Victor Wei-Chung CHANG

About Victor Wei-Chung CHANG

Victor Wei-Chung CHANG, With an exceptional h-index of 46 and a recent h-index of 39 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Monash University, specializes in the field of Urban Sustainability, Air Quality, Built Environment, Waste to Energy, Environmental Impact Assessment.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Delving Beneath the Surface: A Systematic Review of Human Experience of Indoor Thermal Environments through Electroencephalogram (EEG)

Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs)-based mobile sensing for Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) monitoring: Current challenges and future directions

Oxidative potential and health risk assessment of ambient fine particulate matter around an opencast coal mining area in India

O-322 Assessing exposure to diesel particulate matter of truck drivers and streetside vendors in a heavily industrialised city in India

Optimizing the Passive House Planning Package simulation tool: A bottom-up dynamic approach to reduce building performance gap

Machine learning-based analysis of occupant-centric aspects: critical elements in the energy consumption of residential buildings

Co-pyrolysis of sewage sludge and food waste digestate to synergistically improve biochar characteristics and heavy metals immobilization

Examining particulate matter exposures in & around an opencast coal mine in Southern India

Victor Wei-Chung CHANG Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Victor Wei-Chung CHANG Skills & Research Interests

Urban Sustainability

Air Quality

Built Environment

Waste to Energy

Environmental Impact Assessment

Top articles of Victor Wei-Chung CHANG

Delving Beneath the Surface: A Systematic Review of Human Experience of Indoor Thermal Environments through Electroencephalogram (EEG)


Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs)-based mobile sensing for Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) monitoring: Current challenges and future directions


Oxidative potential and health risk assessment of ambient fine particulate matter around an opencast coal mining area in India

ISEE Conference Abstracts


O-322 Assessing exposure to diesel particulate matter of truck drivers and streetside vendors in a heavily industrialised city in India

Occupational and Environmental Medicine


Optimizing the Passive House Planning Package simulation tool: A bottom-up dynamic approach to reduce building performance gap

Energy and Buildings


Machine learning-based analysis of occupant-centric aspects: critical elements in the energy consumption of residential buildings

Journal of Building Engineering


Co-pyrolysis of sewage sludge and food waste digestate to synergistically improve biochar characteristics and heavy metals immobilization

Waste Management


Examining particulate matter exposures in & around an opencast coal mine in Southern India

Saf Health


Co-pyrolysis of sewage sludge and organic fractions of municipal solid waste: Synergistic effects on biochar properties and the environmental risk of heavy metals

Journal of Hazardous Materials


Performance gap in a multi-storey student accommodation complex built to Passivhaus standard

Building and Environment


A review of building parameters’ roles in conserving energy versus maintaining comfort


Kinetics and modeling of trace metal leaching from bottom ashes dominated by diffusion or advection

Science of the total environment


Xiaomin Dou
Xiaomin Dou

H-Index: 24

Victor Wei-Chung Chang
Victor Wei-Chung Chang

H-Index: 35

Human exposure and risk assessment of recycling incineration bottom ash for land reclamation: A showcase coupling studies of leachability, transport modeling and bioaccumulation

Journal of hazardous materials


Xiaomin Dou
Xiaomin Dou

H-Index: 24

Ashiq Ahamed
Ashiq Ahamed

H-Index: 9

Victor Wei-Chung Chang
Victor Wei-Chung Chang

H-Index: 35

Comparison and modeling of leachate transportation dominated by the field permeability with an anisotropic characteristic based on a large-scale field trial study



Xiaomin Dou
Xiaomin Dou

H-Index: 24

Victor Wei-Chung Chang
Victor Wei-Chung Chang

H-Index: 35

Comparative leaching characteristics of fly/bottom ashes from municipal solid waste incineration under various environmental stresses

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management


Xiaomin Dou
Xiaomin Dou

H-Index: 24

Victor Wei-Chung Chang
Victor Wei-Chung Chang

H-Index: 35

See List of Professors in Victor Wei-Chung CHANG University(Monash University)

