Walter Blondel

About Walter Blondel

Walter Blondel, With an exceptional h-index of 23 and a recent h-index of 13 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Université de Lorraine, specializes in the field of UV-Vis-NIR optical spectroscopy and imaging, processing of multidimensional spectroscopic data, Image processing, light-tissue interactions modelling.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Multimodal and Multispectral Endoscopic Imaging with Extended Field of View

A dataset of optical spectra and clinical features acquired on human healthy skin and on skin carcinomas

Multimodal optical spectroscopy for human skin cancer in vivo diagnosis

Multimodal characterization of optical properties of urinary stones ex vivo for classification based on hyperspectral imaging, terahertz spectroscopy and integrating sphere …

Photometric and Monte-Carlo modeling unified approach for the calculation of spatially-resolved correction coefficients linking simulated and experimental diffuse reflectance …

Implementation of data fusion to increase the efficiency of classification of precancerous skin states using in vivo bimodal spectroscopic technique

Caractérisation optique des carcinomes cutanés par spectroscopie optique: le dispositif SpectroLive

La tomographie confocale de cohérence optique (méthode LC-OCT): imagerie optique cutanée 3D combinée à la clarification optique

Walter Blondel Information



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Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Walter Blondel Skills & Research Interests

UV-Vis-NIR optical spectroscopy and imaging

processing of multidimensional spectroscopic data

Image processing

light-tissue interactions modelling

Top articles of Walter Blondel

Multimodal and Multispectral Endoscopic Imaging with Extended Field of View

Unconventional Optical Imaging for Biology


Christian Daul
Christian Daul

H-Index: 11

Walter Blondel
Walter Blondel

H-Index: 15

A dataset of optical spectra and clinical features acquired on human healthy skin and on skin carcinomas

Data in Brief


Walter Blondel
Walter Blondel

H-Index: 15

Marine Amouroux
Marine Amouroux

H-Index: 5

Multimodal optical spectroscopy for human skin cancer in vivo diagnosis


Multimodal characterization of optical properties of urinary stones ex vivo for classification based on hyperspectral imaging, terahertz spectroscopy and integrating sphere …


Photometric and Monte-Carlo modeling unified approach for the calculation of spatially-resolved correction coefficients linking simulated and experimental diffuse reflectance …

Optics Express


Implementation of data fusion to increase the efficiency of classification of precancerous skin states using in vivo bimodal spectroscopic technique

Journal of Biophotonics


Caractérisation optique des carcinomes cutanés par spectroscopie optique: le dispositif SpectroLive


La tomographie confocale de cohérence optique (méthode LC-OCT): imagerie optique cutanée 3D combinée à la clarification optique


In vivo skin optical clearing efficacy quantification of clinically compatible agents using line-field confocal optical coherence tomography

Journal of Biomedical Optics


Marine Amouroux
Marine Amouroux

H-Index: 5

Walter Blondel
Walter Blondel

H-Index: 15

Evaluating the efficacy of different data processing methods in diagnosing precancerous skin conditions in a preclinical in-vivo model using bimodal spectroscopy


Characterization of human skin optical clearing based on confocal optical coherence tomography imaging and optical clearing agents for clinical use


Walter Blondel
Walter Blondel

H-Index: 15

Marine Amouroux
Marine Amouroux

H-Index: 5

Assessing the effectiveness of multimodal data fusion methods for in-vivo diagnosis of pre-cancerous skin conditions in a preclinical model


Human skin phototype and apparent age classification based on machine learning methods of autofluorescence and diffuse reflectance spectroscopic data acquired in vivo


Walter Blondel
Walter Blondel

H-Index: 15

Marine Amouroux
Marine Amouroux

H-Index: 5

Imagerie endoscopique multimodale et multispectrale à champ de vue étendu

Imageries optiques non conventionnelles pour la biologie


Christian Daul
Christian Daul

H-Index: 11

Walter Blondel
Walter Blondel

H-Index: 15

Nouvelles imageries optiques en pratique clinique: état de l’art


Marine Amouroux
Marine Amouroux

H-Index: 5

Walter Blondel
Walter Blondel

H-Index: 15

Experimental evaluation of human skin optical clearing in vivo efficiency using biocompatible agents and optical coherence tomography


Comparison of the performance of different classification and decision fusion methods to analyse spectra obtained from precancerous skin lesions by using bimodal spatially …


A novel signature and authentication cryptosystem for hyperspectral image by using triangular association encryption algorithm in gyrator domains

Applied Sciences


Effective Fluorescence Control for TUR of the Bladder


Intraoperative video-fluorescence navigation by PpIX and tissue saturation measurement during surgical resection of gastric malignant tumor


Walter Blondel
Walter Blondel

H-Index: 15

Christian Daul
Christian Daul

H-Index: 11

See List of Professors in Walter Blondel University(Université de Lorraine)