Waleed Alahmad

About Waleed Alahmad

Waleed Alahmad, With an exceptional h-index of 15 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Chulalongkorn University, specializes in the field of Analytical Chemistry Sensors Sample preparation Chromatography.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Recent cutting-edge approaches to the integration of solid-liquid extraction with deep eutectic solvents: Toward a greener procedure for biomass valorization

Innovative Graphene-Based Nanocomposites for Improvement of Electrochemical Sensors: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications

Graphene-based gel electromembrane extraction coupled with modified screen-printed carbon electrode for detecting streptomycin in honey samples: Greener strategy for food analysis

Graphene-Based Nanocomposites in Electrochemical Sensing

Recent trends in microextraction methodology for food analysis

Development of paper-based microfluidic technology for food quality analysis

Membrane-based microextraction systems for preconcentration of chromium species: a short review

Molecularly imprinted polymer paper-based analytical devices for biomarkers detection

Waleed Alahmad Information



Senior Postdoctoral - Chemistry Faculty of Science



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Waleed Alahmad Skills & Research Interests

Analytical Chemistry Sensors Sample preparation Chromatography

Top articles of Waleed Alahmad

Recent cutting-edge approaches to the integration of solid-liquid extraction with deep eutectic solvents: Toward a greener procedure for biomass valorization

Advances in Sample Preparation


Innovative Graphene-Based Nanocomposites for Improvement of Electrochemical Sensors: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications


Waleed Alahmad
Waleed Alahmad

H-Index: 7

Graphene-based gel electromembrane extraction coupled with modified screen-printed carbon electrode for detecting streptomycin in honey samples: Greener strategy for food analysis



Waleed Alahmad
Waleed Alahmad

H-Index: 7

Pakorn Varanusupakul
Pakorn Varanusupakul

H-Index: 12

Graphene-Based Nanocomposites in Electrochemical Sensing


Waleed Alahmad
Waleed Alahmad

H-Index: 7

Pakorn Varanusupakul
Pakorn Varanusupakul

H-Index: 12

Recent trends in microextraction methodology for food analysis


Saeed Nojavan
Saeed Nojavan

H-Index: 23

Waleed Alahmad
Waleed Alahmad

H-Index: 7

Development of paper-based microfluidic technology for food quality analysis


Waleed Alahmad
Waleed Alahmad

H-Index: 7

Pakorn Varanusupakul
Pakorn Varanusupakul

H-Index: 12

Membrane-based microextraction systems for preconcentration of chromium species: a short review


Waleed Alahmad
Waleed Alahmad

H-Index: 7

Pakorn Varanusupakul
Pakorn Varanusupakul

H-Index: 12

Molecularly imprinted polymer paper-based analytical devices for biomarkers detection


Electrochemical paper-based analytical devices for environmental analysis: Current trends and perspectives


Designing an electrochemical sensor based on ZnO nanoparticle-supported molecularly imprinted polymer for ultra-sensitive and selective detection of sorafenib

Analytica Chimica Acta


Ahmet Cetinkaya
Ahmet Cetinkaya

H-Index: 3

Waleed Alahmad
Waleed Alahmad

H-Index: 7

Recent elaborations in electromembrane microextraction technique for preconcentration of chromium species: A mini-review


Waleed Alahmad
Waleed Alahmad

H-Index: 7

Emulsification liquid-liquid microextraction coupled with droplet digital image colorimetric detection for determination of rhodamine B in food and beverage samples

Advances in Sample Preparation


Waleed Alahmad
Waleed Alahmad

H-Index: 7

Pakorn Varanusupakul
Pakorn Varanusupakul

H-Index: 12

Evaluation of electrochemical behavior combined with the sensitive and selective determination of ceftriaxone using molecularly imprinted polymer-based sensor

Microchemical Journal


Application of oxygen scavengers in gel electromembrane extraction: A green methodology for simultaneous determination of nitrate and nitrite in sausage samples

Food Chemistry


Waleed Alahmad
Waleed Alahmad

H-Index: 7

Pakorn Varanusupakul
Pakorn Varanusupakul

H-Index: 12

In-line gas purging exploiting a novel converging flow-on paper optosensing device for the determination of total ammonia-nitrogen in water samples

Advances in Sample Preparation


Waleed Alahmad
Waleed Alahmad

H-Index: 7

Pakorn Varanusupakul
Pakorn Varanusupakul

H-Index: 12

Design and Conduct of Lab@ Home Chemistry Experiment: The Effect of Strong Acid and Base on Buffered and Unbuffered Systems

Journal of Chemical Education


Waleed Alahmad
Waleed Alahmad

H-Index: 7

Somsak Pianwanit
Somsak Pianwanit

H-Index: 9

A selective and sensitive colorimetric method for semi-automated solid-phase extraction of atrazine in environmental water samples

Microchemical Journal


Waleed Alahmad
Waleed Alahmad

H-Index: 7

Thanyalak Chaisuwan
Thanyalak Chaisuwan

H-Index: 17

An environmentally friendly and simple method for producing multi-layer exfoliated graphene in mass production from pencil graphite and its utilization for removing cadmium …

Carbon Letters


Waleed Alahmad
Waleed Alahmad

H-Index: 7

Pakorn Varanusupakul
Pakorn Varanusupakul

H-Index: 12

Recent developments and applications of microfluidic paper-based analytical devices for the detection of biological and chemical hazards in foods: a critical review


Green chemistry methods for food analysis: Overview of sample preparation and determination


See List of Professors in Waleed Alahmad University(Chulalongkorn University)

