Vukašin Rončević

About Vukašin Rončević

Vukašin Rončević, With an exceptional h-index of 3 and a recent h-index of 3 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Univerzitet u Beogradu, specializes in the field of Soil erosion and soil and water conservation.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Construction and Calibration of Dripping Rainfall Simulator with a Single Dripper for Soil Research

Ecological and Economic Effects of Applying the Future Agricultural Production Structure Model (FAPSMS): The Case Study of the Barička River Basin

Анализа могућности примене габионских зидова за санацију клизишта–Студија случаја клизиште на путу Столице–Крупањ на km 0+ 578, 6-0+ 605, 90

Dripping Rainfall Simulators for Soil Research

Soil Degradation Indicators as a tool for Climate-Smart Urban Forestry

Future Agricultural Production Structure Model (Fapsms) Impact On Soil Erosion

Rainfall Simulators For Soil Research–Construction And Development

Drop Size Generated by Dripping Rainfall Simulators for Soil Research–Review

Vukašin Rončević Information



Research trainee Faculty of Forestry



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Vukašin Rončević Skills & Research Interests

Soil erosion and soil and water conservation

Top articles of Vukašin Rončević

Construction and Calibration of Dripping Rainfall Simulator with a Single Dripper for Soil Research

EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024


Ecological and Economic Effects of Applying the Future Agricultural Production Structure Model (FAPSMS): The Case Study of the Barička River Basin



Vukašin Rončević
Vukašin Rončević

H-Index: 0

Nikola Živanović
Nikola Živanović

H-Index: 0

Анализа могућности примене габионских зидова за санацију клизишта–Студија случаја клизиште на путу Столице–Крупањ на km 0+ 578, 6-0+ 605, 90



Nikola Živanović
Nikola Živanović

H-Index: 0

Vukašin Rončević
Vukašin Rončević

H-Index: 0

Dripping Rainfall Simulators for Soil Research

Encyclopedia Platform


Soil Degradation Indicators as a tool for Climate-Smart Urban Forestry

23rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, EMEC23, Book of abstracts, December 3rd-December 6th, 2023, Budva, Montenegro


Nikola Živanović
Nikola Živanović

H-Index: 0

Vukašin Rončević
Vukašin Rončević

H-Index: 0

Future Agricultural Production Structure Model (Fapsms) Impact On Soil Erosion

Book of abstracts-International conference on transboundary catchment erosion and pollution problems, 19-24 July, 2023, Belgrade, Serbia


Vukašin Rončević
Vukašin Rončević

H-Index: 0

Nikola Živanović
Nikola Živanović

H-Index: 0

Rainfall Simulators For Soil Research–Construction And Development

Book of abstracts-International conference on transboundary catchment erosion and pollution problems, 19-24 July, 2023, Belgrade, Serbia


Drop Size Generated by Dripping Rainfall Simulators for Soil Research–Review


Comparison of the physical properties of soils on transverse profiles along the gullies

The 5th WASWAC World Conference-Adaptation strategies for soil and water conservation in a changing world, Proceedings, 19th–23rd June 2023, Olomouc, Czech Republic


Nikola Živanović
Nikola Živanović

H-Index: 0

Vukašin Rončević
Vukašin Rončević

H-Index: 0

Economic effects of applying future agricultural production structure model (fapsms)

Book of abstracts-International conference on transboundary catchment erosion and pollution problems, 19-24 July, 2023, Belgrade, Serbia


Vukašin Rončević
Vukašin Rončević

H-Index: 0

Nikola Živanović
Nikola Živanović

H-Index: 0

The Influence of Rainfall Simulators Dripper size, Type and Dripping Speed on Generated Drop Size

Book of abstracts-2nd Rainfall Simulator Workshop," Towards harmonisation in the use of rainfall simulators", 22-24 May, 2023 Coimbra, Portugal


Using Portable Field Rainfall Simulator for Experimental Research of Soil Resistance

Book of abstracts-2nd Rainfall Simulator Workshop," Towards harmonisation in the use of rainfall simulators", 22-24 May, 2023 Coimbra, Portugal


Nikola Živanović
Nikola Živanović

H-Index: 0

Vukašin Rončević
Vukašin Rončević

H-Index: 0

Dripping rainfall simulators for soil research—Performance review


The possibility of application of handheld devices for determining soil resistance to erosion processes of forest ecosystems (Serbian)


Development of rainfall simulators for soil erosion research

Soil Erosion Workshop 2022, Abstracts


Vukašin Rončević
Vukašin Rončević

H-Index: 0

Nikola Živanović
Nikola Živanović

H-Index: 0

Application of Simple Additive Weighting Method for Selection of Appropriate Measures in the Rehabilitation of the Landslide

Abstract book-SOIL Erosion and Torrential Flood: Prevention: Curriculum Development at the Universities of Western Balkan Countries Conference (SETOF) November 3rd 2022, Goč


Nikola Živanović
Nikola Živanović

H-Index: 0

Vukašin Rončević
Vukašin Rončević

H-Index: 0

Dripping Rainfall Simulators Design for Soil Research

Abstract book-SOIL Erosion and Torrential Flood: Prevention: Curriculum Development at the Universities of Western Balkan Countries Conference (SETOF) November 3rd 2022, Goč


Experimental Research of Soil Resistance Using Portable Field Rainfall Simulator

Abstract book-SOIL Erosion and Torrential Flood: Prevention: Curriculum Development at the Universities of Western Balkan Countries Conference (SETOF) November 3rd 2022, Goč


Nikola Živanović
Nikola Živanović

H-Index: 0

Vukašin Rončević
Vukašin Rončević

H-Index: 0

Increase of Urban Forests Sustainability by Assessing Landscape Sensitivity

Book of abstracts-International Scientific Conference Forestry Science for Sustainable Development-FORS2D, Perspectives of forestry and related sectors as drivers of sustainable development in the post-Covid era, 29-30 September 2022, Banja Luka, Republic


Origin and Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metals in Mountain Beech Forests Soils Across Europe

Book of abstracts-International Scientific Conference Forestry Science for Sustainable Development-FORS2D, Perspectives of forestry and related sectors as drivers of sustainable development in the post-Covid era, 29-30 September 2022, Banja Luka, Republic


Nikola Živanović
Nikola Živanović

H-Index: 0

Vukašin Rončević
Vukašin Rončević

H-Index: 0

See List of Professors in Vukašin Rončević University(Univerzitet u Beogradu)

