics

ejector technology

two-phase flows


choked flows

Top articles of Yann Bartosiewicz

A Homogeneous Relaxation Model Algorithm in Density-Based Formulation with Novel Tabulated Method for the Modeling of CO2 Flashing Nozzles

International Journal of Refrigeration


Sébastien Poncet
Sébastien Poncet

H-Index: 22

Yann Bartosiewicz
Yann Bartosiewicz

H-Index: 17

A wall model for large-eddy simulation of highly compressible flows based on a new scaling of the law of the wall

Journal of Fluid Mechanics


Yann Bartosiewicz
Yann Bartosiewicz

H-Index: 17

Grégoire Winckelmans
Grégoire Winckelmans

H-Index: 21

An extension of the compound flow theory with shear and friction

arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.07236


Yann Bartosiewicz
Yann Bartosiewicz

H-Index: 17

An overview on the development and calibration of a 1D ejector model


Yann Bartosiewicz
Yann Bartosiewicz

H-Index: 17

Direct numerical simulations of natural convection in a pool containing an internally heated porous medium


Yann Bartosiewicz
Yann Bartosiewicz

H-Index: 17

Simulation and Exergy Analysis of Transcritical CO2 Ejector Flows Using the Implicit Real Gas SU2 Solver


Yann Bartosiewicz
Yann Bartosiewicz

H-Index: 17

Sébastien Poncet
Sébastien Poncet

H-Index: 22

Numerical Simulation of Two-phase CO2 Ejector Flows Using the Implicit Density-based SU2 Solver and Comparative Analysis of HEM and HRM Models


Sébastien Poncet
Sébastien Poncet

H-Index: 22

Yann Bartosiewicz
Yann Bartosiewicz

H-Index: 17

A novel experimental observation of the gravity-driven flashing of metastable water in a heated pool

Nuclear Engineering and Design


Yann Bartosiewicz
Yann Bartosiewicz

H-Index: 17

A Machine Learning-based Calibration of a 1D ejector model from CFD

36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems


Jagadish Babu Vemula
Jagadish Babu Vemula

H-Index: 3

Yann Bartosiewicz
Yann Bartosiewicz

H-Index: 17

Calibration of a 1D ejector model from full-scale experiments

ASTFE Digital Library


Yann Bartosiewicz
Yann Bartosiewicz

H-Index: 17

Numerical study of the complete operating map of ejectors in Ultra High Bypass Ratio engine bleed systems


Jagadish Babu Vemula
Jagadish Babu Vemula

H-Index: 3

Yann Bartosiewicz
Yann Bartosiewicz

H-Index: 17

Unsteady 1D gas dynamics in ejectors: a pipeline analogy


Yann Bartosiewicz
Yann Bartosiewicz

H-Index: 17

A 1D model for the unsteady gas dynamics of ejectors



Yann Bartosiewicz
Yann Bartosiewicz

H-Index: 17

Calibration of the 0D model of an air ejector by means of compressible RANS simulations


Jagadish Babu Vemula
Jagadish Babu Vemula

H-Index: 3

Yann Bartosiewicz
Yann Bartosiewicz

H-Index: 17

Turbulent heat flux modelling in forced convection flows using artificial neural networks

Nuclear Engineering and Design


Yann Bartosiewicz
Yann Bartosiewicz

H-Index: 17

Physics-constrained machine learning for thermal turbulence modelling at low Prandtl numbers

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer


Yann Bartosiewicz
Yann Bartosiewicz

H-Index: 17

Large Eddy Simulation of a supersonic air ejector

Applied Thermal Engineering


Sébastien Poncet
Sébastien Poncet

H-Index: 22

Yann Bartosiewicz
Yann Bartosiewicz

H-Index: 17

Air ejector analysis in normal and abnormal modes, oriented to control purposes in aircraft systems

9th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS)


Jagadish Babu Vemula
Jagadish Babu Vemula

H-Index: 3

Yann Bartosiewicz
Yann Bartosiewicz

H-Index: 17

An improved thermodynamic model for supersonic real-gas ejectors using the compound-choking theory



Sébastien Poncet
Sébastien Poncet

H-Index: 22

Yann Bartosiewicz
Yann Bartosiewicz

H-Index: 17

High fidelity simulations in support to assess and improve RANS for modeling turbulent heat transfer in liquid metals: The case of forced convection

Nuclear Engineering and Design


Yann Bartosiewicz
Yann Bartosiewicz

H-Index: 17

See List of Professors in Yann Bartosiewicz University(Université Catholique de Louvain)