Victoria A Banks

About Victoria A Banks

Victoria A Banks, With an exceptional h-index of 15 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Southampton, specializes in the field of Human Factors.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

What factors may influence decision-making in the operation of Maritime autonomous surface ships? A systematic review

Increasing connectivity: Using operator event sequence diagrams to assess the integration of new technology within the flight deck

The application of a system‐based risk management framework and social network analysis to the Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship system: Who are the decision‐makers in the wider …

Using operator event sequence diagrams to assess the integration of new technology within the flight deck

Investigating decision-making in the operation of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships using the Schema World Action Research Method

Maritime autonomous surface ships: can we learn from unmanned aerial vehicle incidents using the perceptual cycle model?

Human Factors on the Flight Deck: A Practical Guide for Design, Modelling and Evaluation

Resilience engineering on the road: using operator event sequence diagrams and system failure analysis to enhance cyclist and vehicle interactions

Victoria A Banks Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Victoria A Banks Skills & Research Interests

Human Factors

Top articles of Victoria A Banks

What factors may influence decision-making in the operation of Maritime autonomous surface ships? A systematic review


Victoria A Banks
Victoria A Banks

H-Index: 12

Increasing connectivity: Using operator event sequence diagrams to assess the integration of new technology within the flight deck

Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries


Victoria A Banks
Victoria A Banks

H-Index: 12

Neville A Stanton
Neville A Stanton

H-Index: 64

The application of a system‐based risk management framework and social network analysis to the Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship system: Who are the decision‐makers in the wider …

Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries


Victoria A Banks
Victoria A Banks

H-Index: 12

Jon Downes
Jon Downes

H-Index: 8

Using operator event sequence diagrams to assess the integration of new technology within the flight deck

Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries


Investigating decision-making in the operation of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships using the Schema World Action Research Method


Maritime autonomous surface ships: can we learn from unmanned aerial vehicle incidents using the perceptual cycle model?



Victoria A Banks
Victoria A Banks

H-Index: 12

Human Factors on the Flight Deck: A Practical Guide for Design, Modelling and Evaluation


Victoria A Banks
Victoria A Banks

H-Index: 12

Neville A Stanton
Neville A Stanton

H-Index: 64

Resilience engineering on the road: using operator event sequence diagrams and system failure analysis to enhance cyclist and vehicle interactions

Applied Ergonomics


Neville A Stanton
Neville A Stanton

H-Index: 64

Victoria A Banks
Victoria A Banks

H-Index: 12

Predicting and mitigating failures on the flight deck: an aircraft engine bird strike scenario



Understanding human decision-making when controlling UAVs in a search and rescue application


Pilot decision‐making during a dual engine failure on take‐off: Insights from three different decision‐making models


25 Years of road safety: The journey from thinking humans to systems-thinking

Applied ergonomics


Victoria A Banks
Victoria A Banks

H-Index: 12

Predicting design-induced error on the flight deck: An aircraft engine oil leak scenario

Human factors


Victoria A Banks
Victoria A Banks

H-Index: 12

Neville A Stanton
Neville A Stanton

H-Index: 64

Designing flight deck applications: combining insight from end-users and ergonomists

Cognition, Technology & Work


Victoria A Banks
Victoria A Banks

H-Index: 12

Neville A Stanton
Neville A Stanton

H-Index: 64

Using the Perceptual Cycle Model and Schema World Action Research Method to generate design requirements for new avionic systems

Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries


Victoria A Banks
Victoria A Banks

H-Index: 12

Neville A Stanton
Neville A Stanton

H-Index: 64

Turing in the driver's seat: Can people distinguish between automated and manually driven vehicles?

Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries


Neville A Stanton
Neville A Stanton

H-Index: 64

Victoria A Banks
Victoria A Banks

H-Index: 12

Leaps and shunts: designing pilot decision aids on the flight deck using Rasmussen’s ladder

Contemporary ergonomics and human factors


Victoria A Banks
Victoria A Banks

H-Index: 12

Neville A Stanton
Neville A Stanton

H-Index: 64

See List of Professors in Victoria A Banks University(University of Southampton)